[2], From a hatch in the machine's front emerged the Jedi Master that Starkiller had been searching for. During the battle, Starkiller was suddenly struck from behind and his lightsaber fell from his hand. Kir Kanos | After a series of battles in which his clones were almost completely wiped out his army was made up of only Paratus' droids and creations. Luuke Skywalker | User Info: felixrush. Pol Secura, Other Kueller | [2], After navigating the junk world, the assassin arrived in Paratus's facsimile Temple and was confronted by a Titan armed with two large vibro-axes and a variety of weapons tipping its other arms. Sith Lords: Darth Azard | Darth Havok | Darth Kruhl | Darth Luft | Darth Maladi | Darth Nihl | Darth Rauder | Darth Reave | Darth Ruyn | Darth Stryfe | Darth Talon | Darth Vurik | Darth Wredd | Darth Wyyrlok I | Darth Wyyrlok II | Darth Wyyrlok III | Saarai | Vul Isen Faie | kmckeever 11 years ago #1. Dark Acolytes: Sev'rance Tann | Sora Bulq | Asajj Ventress | Tol Skorr | Kadrian Sey, Nightsisters Darth Guile | Drexl Roosh | [2], The old Jedi then attempted a telekinetic assault, but the Sith apprentice fought back, catching the massive chunk of machinery Paratus used and throwing it back. Darth Karnage | Vergere | Chom Frey Kaa | Starkiller then watched as Kazdan Paratus faded away into the Force. Kazdan Paratus untextured model and concept art. Once the player presses the square button to finish him, the buttons that appear one by one are: These are the buttons that finish the Kazdan Paratus fight on the Xbox 360. Although he took the damaged weapon to his quarters and attempted for an hour to repair it, he was unsuccessful in restoring the weapon as he could not realign the lightsaber crystals to the lens and failed to connect the emitter matrix to the power conduit. Kazdan Paratus war ein Jedi-Ritter des Alten Jedi-Ordens, der während der Klonkriege lebte. Azrakel | Sep 23, 2008 #1 I … Prince Xizor | Paratus served as a General in the Grand Army of the Republic, positioning himself on the front lines, building medical and power droids as well as other machines designed to support the Grand Army. How do you defeat Kazdan Paratus? Sai Sircu | After an intense fight, Kazdan Paratus seemed to get the upper hand, but Starkiller took to destroying the replicas of the Jedi Council members. Maris Brood | The Emperor boarded and told Vader to kill the apprentice, at which he reluctantly complied, impaling Starkiller, using the Force to throw him around the room, and finally out of a viewport into the vacuum of space. Jorrus C'baoth | While he floated there, drifting in and out of consciousness, he experienced numerous visions of past and future events, including one of Paratus worriedly watching the Rogue Shadow land on the surface of Raxus Prime. Gilad Pellaeon | Lord Starkiller | He was well trained in Lightsaber combat and the usage of Light Side powers. He was well trained in Lightsaber combat and the usage of Light Side powers. Unidentified Sith Master (Dxun) | When Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller, was sent to kill him Paratus made his droids attack him. Tavion Axmis | Nom Anor | Original poster. Sorzus Syn | Jenna Zan Arbor | He rolled through the machine's legs and cut up its spine, scoring a deep blow. [1], The crippled machine attempted to turn at the man, but he used his lightsaber to cut at both its vibro-axe arms, forcing it to drop one axe. In his delusional state, Paratus would hold mock Council meetings, vowing to protect them from harm. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Welk | Darth Andeddu | [1], As he lay dying, Paratus uttered his last words, apologizing to the 'Masters' for failing them again. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Achievements, https://theforceunleashed.fandom.com/wiki/Kazdan_Paratus?oldid=6241. Brakiss | When the Galactic Empire came to power and the Republic and Jedi Order were destroyed, Paratus abandoned his colleagues and fled to the planet of Raxus Prime on the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Kazdan Paratus was an Aleena Jedi who favored his mind over any kind of physical strength. I remember that when his droid is spawning in the room, you can keep attacking it and deal damage to it. Darth Homiiz | Kleef | Kadann | Starkiller took Paratus' lightsaber and left the ruined temple. Baron Merillion Tarko | Due to these circumstances, he was forced to create his own troops that consisted of combat droids that he assembled using makeshift parts. The twenty year old was a fairly good looking human male. Kazdan Paratus | Abeloth | Crado | Darth Morias | Tahiri Veila, Galactic Empire Carnor Jax | Brotherhood of Darkness | After a great battle, Paratus returned to the Temple and continued teaching at the academy. Its photoreceptors became nonfunctional, though it still charged at Marek with its other axe. Meeko Ghintee | During this time, he constructed a lightsaber pike with a blue blade. After the Jedi Order was dissolved during the empire's rise to power, Paratus left his colleagues behind and escaped to Raxus Prime, where he was isolated and driven mad but crafted an army of droids to defend the planet from the empire. Hethrir | Burbakker Teep | Anybody got any tips? [1], Preferring to remain at the Temple during his tenure as a Knight, Paratus did take the occasional mission, using his battle droids to assist him when conflict arose. Drathul | If there's an exploit I sure would like to know, Just throw ♥♥♥♥ at him. His droids merely delayed Starkiller's advance and Paratus fought him himself along with several Junk Titans. Valorum | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Darth Scabrous | Drexl Roosh was angered by Paratus' death as they kept the Empire at bay for many years. He was stationed at the Temple as an instructor at the academy and worked as a member of the Technical division, crafting training droids for the Temple. Sarkli | Paratus built an army of personally customized combat droids to protect himself from intruders, creating massive droids and sentries held together by the Force. Elan | Paratus lunged at the invader, slightly scoring a cut down Starkiller's left arm before it was parried. After a moment of surprise, Starkiller used the Force to blow apart the patchwork tribute and regained his lightsaber, deflecting a blow from the recovered Paratus. Peace Brigade | The novelization also describes his lightsaber staff as having two blades, one significantly shorter than the other. [1], As a young Jedi, Paratus was more antisocial than some Padawans, preferring to hole himself up in his personal quarters to work upon his droids than to socialize. T. TMF89 Noob. The Dark Underlord | Kazdan Paratus was an Aleena Jedi master who served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. In spite of this he was allowed to take the Jedi Trials. Darth Gean | Xendor | In the PS2/Wii versions, however, the pike is double-bladed and both blades are yellow-green. Star Wars (Videogames) Status Not open for further replies. Ennix Devian | [1], Approximately 16 years after the collapse of the Jedi Order, the insane Jedi was discovered by Darth Vader who sent his secret assassin, Starkiller, on a mission to eliminate the Aleena Jedi. Chop'aa Notimo | Borsk Fey'lya | Mara Jade | The metals and ores stripped from the planet after Paratus' death were used in orbiting construction facilities, such as the one Starkiller later destroyed using an ore cannon. Darth Phobos | Given by the putrid stench that assaulted his nose, it was aptly named. Paratus used Force Grip and Force Push during his duel with Marek and was fairly skilled with his Lightsaber Pike, utilizing both Form II: Makashi and less commonly Form IV: Ataru in his duel with Galen Marek. Longo Two-Guns | Kazdan Paratus is a male Aleena Jedi Master during the Clone Wars/Rise of the Empire era in Star Wars Legends. Finishing Moves for Kazdan Paratus Boss Fight. Onimi | Using both his genius and the Force he created a droid that navigated the Jedi trials perfectly in his place. [4] The next stage of his madness caused him to fall into a delusion of being a member of the Jedi Council, which in turn motivated him to construct the replica of the Jedi Temple out of the abundant debris on Raxus Prime. Thrackan Sal-Solo | Paratus also made himself a army of scrap/junk droids, the largest of which was his personal Junk Titan. Alora | Darth Millennial | However, when Order 66 came and Darth Vader led his attack on the Jedi Temple Kazdan Paratus panicked and fled. During his time at the Temple's academy, Paratus lacked the martial skills of his peers, and instead focused on building machines and tinkering with droids; his lack of social skills troubled his instructors and peers. Cronal | Darth Zannah | Lomi Plo | [2] By the time Paratus faced Marek in combat, the Aleena Jedi was past the brink of schizophrenia, as shown by how he reconstructed all the Jedi Council members out of junk and believing them to be the actual individuals. Paratus hid himself on Raxus Prime and slowly went mad from the guilt of his cowardice, he built a Scrap Jedi Temple and a Scrap Jedi Council and convinced himself that the Jedi Order was still alive. Kazdan Paratus was a male Aleena Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Chapter 3: Kazdan Paratus. Believing them to be the real Jedi Masters in his insanity, Kazdan Paratus broke down, allowing Starkiller to mortally wound him. Sebolto | Zekk | Kazdan Paratus was a character in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. The initial stages of his insanity caused Paratus to form an inferiority complex regarding his small size, prompting him to construct the four mechanical limbs he kept strapped to his back to provide him with the desired height and mobility. Ajunta Pall | Tamith Kai | Without Paratus and his army the Empire swiftly seized control of the planet and began strip-mining the world. What should i do. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Depending on the game, Kazdan's Lightsaber Pike differs, with it having one blade that is blue in colour in the PS3/Xbox 360/PC versions of the game. Paratus noticed his ship landing and consulted a metallic effigy of Grand Master Yoda as to this matter and grew nervous after his silent "answer," moving his lightsaber from hand to hand. However, when Order 66 was initiated, and Operation: Knightfall subsequently occurred, Paratus fled the Jedi Temple in an act of his own perception of cowardice, leaving his comrades to their fate at the hands of Darth Vader and the 501st Legion. Kazdan lived to see the Clone Wars but saw little action in it, preferring instead to analyze the droids of the CIS in isolation. [2], After Paratus' death, Starkiller claimed Paratus's lightsaber pike as a gift for his master, as other than being snapped in half, it had survived the ordeal it had gone through when Paratus was crushed. Darth Rivan | .NET 3.5 just searching for required files.