His superarmor is overrated. KRool is also a "setup" character. Going to the very left of the small room reveals two Banana Coins. This will also change the direction the propeller hitbox is facing, allowing for increased - and crucial - protection. He has very few combos that work well, bad range, slow attacks, and mediocre projectiles. Hitbox images (King K. Rool SSBU)‎ (39 F) Hitbox images (Kirby SSBU)‎ (96 F) Hitbox images (Link SSBU)‎ (36 F) Hitbox images (Little Mac SSBU)‎ (47 F) Hitbox images (Lucario SSBU)‎ (34 F) Hitbox images (Lucas SSBU)‎ (36 F) Hitbox images (Lucina SSBU)‎ (42 F)

Click here to sign up right now and start on your path in the Smash community! The combination of its range, Belly Super Armor, KO potential and ability to angle it up or down makes it not only one of the best moves in King K. Rool's kit, but also arguably one of the best forward tilts in the game. GameCube Controller Super Smash Bros. I wouldn't say he's garbage garbage, and just that he requires a good deal more mind games than some other characters. Donkey Kong Country is a 1994 platform game developed by Rare and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Do you guys have any general tips spiking him consistently? In Donkey Kong Land III, Baron K. Roolenstein would attack with bombs and lightning bolts as well.

This also reduces landing lag by a single frame (29 compared to Propellerpack's 30) and as a result makes it slightly less punishable. While K. Rool flaps his arms, he will float down slower than usual. Overview []. By holding this back until the last moment where it is possible to ledgesnap, it can effectively increase the range of the move. He’s not op or complete ass as a character. I think he is bottom 5 along with Sheik, Bowser Jr, Little Mac, and Piranha Plant. However, at higher percentages, up aerial can be true and even score a KO. It does suffer from moderately high ending lag, though this flaw can be partially mitigated when spaced correctly. To add to this versatility, the move has impressive range due to a massive, disjointed hitbox surrounding K. Rool's hands.

If a player wants to make him fall faster, they can press down to make him enter a helpless animation (where fast falling is also an option). My theory is that there are some characters, in an offline setting, which he may be able to shut out by challenging their moves with his armor on reaction, giving him some more control of space in close quarters which limits opponent's options and allows him to punish easier. Ultimate Edition Pro Controller - Switch, Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Edition, Nintendo Super Smash Bros. 2.

If an opponent is hit by the propeller at the ledge, K. Rool can follow up with an aerial; although he doesn't get any true combos out of this at lower percentages, he can usually take advantages of frame traps and tech chases to follow up with a forward, back or up aerial. One thing I find about King K Rool is that his recovery is very slow and predictable but it's hard to spike him. King K. Rool is the leader of the Kremling Krew, and King of the Kremlings.King K. Rool, like his spiritual predecessor Bowser, is a sinister, boisterous, burly reptile who antagonizes Donkey Kong, much like how Bowser antagonizes Mario.However, while Bowser has frequently wavered between ally and foe for the Mario Bros. and is respectful towards his minions, K. Rool is consistently … Propellerpack also has an unusual hitbox, with it being specifically situated on the left propeller.

Forward Tilt is also the best option out of a basic jab lock should dash attack be unfavorable, or if the player is less adept at doing it. And his dash attack is just embarrassing to get hit by because of how late it comes out. he needs a couple buffs totally....The Smash Development crew can't possibly think this is alright. It also has a good amount of protection with the propellers, allowing him to protect himself during his ascent. Yeah he has some pros but his cons over shadow them, making him not very viable for competitive play. 3. Complete one of the following: 1. However, the move doesn't offer any protection on the sides, which allows most characters to edgeguard K. Rool by attempting to stage spike him with a back aerial or other moves; while this can be mitigated by teching, it is susceptible to player error and leaves no protection against untechable stage spikes (although his weight and LSI make this less troublesome, with moves like Corrin's back aerial only becoming untechable at 227.5%).

However, this can being prevented simply by shielding, or even using buff inducing counters such as Revenge and Rebel's Guard. This is also a very strong kill confirm due to consistent sweetspots. Ultimate Edition - Switch or a Poké Ball Plus.

Prior to becoming king, K. Rool was a pirate on a ship that got shipwrecked in Krem Quay. The nerfs he got in 2.0.0 were entirely fueled by knee-jerk reaction from salty social media posts and click-bait YT videos. On the flip side, the armor also makes a half-decent out of shield option, with armor starting on Frame 16 considering the 11 shield drop frames. キングクルール( King K. Rool )は、レアが開発したキャラクターであり、任天堂が発売元となる『スーパードンキーコング』シリーズを中心に登場する [1]。開発元であったレア社が2002年にマイクロソフトへ吸収された後も、キャラクター版権自体は任天堂が引き続き保持している。

Anyone fast, has combos, uses projectiles, has a reflector, or can shut down his now nerfed recovery makes K Rool unviable.

All he needs is faster frame data in general, its so freaking annoying trying win against faster characters solely relying on jab and ftilt, something really does need to be done about Rool sooner or later. Early on K Rool looked like a very strong character with devastating kill power. This site uses cookies. King Zing (Japanese: キングB, King B ) is the fourth boss in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and the third boss in Donkey Kong Land 2. However, forward tilt is not without flaws. King K. Rool rears back and performs a lunging clap attack, similar to Donkey Kong's forward smash. I'm actually glad he's low-tier. Use Smashboards links to get your gaming stuff and support the site, Super Smash Bros. In both fights, Dixie and Kiddy Kong must attack his pack with barrels in order to damage him. He's got armor, good projectiles, and a good recovery. He's a gimmicky character, or as Nairo has said "a noob slayer". Honestly, I don’t think he is even low mid tier. Ultimate Edition, Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to go to any locals with him, so I'm not sure, but that's how it seems to me. The attack ends with a belly flop which can also deal damage to enemies if you manage to hit them with the flop as well.

The most commonly used gimp is the SUCC & CUCC.

Forward tilt is considered to be one of the easier moves to use out of down throw, being capable of sweetspotting opponents if angled correctly (although this varies by character). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. He can't fight zoners, players with good spacing and literally every character that isn't a heavy. I suspect we'll see some buffs in the Joker patch, unless KRool players are somehow still tearing up elite smash (which I very much doubt). Have King K. Rool join the player's party in World of Light.With the exception of the third method, King K. Rool must then be defeated on Jungle Japes. I've seen this a lot as a Brawl & Smash 4 Bowser main, Smash 4 Corrin main- and now with my current main, Zelda. He was. Sends at a semi-spike angle and is decently fast for its power, KOing middleweights at 107% at the edge of Final Destination. When he uses the move, King K. Rool puts on a pack with a propeller attached to it, activates it, and starts to rise in the air. His super armor is the only thing going for him and even then, that can be broken, which leads him suffering a shield break. tbh K rool needs less landing lag on his stuff and his kill power needs to be better, also in terms of his reflect, it doesn't need a better hitbox, just make it last a million years like theirs does, also maybe buff his aerials to be faster, I'm thinking garbage like this: I would like to see an option to skip to the vacuum phase on Neutral-B.

When used alongside down aerial locks, this is among the most consistent, high damage basic lock combos in the game, dealing well over 35%. his neutral game is just projectiles like his side b and his god awful neutral b(frame 30-150) which are both easily avoidable (decent for edgeguarding though). go premium to hide all advertisements and this notice. To confront King Zing, the two must go into the Squawks Barrel. As a result, swerving when an opponent attempts to challenge the attack is immensely helpful. Additionally, meteor smashes with long disjoints, such as Ganondorf's and especially Ivysaur's down aerial, can ignore the propeller hitbox and spike K. Rool through it, although in many cases it does require precise spacing. It appears that you are using ad block :'(.

The propeller also doesn't clash with projectiles and items, which makes moves like Mega Man's down aerial, Villager's forward smash, Vegetable and even his own crown very effective at gimping him. This is useful against opponents less experienced with pressuring shield.

JavaScript is disabled. Hailing from the Donkey Kong Country series, K Rool is a Nintendo OG and definitely deserved a spot on the roster.

While ascending, a player can input left or right to modify the trajectory K. Rool moves at. These are generally minor flaws in the move, but have to be noted when using it. He’s just too slow and isn’t able to be as agreesive as pretty much every other true heavy. I think, from the footage I’ve seen, he’s mid tier. Just a month ago wasnt everybody ranting and raving about how K rool was the “best superheavy in the game”? Sends at a semi-spike angle and is decently fast for its power, KOing middleweights at 107% at the edge of Final Destination. Much like K. Rool's initial impressions by the community, I also feel that the premise of this thread is very knee-jerky.

King K. Rool is a heavy character, yet he has an amazing ranged arsenal with his blunderbuss and crown, a move set that makes the most of his super armor, a back aerial that can spike, one of the best forward smash attacks in the game, and an amazing vertical recovery move. To increase the consistency of Propellerpack sniping the ledge, the K. Rool player can hold down to force the move to not ledgesnap.

Makes the wins that much more satisfying.

After the dashing attack, King K. Rool will take some to recover from the attack.

The move gains Belly Super Armor when he rears back to clap, making it a highly effective approach option with pivot cancelling.

Rool(三人称単数として)」と呼んでいたり、ギャラリーページで、キングクルール・キャプテンクルール・バロンクルールの公式画像を一枚にまとめた画像を、「The Many Faces of K. Rool」(クルールの持つ多くの顔)というタイトルで展示しているなど[9]、キングクルール・キャプテンクルール・バロンクルールを同一人物として扱っている。, 『スーパードンキーコング』のゲームデザインを担当したのグレッグ・メイレスは、Twitter上で寄せられたファンからの質問に対して、キングクルールとキャプテンクルールが兄弟であるというのを否定し、バロンクルールも含め全て同じワニであると答えている[10]。, また、英語版『ドンキーコング64』の取扱説明書では、キャラクター紹介のページでクランキーコングがキングクルールについて、「While K. Rool may have ditched his ridiculous disguises, his intentions are as evil as ever.(クルールが馬鹿馬鹿しい変装をやめたのかもしれないが、相変わらず悪だくみをしている)」と語っている。, キングクルールは「ニンテンドーパワー(英語版)アワード '95」にて最優秀悪役賞( "Worst Villain" )を受賞した[11]。

It can also be safe on shield (-18 on the sweetspot, -19 on the sourspot, note the range when considering shield safety) if spaced perfectly, making it a decent approach option against characters who have poor range on their out of shield options. I don’t dislike him, but I think that King K. Rool is probably the most overrated character in this game. Everything you love in Mario's forward air but laced with more brute force and put on a back air for extra flair. As such, if a player knows how to use instant dash attack, there is little reason to go for it outside of superior popout coverage when angled up.

However, by doing this, the move will lose airtime.