20th International Migration Conference Thursday/Friday, 18-19 June 2020 School of Social Work, University of Applied Sciences and Arts North-western Switzerland, Olten “The Multicultural Condition” is the thematic focus of the International Migration Conference 2020. & Michalinos, Z. with Philipp Eigenmann and Tobias Studer); "Work, Migration, and Social Work" (2015, ed. Her current research explores the sexual and reproductive health issues of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children & adolescents. (2012), Teaching Contested Narratives Identity, Memory and Reconciliation in Peace Education and Beyond. Volumes and issues. Part of Springer Nature. His recent work has examined the intersection between civic and religious epistemologies in educational contexts. with Markus Ottersbach); "Mi-gration, Familie und Gesellschaft" (2014, ed. His main fields of interest and research are workplace integration, disability management and migration. The Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes original research papers and policy discussions that enhance the understanding of immigration, settlement and integration and that contribute to policy development. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of with Fabian Kessl, Thomas Olk and Stefan Schnurr); "International Handbook of Migration, Minorities, and Education. Journal of International Migration and Integration. She has a range of peer-reviewed publications and has been an invited speaker at international conferences. Understanding Cultural and Social Differences in Processes of Learning" (2012, ed. Thomas Geisen is Professor of Workplace Integration and Disability Management at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Social Work. Evidence from Thai Manufacturers, Surrogate Guardian: Responsibility to Protect Migrants in Disasters and Responses by the Japanese State, Religious Identity and Borderless Territoriality in the Coptic e-Diaspora, Return Imaginaries and Political Climate: Comparing Thinking About Return Mobilities Among Pakistani Origin Migrants and Descendants in Norway and the UK. Journal of International Migration and Integration All Volumes & Issues Volume 18, Issue 1, February 2017 ISSN: 1488-3473 (Print) 1874-6365 (Online) Journal home; Journal updates; About the Editors; About the Editors . Beiträge zu Bildung, Gender und Care" (2013, ed. New York: Springer. Foreign Workers’ Time Use in Spain: Evidence from the First Decade of the Twenty-First Century, Antecedents of Trust among Citizens and Non-citizens in Qatar, Labour Market Discrimination: the Lived Experiences of English-Speaking Caribbean Immigrants in Toronto, Professional Journeys of International Medical Graduates in Quebec: Recognition, Uphill Battles, or Career Change, English as a Border-Drawing Matter: Language and the Regulation of Migrant Service Worker Mobility in International Labor Markets, Does Immigration always Promote Innovation? Swedish Reception of Unaccompanied Refugee Children—Promoting Integration? Search. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Recent research includes: "Aging workforce and low-skilled work" (2015-2017, ongo-ing); "Life-strategies of migrant families in marginalized quarters" (2012-2015, completed), "De-mographic change and private sector disability management in Australia, Canada, China and Switzerland: A comparative study" (2013-2015, completed), "The separation of parents and chil-dren in transnational families" (2010-2013, completed), in which he has widely published. Journal of International Migration and Integration. You’re seeing our new journal sites and we’d like your opinion, please with Zvi Bekerman); "Arbeit in der Moderne" (2012); "Disability Management and Workplace Integration" (2011, ed. with Tobias Studer and Erol Yildiz), "Migration, Familie und soziale Lage. Journal home; Volumes and issues; Search within journal. 2012) International Handbook of Migration, Minorities and Education Understanding Cultural and Social Differences in Processes of Learning. Pat Cox's research, publications and teaching are influenced by her study of English, Sociology, German and Social Work. The Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scholarly journal, which publishes original research papers, policy discussions and book reviews that enhance the understanding of immigration, settlement and integration … In addition to publishing multiple papers in a variety of academic refereed journals, Bekerman was the founding editor of the refereed journal Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: An International Journal. & Geisen, T. (Eds. Pat Cox is Reader in Social Work and Social Justice in the School of Social Work, Care & Community, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK. Together with Thomas Geisen and Zvi Bekerman she is Co-Editor of the book series ‘Migration, Minorities and Modernity’ (Springer Publications). He is particularly interested in how concepts such as culture and identity intersect with issues of social justice, intercultural and peace education, and citizenship education. You’re seeing our new journal sites and we’d like your opinion, please - with Hen-ry Harder). Thomas Geisen. Evidence for Canada, Welcoming Initiatives and Immigrant Attachment: The Case of Windsor, Branding ‘Canadian Experience’ in Immigration Policy: Nation Building in a Neoliberal Era, The Unravelling of Identities and Belonging: Criminal Gang Involvement of Youth from Immigrant Families, Psychosocial Adaptation and School Success of Italian, Portuguese and Albanian Students in Switzerland: Disentangling Migration Background, Acculturation and the School Context, Why High School Students Aspire to Emigrate: Evidence from Greece, A Journey Without Planned Destination: Traumatic Transmigration Experiences of Refugee Children. Part of Springer Nature. Psychologized language in education: Denaturalizing a regime of truth, Palgrave Macmillan – Springer; Bekerman, Zvi (2016),  The Promise of Integrated and Multicultural Bilingual Education: Inclusive Palestinian-Arab and Jewish Schools in Israel, Oxford University Press;  Bekerman, Z. You’re seeing our new journal sites and we’d like your opinion, please send feedback. Journal of International Migration and Integration, Why Do So Many Children of Immigrants Attend University? Volume 21 March - September 2020. Authors of open access articles published in this journal retain the copyright of their articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. He is also an Associate Fellow at The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for The Advancement of Peace. Recent publications include "Migration, Minderheiten und Demokratie" (2016, ed. Not logged in with Tobias Studer and Erol Yildiz), "Soziale Arbeit und Demokratie" (2013, ed. Springer Nature. Journal of International Migration and Integration. Journal of International Migration and Integration publishes open access articles. Her publications and research examine experiences and issues in the lives of children, young people and their families, with a particular focus on their experiences of migration. Thomas Geisen is Professor of Workplace Integration and Disability Management at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Social Work. Zvi Bekerman teaches anthropology of education at the School of Education, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and is a faculty member at the Mandel Leadership Institute in Jerusalem. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. She has co-researched with young people in local community settings; explored awareness of environmental concerns in social work education courses in the UK; the application of somatic movement education for qualifying social workers and the body as an absent presence in social work education and practice. Visit our Open access publishing page to learn more. He holds de-grees in social work (Catholic University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Saarbrücken, Germany), sociology (University of Trier, Germany) and political sciences (MA, Guildhall Univer-sity, London), and received his doctorate in sociology from the University of Basel, Switzerland. September 2020, issue 3; June 2020, issue 2 ; March 2020, issue 1; Volume 20 February - November 2019. Among his most recent books: Bekerman, Z., & Zembylas, M. (2018). Earlier research includes working with survivors of child sexual abuse and their safe carers; research into the views of parents and carers involved in safeguarding procedures and a Knowledge Review for SCIE on child wellbeing and parental mental health.