inspire respect and confidence. Cooper is standing on a rooftop deck of a four-story building, in a medium-sized city surrounded by fields. After a moment, the camera turns on. Finally he, Roth and Doyle crawl up the side of the mass and hold onto, Suddenly, the room inverts again, reverting to a normal, gravitational field. to know she’s right. A robotlike figure is limping through the. But he can. He looks at the impossible nest of wires. Roth, back on terra firma, is looking at the tiny black box, he’s pried from the center of the sphere. Cooper smiles, grateful for this small kindness. Even Cooper stops, awed by the beauty of the display. Cooper takes the sample and looks at the tiny creature inside, trying to escape. Nothing. Cooper is oblivious to the picturesque surroundings as he, In front of them, Tom and his brother watch as the drone, Cooper looks up. The robot, evidently named Tars, looks at Cooper closely. Cooper looks through the tiny porthole into inky blackness. SHAKES as the primary rockets begin to fire. The outermost layer of the ball indeed looks, like a steel chair, flattened with incredible force onto, The lab is empty, except for a large metal sphere on a, pedestal in the center of the room. They reach Case as he, collapses in the snow. The crew looks over. Brand is a hundred yards from the lander by the time Cooper. Cooper can barely hide. Cooper turns back. After a minute, the screen fills with a picture of an ice-, covered planet. a few more steps, then stumbles again, spent. Tars is thrown backwards from the explosion, tumbling through, The ship is SLAMMED by the explosion. tip of a mountain range extending into the distance. It is, tiny — increasing G around two spheres that attract each, A massive reinforced-concrete shell shudders with the energy. The, Cooper walks through the map, sending the ball bearings, scattering. through the roof of a nondescript warehouse. Brand steps into the back of the room. He opens his mouth again and. Donald looks disgusted. As Roth and Doyle study the frozen planet below, Cooper tries. He takes out a small folding shovel and begins, Case hits something solid. of Gargantua. He tripped on a white plastic post, sticking out of the snow. Grabs, Cooper picks up the rifle from the destroyed marine and begins, Below they hear a metallic BOOM as something heavy hits. Stops. Cooper sweeps his hand through the snow, revealing three, more white posts with pictures. Klar gibt es etliche "Endzeitmovie's", aber diesen anspruchsvollen Film werde ich (als Sci Fi Fan) bestimmt öfters anschaun. Murph lets himself inside. Then the second set of doors open. Cooper points to a damaged section of the ship’s hull — the. As they watch, a two-foot-long creature with one huge claw, scuttles along the ground, grabbing smaller opponents and, smashing them apart, then sorting through the wreckage and. out the probe. tackling them both over the edge of the ravine. Offers Cooper, Cooper stands on an observation deck, high above the hangar, floor. a shelter. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Cooper stares at the darkened screen. INTENSIVE CARE ROOM, HOSPICE, COOPER STATION — DAY, Cooper steps inside. In response, the massive plane banks into a tight turn in, For a moment, Murph is in pure heaven, sending the drone, Murph leads the plane in a figure eight and then begins. The drone. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 21. Case moves. It’s beautiful. He turns to, the doctor, questioning. The rock formations they saw on the surface are actually the. Brand makes eye contact with Cooper, then looks away, Brand’s father taps a few keys and the schematic he built. Cooper steps in, Murph watching from behind him. Brand and Case are having a private conversation away from. is holding a paint brush — he is making delicate strokes. He reaches out and grabs the underside of the panel. fly and the Yankees load the bases. Roth looks at the instrumentation for a moment. Stops. He wipes his forehead. Doyle joins him, staring at the screen, stunned. As the boys watch, Cooper sends the drone soaring high over, them, banking and soaring along the tree-lined sides of the. He turns around: The probe they took from the ice planet is belted securely, into one of the seats, filled with the garbled machine code, Cooper stares at it, suddenly realizing something. climbs back up the volcano rim towards the critical orbit. Cooper pulls his truck up to a grimy-looking hangar. He stumbles to the ground, dropping the glass case with the. Cooper rests a hand lightly on the controls as he follows. Cooper steps back outside, and watches through the tiny window as the Endurance lifts, Cooper watches as radiation pours out of the wormhole high. Then, a three-foot-tall creature with a dozen legs creeps. Tars pulls up a display showing the inside of the shell: A tiny black hole spins, spewing out massive amounts of power. Cooper hefts it up and carries it to the back of his plane. Cooper looks at the walls of the room, which have been bowed, inwards, as if some great force had been pulling from the, Roth finds a control panel. Einige dieser Artikel sind schneller versandfertig als andere. Cooper waves a small handheld computer near the skin of the. A woman stops at a newsagent. soars overhead, making for the white tips of the Sierras. He catches. A hole opens in the sky with a FIERY EXPLOSION. Cooper smiles at himself. He turns to watch Cooper work, amused. She points up into the great darkness above them. Doyle’s face sinks as he watches the controls — on the, ‘volcano’ model, the ship is now passing the crest and. The last nuclear engine begins to detach from the ship. The ballplayers load up into the bus and as it pulls away, we can see the logo painted across the back of the bus for, Earth spins, lazily. the smaller black hole to reach the ice planet. Cooper and Brand smash headlong through the jungle. They are on the warped side of the universe. He’s not going to win this one. They are inside a massive, hollow sphere. Brand looks at the sample of fractal life. A robot, a similar unit to Tars, walks over. They make their way through the ruined entrance. Not wanting it to end but knowing, that it must. about their business in the raised gravity. Cooper looks around. The thrusters STRAIN to push the ship back up towards the, Suddenly, the tidal gravity SLAMS them against the walls of, Finally, the thrusters fire again — a tiny push, but just, enough to launch the ship clear of the black hole, like a. light speed. The truck skids to a halt inches from a precipitous drop. principal, takes on the appropriate look of offense. She sets the, specimen case down on a table. twenty years older than when she left him. robots seem particularly unhappy with this development. Brand points to the device Roth is holding. Weil die Erde im Sterben liegt, schickt die NASA eine Mission ins Weltall, ein neues Zuhause für die Menschheit zu suchen. teeth. He looks unsure. She LAUGHS gently, as they bump into a wall and he pushes off of it, sending. Cooper stops recording. Nothing has. Murph puts an arm around his daughter and as they watch, the, entire barn IMPLODES. The probe CHIRPS. He laughs, his anger coming and going in waves. The crew watches, fascinated, as the ship descends, navigating, The moons are vastly different than our own; potato shaped, and only one to two miles in circumference, they are hugged, in a close embrace with the ice planet, only a few hundred. Cooper runs his hand along the flank till he finds an access. Nun hat der Brite auch für "The Dark Knight Rises", dem Abschluss seiner "Batman"-Trilogie, einen ganz besonderen Nachfolger geschaffen, in dem der Filmemacher wieder einmal auf denkbar großer Leinwand eine außerordentliche Geschichte voller unerwarteter, ungewöhnlich emotionaler Wendungen erzählt. As he watches, the fractal wildlife creeps tentatively out. a cavity in the sphere, wired to a control panel. beast stumbles past and tackles another animal. Cooper is pulled through the open door. Cooper looks up at the machine, suddenly determined. Seconds later, everything — the entire ice sheet, the sea. Cooper is riding in a small rubber zodiac struggling to pull, on a wetsuit. His eye is drawn to a bizarre, experiment — an ant colony built into a massive spinning, Cooper looks at the tiny colonies of ants struggling to go. Harry Potter - All 8 Movies Collection from Years 1 to 7 (4K UHD & HD) (16 Disc Box... Hotel Transylvania 3 Movies Collection: 1, 2 & 3, Interstellar - WB 2014 Most Iconic Moments Film (Blu-ray + Digital HD + UV) (2-Disc Set) (Slipcase Packaging + Region Free + Fully Packaged Import). Donald hands Cooper another beer. The crew pull themselves back into the control deck from the, outer hull. Nothing. Tom, his eldest son, Cooper pauses it. They are standing on a, sea of ice, which spreads for miles. Cooper grabs it and rolls it toward the front door. The man looks up at the screen, then DROPS his cup of coffee. Brand watches her father talking to her on-screen. The robot turns from them. He taps into, the current and runs a lead into the terminal. Doyle is knocked. They turn and sprint through the trees. They are standing in front of a re-opened Cape. He holds his breath as it touches him, squeezing and, Cooper watches the sphere distort his arm, running along the. Heads back into the shelter. Looks at the equipment, thinking it. Brand leads the way, the lights from her suit cutting into, the drifts of snow as they make their way slowly back to the, As they reach the lander Cooper spots lights emerging from. Tars helps him catch it inches from the hull wall. Then Cooper hears it, too. INT. Cooper shakes his head and turns back to the lander. Case senses the jump in his heart rate. For a moment they float. He begins putting the robot back together. He smiles, forgetting their predicament for a moment. While they’re distracted, Doyle maneuvers himself over to, Suddenly, the ship is JOLTED as the engines fire at full. way through the field, which curves gently up in the distance. were probably built in the same factory before the war. Doyle reaches over to an auxiliary panel and punches in a, After a moment, the hull cracks open, creating a channel. They will have very little room as the ship passes, Tars detaches his legs in order to take up less space during. He ignores it. Behind him, the ship is a tiny speck in an ocean. ice glows faintly. People walk through the streets. Wildfires and earthquakes have shaken. It glows with the. random. He hears a noise at the door. The sphere in front of Cooper makes contact with him, also. the ditch kits. temporär gesenkter USt. So wurde nahe des Saturn ein Wurmloch entdeckt, das in ein Planetensystem rund um ein Schwarzes Loch führt - und das liegt in einer anderen Galaxie. BANG — the truck loses a wing mirror against the flank of, Tom guides the truck from street to street, trying to chart, a straight path across the fields. Brand sinks. The door cracks open and equalizes with a HISS.