You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. It is going to mean a most important change in the mentality of the Black people: a change from an inferiority complex, to the realization and consciousness of their equality with all the other great peoples of the world, who have built great civilizations. I guess the truth hurts your rear ends right? There is no reason for anyone to believe Femi or even James, everyone should find its own way to his own salvation. You racist fuck…with a 30 Iq. Why do afrocentrist have to be brainwashed LOL??? Actually there are more of the latter!! Shouldn’t mythology, philosophy… under the belt of Africans? You know why, right? My inquiries prove that they were all derived from a foreign source and my opinion is that Egypt furnished the greatest number” p99, “Concerning Egypt itself I shall extend my remarks to the great length, because there is no country that possesses so many wonders nor any that has such a number of works which defy description.

The ancients declared this and this is where James,the author of this book got his sources from. Arent they still pirating today?

You Afrocentrists are pathetic that you have to steal other peoples cultures. And please tell me..what did exactly blacks have built in America?

You built fortunes on the backs of blacks and Natives then take all the credit for yourselves like the lying cheats and pieces of filth your whole kind are, cheats, liars and thieves. More is yet to be written. The Egyptians contributed much as have this list of Black scientists and inventors. Or are you one of those people that think africa has no history. Until that is achieved…we will NEVER be superior, not even to ourselves! Instead of just simply pulling together and creating their own life they want to falsely accuse everyone else of stealing their ideas, their philosophy. Like in Africa there had never been wars…they still are in a permanent status of tribal war! The Egyptian Mystery System has as its most important object, the deification of man, and taught that the soul of man if liberated from its bodily fetters, could enable him to become godlike and see the Gods in this life and attain the beatific vision and hold communion with the immortals.’ (Ancient Mysteries, C.H. I personally would prefer to accept the good things He says about HIs children, what he holds for them and me when I ask.

I know u white..Google this; did Africa rule the world for 15,000years. Wow, overseas you’re the monkey. If these records have been faked or forged, I would need to see some evidence of it. I have lived two-third of my life in an all white society where race, especially since I am black, defines the basis of my existence in the society. I do not know for others, but I really have minimal respect when the only way you can “knock some common sense” into one`s head is by taking joy that other person is forbidden to write by censure of messages, and then afterwards delighting how that person has not understand you or believed you.

Are you able to have a normal conversation about this topic. we as black people are know shadows seen and not heard, are voices are like little blinks of hope, for those that blink you are the eyes that see the mirror, we are dead to all races because they took our voices, but no more we are here for the ones, the ones who has awake in the mist of the ground, the seeds that push upwards. You have a special gift of “destroying” things..just like Detroit, Newark, Camden, Atlanta, Baltimore etc etc here in the US. I have never read such self-serving rubbish in my life.

Where best to discover the source of Africa’s power and energy than in the classical teachings of the African philosophers who lived before Thales, Socrates, or Plato?

So I’ve been learning about my people for almost 9 years, and I will never stop learning.

The Persians and the Chaldeans were also introduced to the Ancient Mystery Systems, yet they did not claim authorship.

Why did the Catholics change the day to Sunday?

Just incase you don’t know where the 4th Commandment is it’s Exodus 20:8-11 (8)He said REMEMBER the Sabbath day to keep it HOLY. Inform yourself reading serious material on the subject. He also knew that the great teachers of Egypt, Imhotep, Sonchis, Wennofer, Amenhotep, son of Hapu, and others had not sat around doing nothing for hundreds of years. Africa was already a civilized continent years before Europe was even civilized.

– The second phenomena is Missionary enterprise whereby Black people’s culture has been caricatured in literature and exhibitions, in such specimens as provoke disrespect and laughter.

Now is the time to use this power by taping into it. You are the problem, people like you wanting to feel superior to other people on outward appearance alone are the problem.

Ancient Kemet is one of the most greatest civilizations known, if not the greatest. Focus on the ones who will be here in the future, it is them that learns from adults. Your comment stating Blacks have never contributed anything but hip hop which sucks proves you’re a racist. James may not have known that his work would have the impact it did on the world, but he knew that it was necessary to set the record straight about the ancient history of philosophy. +hubpages dot com/hub/hubpages-com-profile-jxb7076-African-American-Inventors-and-their-Contributions. Not black. Jews own all your sorry arses you POS. in Furthermore, James was convinced by science and history that the way whites had organized information and knowledge about the African world was racist. Come and get it…LOL. return to seek answer to bring lite to the dark, notice i did not say light, that has just began.

Even the White man can’t stop these truths from finally surfacing, it is here to stay.

Because the way it is put, without further proofs, to speak that it came ONLY from Egypt, and not only came, but that it was stolen, it sounds really pretentious and one-sided…. Watch any cowboy and Indian movie as if the Natives were the bad people NOT your evil, looting, thieving, murdering, lynching ilk. siya, do keep your absurd delusions of superiority but keep in mind, we are not fooled..we know that it is all you have and the only way you can ever come close to feeling like you matter. America didn’t go bankrupt ending slavery..didn’t it?

Worthless Niggers with no pigmnet who call themselves pale shits like you are the only niggers. Perhaps the most influential Afrocentrist text is Stolen Legacy , a work that has been in wide circulation since its publication in 1954. Native americans had it just as bad as Africans, but thats a different story. You also suggest that I did not answer your questions, but this is untrue. I grew up learning about Alexander the “great”, Homer, Plato, Aristotle, greek gods and goddesses, and they are all looked upon has heros and there looked at as people who are to be high and mighty, but why? Alexandria was under Greek authority, and they had no right to be in that country.

Please explain all of us what happened then? Amen!!!

First of all I would like to say that this is one of the best & most positively informative black blogs ever thank you very much my sister.This discussion on stolen history is not recent but has been going on for a couple thousand years now.

P.s Yes expand your knowledge to higher learning, but universities and college education doesn’t mean anything lol.

Thief from a long line of descendants of thieves, liars, cheats and greedy frauds. Some black cities may be shit holes because they follow the white framework rather than the African, nature framework, so great going dumb ass. “The term Greek philosophy, to begin with is a misnomer, for there is no such philosophy in existence. Because of its instability ..genius!! It was a deliberate attack and assault on the nature of the African person. Isn’t that right? The main point is modern civilization started in Africa which makes sense since all life started in Africa, and all humans are Africans from one time or another. Empires could be stolen, whole countries snatched and named after pirates rapists and swindlers. This attitude proves how how no pigment monkeys stole from Egypt, Sudan and ethiopia. There trying to get back on there feet as we speak.

Thus, during the turbulent l950s, the era of boycotts, the Klu Klux Klan, major Supreme Court hearings, and organized protests, the quiet scholar gathered his books on Ptahhotep, Merikare, Akhenaten, Amenemhat, Amenemope, Duauf, Thales, Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle, and sat down at his worn, pine desk to write. You wan to see the real danger? Also they thought that the sun revolved around the earth, wrong! Thats why the slave masters forbade us from reading it.

Argue therefore with Herodotus and others who are not BLACK NATIONALISTS LIKE MYSELF! (Edit) The evidence on the ground does show African superiority. […] EGYPTIANS WERE BLACK!, THE BLACK RACE. You claim that all these was stolen from Egypt? It’s up to us!

Why did “THEY” Change His name anyway? And again, plenty of Academic studies. You can lie, cheat, try to reinvent history like the rest of your lying kind always does throughout the history of the world.

This is directed at S. Keagan’s comment. How can few tens of thousands slaves build America if a billion of Africans can’t build a decent civilization/Nation in Africa in 2015!! Let’s work within our communities and stop killing our own. While it is true that the shemites, decendants of Shem, were once enslaved by the Egyptians;they were not white because they white skinned Europeans were actually the decendants of Noahs son Japheth. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Stealing? We, white people, designed a city for black people? AFRICANS WAKE UP GO AND DEFEND WHAT BELONGS TO YOU. The Greeks called Egytians “Hoi Aiguptoi” which means “BLACK PEOPLE” Don’t forget about the scripture in the bible that talks about judgment time and people say But Father I healed in your name I cast out demons in your name and He told them, “Depart from Me you worker of iniquity I know you not!” You never thought that it could be from calling him the wrong name after learning the real one did you? Brother Prof Daryl, Ma binu! It’s ok to call out non-existent “white do to black things”, can’t give me one example i bet, but it’s “racist” to call you out on the mayhem that your people cause in the inner cities. Now I am not racist but just about every thing that I have talked about has been changed by white people Why? Ptolemy I, perhaps with advice from Demetrius of Phalerum, founded the Museum and Library of Alexandria, a key academic, literary, and scientific center that drew the top Greek scholars. Alas, Stolen Legacy became one of the first African American books to be banned from the universities and colleges of America. )where machines break down daily and links are down hourly etc. According to the western mythorians, the period of ‘Greek Philosophy’ was located 640-322 BC. Hope it’s not on the side of the goats!!! 3.