He comes across Gloucester and Edgar just as his blinded fellow Earl dies, and is overcome with grief at the combination of this and Lear’s tragedy, to the extent that Edgar fears for his life. KENT By Juno, I swear, ay. and any corresponding bookmarks? Saylor.org Student Diary: Shakespeare's Subconscious? Shamekia has taught English at the secondary level and has her doctoral degree in clinical psychology. He must be someone who had won the highest respect and admiration of Oxford; the man chosen to be old King Lear’s personal champion (and, in effect Oxford’s also?) The second episode concerns Willoughby’s sister Susan, who married the Earl of Kent, Reginald Grey, who died in 1573. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? Thy safety being the motive. This information will provide the secondary or subplot. © 2020 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. They completely demystify Shakespeare. The thing to know about Kent is that he is loyalty personified. KENT Yes, they have. Thus, he is no one special, and yet, he stands apart from many other men. He is horrified at the King’s treatment of Cordelia, and tells Lear what he thinks to the King’s face, despite all threats. imaginable degree, area of The two plays have a noticeable similarity. While Commander of the English forces in the lowlands (December 1587 – March 1589), he was rebuked by the Queen for not consulting her regarding an appointment of the Captain of the Garrison at Bergen. All rights reserved. Cordelia. Oxford’s feelings must have reflected the universal esteem with which Willoughby was held. © Copyright 2020, Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship, Join our FREE Email list to get the latest news on the Shakespeare authorship controversy. All rights reserved. The last connection can be found in Willoughby’s French campaign. 401.) credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities.

The New Variorum Edition of King Lear (edited by H.H. Kent’s behaviour is in sharp contrast to that of Oswald, Goneril’s steward and their conflict is at the centre of an important theme in the play: the relationship between virtue and gentlemanly behaviour. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our, Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the Simon & Schuster edition of. It was now necessary to find the man. The Earl of Kent is one of the protagonists in the play 'King Lear' by William Shakespeare. Copyright © crossref-it.info 2020 - All rights reserved, Kent remains faithful to King Lear throughout the play – both to the man and to the idea of kingship which he represents (see, From the start, Kent wants the best for his king. Under the name Caius, speaking in a different accent from his normal one, he becomes Lear’s servant, as whom he continually provokes the servants of Lear’s daughters, thereby pushing things so far that Lear cannot help but see what how far he has fallen. When Stubbe entered his household is not certain, but there is no doubt that he was a trusted member of it. Lear’s youngest daughter, disowned by her father for refusing to flatter him. Kent remains faithful to King Lear throughout the play – both to the man and to the idea of kingship which he represents (see Servanthood, obedience and authority).From his very first appearance he establishes himself as a character firmly on the side of truth and justice. 2) Also, Eva M. Tenison, in her Elizabethan England (Vol. Gloucester then tells him they had better get out of there, because Lear's life is in danger. Let it fall rather, though the … Simply stated my task was to examine the text of Lear, to draw from it a definite conception of the character and qualities of the Earl of Kent, and then look for a man who fits that description. The change in name from Perillus to Kent could have been a part of Oxford’s revision.

Play Summary King Lear opens with a conversation between the earls of Kent and Gloucester, in which the audience learns that Gloucester has two sons: Edgar, who is his legitimate heir, and Edmund, his younger illegitimate son. IV, edited by W.G.T. His loyalty and pity for Lear lead him to beg the others to not attempt to save the King’s life, though the deaths of Lear and Cordelia leave him so stricken that he is convinced it is time for him to die, as ever following and serving his King. The Earl of Kent is an old man who has served Lear faithfully for years, and is one of his most loyal subjects and friends. Kent Character Timeline in King Lear The timeline below shows where the character Kent appears in King Lear.

405.) KING LEAR By Jupiter, I swear, no. From at least 1582, when Oxford broke with the Catholic party, he and Willoughby were on the best of terms. Considering that Kent’s sole master was King Lear, and King Lear—at the time he said it—was just dead, we can only assume that Kent’s journey was a journey to the death, where he believed the dead King Lear “calls” him; or in other word, Kent was going to commit a suicide. On Good Friday, 1554, he was summoned before Bishop Gardiner, the Catholic lord chancellor. Kent's ability to protect has its limits. 's' : ''}}. help! Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does.

...disorder in the skies that predicts all the chaos that has happened with Lear, Cordelia, Lear explains what happened with Goneril to, ...and not to have been informed of her departure, Lear grows infuriated when he sees, ...stand your slave/ A poor, infirm, weak, and despised old man" (21-2), Lear raves. 139.) More than that, Oswald can be seen as a caricature of Sir Christopher. first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Royal Lear, Whom I have ever honour'd as my king,... 8. He soon realizes that Lear has completely lost his mind and goes to the French camp to inform them of this and help them find him. Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Quotes, Summary & Analysis, Satish Kumars in Life of Pi: Atheist & Muslim Mystic, Helena & Demetrius Relationship in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Money in Pride and Prejudice: Explanation & Examples, Evaluating Patients for Intravenous & Parenteral Therapy, Comparability & Consistency of Financial Statements, Facilitating Self-Expression Activities in Childcare Settings, Quiz & Worksheet - The Tarascans of Mexico, Quiz & Worksheet - Ethnic Groups in Dominican Republic, Quiz & Worksheet - Religion in Life of Pi, Quiz & Worksheet - THF Formula & Applications, Flashcards - Real Estate Marketing Basics, Flashcards - Promotional Marketing in Real Estate, Teaching ESL Students | Resources for ESL Teachers, Classroom Management Strategies | Classroom Rules & Procedures, Developing Interpersonal Communication Skills for Work, GACE Media Specialist Test I (101): Practice & Study Guide, Foundations of Reading Test - NES for Wisconsin: Practice & Study Guide, Indigenous Peoples, Culture & History of Mexico, AP Environmental Science - Renewable Resources: Help and Review, Quiz & Worksheet - Characteristics of Background Radiation, Quiz & Worksheet - The North American Plate, Quiz & Worksheet - Hemodialysis Indications & Management, What Is Electric Potential? He spoke his mind to King Lear despite the repercussions.

Clearly, Kent feels that his job on earth is to serve his king, and with that job now ended, he anticipates his own death.

Printed privately under the care of the Rampant Lion Press, London: 1957, p. He drafts Kent to be “on the commission.” Shortly after Willoughby arrived in England from his command in the Lowlands, “he was one of the commissioners appointed to try Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, for treason.” (“Peregrine Bertie,” Dictionary of National Biography, p. Willoughby wrote back, “How unfit it is for Princes (whose cares are infinite) to be encumbered with impertinent causes.” (Three Generations of a Loyal House, by Lady Cecilie Goff.

Kent’s declaration that, “I have years on my back forty-eight …” (Act I, scene iv) could be a clue to a more definite date. He wanted to see how much his daughters loved him to determine how he would divide his kingdom after he died. He's also the guy Lear banishes in the first act after Kent warns his king not to disown Cordelia. 3.2 Kent finds Lear and the Fool wandering around in the storm and brings them to a cave. He must be loyal to his country, his monarch, and his friends. Subscribe to our FREE email list for news & updates! When Cordelia's invasion from France fails, Kent is powerless to act when she and Lear are captured by Edmund.

Let us now consider some smaller points of Kent’s character. In the same scene, Kent tells Lear. (Ward, p. Read our privacy policy. 35.) She knew her sisters were lying about their love for their father. 154.) Lord Willoughby, as he is generally known, is familiar to Oxfordians through the writing of Eva Turner Clark and Bronson Feldman. from your Reading List will also remove any For King Lear is a play of internal, personal tragedy. It is possible that these episodes suggested the name of Kent to Oxford. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Our. Kent is a man defined by integrity, whose goodness is immeasurable, as is his love for his king. Once the lesson is over, students should be able to describe the importance of the loyal Earl of Kent in Shakespeare's King Lear. (See Shakespeare Identified, p. Cordelia is … 74.) Please consider making a small donation to help keep this site free. Willoughby’s qualities of leadership and their recognition by his superiors and peers are shown not only by his commands in the Lowlands and France, but also by the planned offensive against the Spanish mainland following the defeat of the Armada. His declaration to Lear, “To plainness honors bound, When majesty stoops to folly,” gives voice to Willoughby’s point of view. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. (p.

Kent is a loyal character who speaks his mind and is clever and brave throughout the play. We respect your privacy. Kent’s opposition to a despotic government shows itself when he joins the French invasion force camped near Dover. 75.