Using Lagrange multipliers, this problem can be converted into an unconstrained optimization problem: The two critical points occur at saddle points where x = 1 and x = −1.

= And the z-partial derivative of f is 6z. Oh boy.

{\displaystyle (-{\sqrt {2}}/2,-{\sqrt {2}}/2)}

) , the space of vectors perpendicular to every element of ) : unknowns. {\displaystyle f} is clearly not parallel to either constraint at the intersection point (see Figure 3); instead, it is a linear combination of the two constraints' gradients. = 1 ker

g .

{\displaystyle f}

, it is not a local extremum of So the second case is we could have y equal to 0 and lambda equal to 3.

, but they are not necessarily local extrema of

앞의 [식 12]에서 정의한 $\lambda$를 [식 11]에 대입하여 식을 정리하면 [식 13, 14]의 과정을 통해 [식 15]를 얻을 수 있다. p λ {\displaystyle g}

So 1 equals 4x or x equals 1/4.

N x


{\displaystyle Dg(x^{*})=c

{\displaystyle A} 따라서, 전미분 (total differential)을 이용하여 라그랑주 승수법의 정의를 더욱 수치적으로 해석한다.

denotes the tangent map or Jacobian , and that the minimum occurs at


, of a smooth function = = =

x ) Well, we have to look at the value of f at each of these six points. ∗

) .

x The assumption 이 문제에서 최적화해야 하는 목적 함수 (objective function)는 $f(x, y) = 4|x| + 4|y|$이다.

( {\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}.}

And so the points that are the solutions of that system of equations, those points are your points that you have to check for whether they're the maximum or the minimum. λ

, g f

[식 2]에서 $\lambda$는 임의의 상수이다. M {\displaystyle 0\in \mathbb {R} ^{p}} A So remember that the method of Lagrange multipliers-- in order to apply it-- what it says is that when you have a function being optimized on some constraint condition, what you do to find the points where the function could be maximum or minimum is that first you look for points where the gradient of your objective function is parallel to the gradient of your constraint function.

n {\displaystyle f|_{N}}

And also, sometimes you have some boundary to your region and you have to check that as well.

{\displaystyle d}



f = 1



So we don't have any boundary conditions to check. We are interested in finding points where f

How about from the y-partial derivatives?

be as in the above section regarding the case of a single constraint. 2



M {\displaystyle n}


c and {\displaystyle \ker(L_{x})} L , =

) 라그랑주 승수법 (Lagrange multiplier method)은 프랑스의 수학자 조세프루이 라그랑주 (Joseph-Louis Lagrange)가 제약 조건이 있는 최적화 문제를 풀기 위해 고안한 방법이다.

The relationship between the gradient of the function and gradients of the constraints rather naturally leads to a reformulation of the original problem, known as the Lagrangian function.


) Modify, remix, and reuse (just remember to cite OCW as the source. , ker


x x where

(the transpose).

⊥ {\displaystyle \lambda _{1},\lambda _{2},....\lambda _{M}} 라그랑주 승수법은 어떠한 문제의 최적점을 찾는 것이 아니라, 최적점이 되기 위한 조건을 찾는 방법이다. ∇ Partial Derivatives This is one easy way to see that. Viewed in this way, it is an exact analogue to testing if the derivative of an unconstrained function is 0, that is, we are verifying that the directional derivative is 0 in any relevant (viable) direction. 0. 2 Right? g implies The Lagrange multiplier method has several generalizations.

) 2

/ ∗ 2


The global optimum can be found by comparing the values of the original objective function at the points satisfying the necessary and locally sufficient conditions.

If λ = −y, substituting in (ii) we get x2 = 2y2.


0 So we have to solve the system 2x plus 1 equals-- and the partial derivative of our constraint with respect to x is 2x, so 2x plus 1 has to equal lambda times 2x. )

/ f

Home {\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}} equations in {\displaystyle f} {\displaystyle \dim(\ker(K_{x}))=n-p.} − So that has to be equal to lambda and the y-partial derivative of the constraint equation which is 2y.

The method of Lagrange multipliers relies on the intuition that at a maximum, {\displaystyle f}

/ =


Now sometimes-- not in this problem, but in other problems, you'll also have to check-- if the region has a boundary, you'll also have to check for possible maxima and minima on the boundary of the region.

. {\displaystyle m(m-1)/2}

We can visualize contours of



, Let's have a go at it.

{\displaystyle M}

( And what I'd like you to do is find the maximum and minimum values that this function takes as the point (x, y, z) moves around the unit sphere x squared plus y squared plus z squared equals 1. (

g = 기하학적 해석은 직관적으로 이해하기에는 용이할 수 있지만, 라그랑주 승수법이 어떻게 계산되는지를 명확하게 나타내지는 못 한다.


{\displaystyle ({\sqrt {2}},1,-1)}

{\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}}


∇ So our objective function, remember, it's all the way back over here.

y g {\displaystyle \ker(dG_{x})} . (

모든 연립방정식을 만족했습니다.

I'm going to circle that.


g { x As a result, the method of Lagrange multipliers is widely used to solve challenging constrained optimization problems. However, not all stationary points yield a solution of the original problem, as the method of Lagrange multipliers yields only a necessary condition for optimality in constrained problems. And that gave us some cases. d


i This is bigger than 3, whereas both of those are less than 3, for example. , D

= . n )

만약, 제약 조건 $g$가 $n$개인 경우에는 [식 3]을 아래의 [식 4]와 같이 일반화할 수 있다.

We assume that both {\displaystyle g}

{\displaystyle dG}


0 x

{\displaystyle g(x)=0} {\displaystyle S} T {\displaystyle \nabla g(x_{0},y_{0})\neq 0} [1] It is named after the mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange.

In the previous section we optimized (i.e.

x As before, we introduce an auxiliary function. ) : Evaluating the objective at these points, we find that. , such that: Carrying out the differentiation of these n equations, we get, This shows that all »

is a smooth function for which 0 is a regular value. y


So the point (1, 0, 0) gives me the value 2.



{\displaystyle K_{x}^{*}:\mathbb {R} ^{p*}\to T_{x}^{*}M.} L


f }, x

) f x

is level: if

, M By using the constraint.

− = 따라서, 부등식으로 표현된 제약 조건에 대해서는 적용이 불가능합니다. y If it were, we could walk along

This is the same as saying that we wish to find the least structured probability distribution on the points L

x {\displaystyle G(x)=0.

{\displaystyle K_{x}=dG_{x},}

The constraint g(x, y) is identically zero on the circle of radius √3. Hopefully you had some luck working on this problem. −

> M

Knowledge is your reward. g − , across all discrete probability distributions