He said they thought the match would look cool but when they got there, the special effects were set up terribly as Muta was trying to blow out the fire with his mist as Tommy Young went over to put it out and it came off terrible. Cornette reads some of the new guidelines at that time. Cornette asked Joe Pedecino why they booked that night and he was told they were saving the weekend shows for the bigger cities as Cornette went through his book and showed him they usually drew six-figures there has Pedecino had no idea. Cornette said that Luger was not a natural worker and had a hard time feeling out wrestling but was a solid heel. On the Western States Heritage Title, Cornette said that Dusty loved flying out to Texas and wanted to have a belt for when they toured there but they barely ran in that area as he talks about how no one gave a shit about the belt and it got phased out as a result.

He then said when Tony came back to WCW the following year he was miserable. Cornette said Glass was an idiot and basically a go-fer for Cohen then talks about how he decided, for the first time in history, to book a show in Greensboro, NC on a Wednesday night and it only drew $19,000, the lowest ever for that city. Cactus Jack made his debut. Kayfabe Commentaries will have a dedicated channel on the Powerslam TV lineup, offering subscribers of Powerslam TV some of our acclaimed shoot-style programming. Had came across a dailymotion channel that surprisely had RF Video Shoots, some Kayfabe Commentaries and Youshoots vids as well. He said Haynes refused to sell the tennis racket because he said they had to get over huge, despite teams like the Road Warriors selling the racket. This was back in November of 1988. The interview was conducted by Sean Oliver. Disco Inferno Shoot Interview. He talks about Don Glass, who was hired from the WWF where he was the assistant under Ed Cohen, who booked the arenas. Perhaps his most recognizable work was in the WWE where he personally trained … Ricky Steamboat returned to the company on January 21st after he was revealed as Eddie Gilbert’s surprise partner. ECW is a trademark of WWE. Jim Cornette 2000 Shoot Interview. Timeline The History of WWE 2001 with Lisa Moretti. You can purchase this On Demand for $20.99 or the DVD, which is a Two DVD set for $25 by clicking on the link below. Cornette won the Manager’s Bunkhouse match on New Years Day 1989 after tossing out J.J. Dillon. Flair resigned from the booking committee as Cornette tells us Flair sent a memo to everyone about how he had Herd changing his ideas and was not promised full control as promised and would go back to being a wrestler full-time. He then said that Scott did not want to promote the show because it would kill the house show business if people saw them on TV as Cornette talks about how ridiculous that notion is as they had ran these specials for over a year.

The first question asked is about the “Bunkhouse Stampede” series, which started on Christmas in 1988 and ran through January of 1989.

On the Round-Robin Tournament for “Starrcade,” Cornette said that it was problematic choosing who would be in there and who would job and they all struggled to come up with finishes.

Finlay gives his thoughts on Bobby Lashley and if he’s really as talented as WWE pushed him to be.

Cornette said that it wasn’t until Turner bought the company when they got involved in backstage politics as before that, they were all making money and just did what they wanted after the show. Flair then called Cornette at that time that he wanted him on his committee but first he had to take care of something, which was getting rid of Eddie Gilbert. of 2006 and eventually a Red version (Raw) will be released and we’ll get to fully see the different atmosphere from both brands.

Watch Now. Finlay share one of his favorite matches of his career which was with Chris Benoit at that year’s edition of Judgment Day and talks more in-depth of the Benoit tragedy. Cornette then talks about how they gave notice after Scott told them he had no plans for them and there contract was expiring in May but Scott got fired before that and Jim Ross asked them if they would reconsider. Cornette confirms that the Ding Dongs were a Jim Herd idea. Had came across a dailymotion channel that surprisely had RF Video Shoots, some Kayfabe Commentaries and Youshoots vids as well. AUGUST Cornette then tells a story about Scott, who said he never heard of them when hired as booker, walked right past Bobby Eaton as he held the door for him one day. Enter your email address to subscribe this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Had came across a dailymotion channel that surprisely had RF Video Shoots, some Kayfabe Commentaries and Youshoots vids as well. The Dynamic Dudes made their debut at the May 6th TV tapings from Center Stage. and tells why are they different from each other.

He said the ratings were shit as it was not promoted, which was insane as WCW was owned by a television company. This will be very interesting in the future as this was the Blue version (Smackdown!) He even worked with a broken tailbone and even had to fly by kneeling into the seat and hunching over the chair due to the pain but still wrestled. He asked his team if they wanted that as they said yes, as Bobby also had three kids to support. Shane Douglas and Francine Shoot Interview, Blue Meanie and Jasmin Claire Shoot Interview, Faceoff Volume 14 New Jack and Balls Mahoney, FaceOff Volume 2 Iron Sheik New Jack and HTM, Timeline The History of WWE 1997 with Jim Cornette, Timeline The History of ECW 1994 Shane Douglas, Timeline The History of WWE 2006 with Fit Finlay, Timeline The History of WWE 1999 with Sean Morley, Timeline The History of WWE 2000 with Rikishi, Timeline The History of WWE 2001 with Lisa Moretti, Timeline The History of WWE 1995 with Kevin Nash, Bell to Bell Volume 2- Iron Sheik and Jamie Dundee, Youshoot with Jim Cornette-The Lost Questions, Press J to jump to the feed. Flair did not like Gilbert’s Memphis-style of booking and that Gilbert once changed a finish to put himself over Ron Simmons in Memphis which pissed Flair off so Cornette was going to replace Gilbert’s spot. On the Midnight Express vs. They devised an angle to have the original MX managed by Heyman attack the current version on TV. He said TBS officials brought in top guys in for a meeting to ask about Dusty, under the pretense that it was confidential but it was not as Tully talked badly about Dusty, who found out by those conducting the meeting, so Dusty kicked Tully off of the Crockett’s plane and as a result, Tully & Arn Anderson left for the WWF. On October 6th, TBS Executive Vice President Bob Levi and Vice President of Programming Jeff Carr sent out a memo that said there would not be anymore violence on their shows, due to the plastic bag angle and mugging of Scott Steiner.

He talks about losing the Tag Team Tournament Finals to the Freebirds but the air conditioning in the building was broken and it was over 100 degrees in the building. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. At that time, it featured Jim Herd, Jim Barnett (who Cornette credits for inventing “studio” wrestling), Jim Ross, Eddie Gilbert, and Jody Hamilton (Who Cornette said was in charge of the jobbers and the ring crews). Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Kayfabe Commentaries LLC. Cornette talks about how he fought Shane Douglas but before that in a match the crowd was yelling “Johnny sucks dick” at Johnny Ace as fans draped a bedsheet over the balcony that read “Johnny sucks Shane’s dick.” He then said that he came up with the idea that he would accidentally sign a contract to wrestle Shane. Finlay has been involved in the professional wrestling business for over 30 years. Additionally, we will be transitioning our KC Vault subscription service to the Pivotshare platform, making possible the expansion of the KC Vault service to include 100+ KC shows at all times. Cornette said they all thought he either had Alzheimer’s or was the biggest goofball ever due to the way he presented himself. ( Log Out /  Juventud Guerrera Shoot Interview. Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Kayfabe Commentaries LLC.

He then talks about how Jim Crockett was the interim booker from when Dusty was fired to when they brought in George Scott and how he hated Randy Rose and wanted him to eat the pin in a “Loser Leaves Town” match then have Condrey get a new partner, which Cornette thought was awful because they were the original team. He then talks about the awful tension at the booking meetings and how no one got along and nothing got accomplished as Herd suggested stuff that would hurt the product and wanted to change what Flair wanted to do. Sheik then came back after the year ended as they forgot to send the notice to cancel his contract so as a result it rolled over as the Sheik got paid for another year but is work was still so bad that they sent him home again until his contract finally ran out. Cornette said that Jim Ross wanted to re-create the Rock & Roll Express and saw that Skateboards were popular and thought it would work but the gimmick was awful. Finlay gives his opinion on whether WWE really used Guerrero’s death and exploitation as a cheap tactic to boost their ratings and product. Dropping You On The Head With Awesomeness! A very early and interesting story involves the use of the real name of the wrestler, it is a common practice for wrestlers to use pseudonyms as they’re portraying a fictional character and Finlay goes up to the littlest detail on why most wrestlers use pseudonyms instead of their real name. The Boogeyman is discussed and Finaly gladly gives details about the whole thing since he was partially responsible for his creation. Breaking Kayfabe with Jim Cornette. Cornette said that Dangerously’s rendition was incorrect as Flair slammed the door after yelling at Heyman then a little bit after that, Dangerously tossed the garbage can while Flair was behind a closed door. SEPTEMBER