Tibetische Schrift | [clarification needed] CPPA also said other Christian and independent Buddhist and animist believers were being persecuted.

Bengalische Schrift |

[citation needed].

In 1990 only eight percent of the rural population had access to improved sanitation. The majority of Lao understand spoken Thai and Lao literate people can read Thai, because Lao and Thai languages have close similarities.

Barclay, Adam and Shrestha, Samjhana (April–June 2006). Gujarati-Schrift |

Calculating U.S. [citation needed] The authorities in Laos have recently developed an innovative regulatory framework for Public–Private partnership contracts signed with small enterprises, in parallel with more conventional regulation of State-owned water enterprises. Birmanische Schrift | In addition to consonants having tone classes, tone marks facilitate marking tones where they are needed.

[35], A Siamese military campaign in Laos in 1876 was described by a British observer as having been "transformed into slave-hunting raids on a large scale".

"Laos agrees to voluntary repatriation of refugees in Thailand", U.P.I., 5 June 1991. With one-party state status of Laos, the General Secretary (party leader) holds ultimate power and authority over state and government and serves as the supreme leader. Laotische Schrift | [citation needed] By 2010 this had been reduced to 33 percent of the population. "[61], Laos is divided into 17 provinces (khoueng) and one prefecture (kampheng nakhon), which includes the capital city Vientiane (Nakhon Louang Viangchan). [23], An ancient human skull was recovered in 2009 from the Tam Pa Ling Cave in the Annamite Mountains in northern Laos; the skull is at least 46,000 years old, making it the oldest modern human fossil found to date in Southeast Asia. Bomb Tonnages Dropped on Laos and Cambodia, and Weighing Their Implications", "Fifty years of violent war deaths from Vietnam to Bosnia: analysis of data from the world health survey programme", Politics in Contemporary Southeast Asia: Authority, Democracy and Political Change, Renovation in vietnam since 1988 a study in political, economic and social change, "Feature: Laos celebrates National Day, commemorates 40th year of Republic's establishment", "Mekong Divides Different Worlds In 'Golden Triangle, "Opium Poppy Cultivation in South East Asia", Impact of Climate Change on ASEAN International Affairs: Risk and Opportunity Multiplier, "East Asia/Southeast Asia :: Laos – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency", "East Asia/Southeast Asia :: Laos — The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency", "Laos Deputy PM Douangchay Phichit dies in plane crash", "Laos plane crash kills defence minister and senior officials", "Lao Defense Chief Among Plane Crash Victims", "Hmong Leader's Vanishing In Laos Reverberates in U.S.", Reports on results of investigations of allegations concerning the welfare of Hmong refugees and asylum seekers in Thailand and Laos, "Refugee Admissions Program for East Asia", "History of the Hmong Resettlement Task Force", Rreport on the situation in the Xaysomboun Special Zone and 1100 Hmong-Lao refugees who escaped to Petchabun, Thailand during 2004–2005, Thailand: EU Presidency Declaration on the situation of Hmong refugees, "Hmong refugees facing removal from Thailand", Deportation of Hmong Lao refugees stopped in last minute, Hmong: UNHCR Protests Refugee Deportation, "Thailand Begins Repatriation of Hmong to Laos", "Thailand starts deporting Hmong refugees back to Laos", Burning Issue: Don't Just Voice Concerns, Offer Solutions, "Somsanga's Secrets | Arbitrary Detention, Physical Abuse, and Suicide inside a Lao Drug Detention Center", "Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review: Eighth session of the UPR Working Group of the Human Rights Council", "Human Rights Watch Concerns on Laos Submitted in advance of the EU-Laos Human Rights Dialogue October 2015", "Human Rights Abuses in Laos Must be Tackled Now", "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2016", "Free former student leaders arbitrarily detained for 17 years", "Amnesty International Report 2016/17: Laos", "Laos, Vietnam troops kill Hmong Christians", "Laos, Vietnam troops kill four Hmong Christians: NGO", "Laos: Attacks Intensify Against Lao, Hmong People", "In charts: How the Philippines fares in Southeast Asia", "Two teenagers rescued from forced prostitution in Laos", "Chinese marriage proposals become prostitution nightmares for some Lao girls", "OEC – Laos (LAO) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners", "Q+A – What is the East Asia Summit all about? [115] In 2005 it attended the inaugural East Asia Summit. [12] After a period of internal conflict, Lan Xang broke into three separate kingdoms—Luang Phrabang, Vientiane, and Champasak. [65], In 1992 elections were held for a new 85-seat National Assembly with members, nominated by the one-party communist government, elected by secret ballot to five-year terms.

[46] Due to the particularly heavy impact of cluster bombs during this war, Laos was a strong advocate of the Convention on Cluster Munitions to ban the weapons, and was host to the First Meeting of States Parties to the convention in November 2010. Its thickly forested landscape consists mostly of rugged mountains, the highest of which is Phou Bia at 2,818 metres (9,245 ft), with some plains and plateaus. [172], The martial art of muay Lao, the national sport,[173] is a form of kickboxing similar to Thailand's Muay Thai, Burmese Lethwei and Cambodian Pradal Serey. France remained in de facto control until 22 October 1953, when Laos gained full independence as a constitutional monarchy. [24] Stone artifacts including Hoabinhian types have been found at sites dating to the Late Pleistocene in northern Laos. In their opposition of the repatriation plans, Democratic and Republican Members of Congress challenged the Clinton administration's position that the government of Laos was not systematically violating Hmong human rights.

[149] It is also a member of the French organisation La Francophonie. [80] These Hmong refugees, many of whom are descendants of the former-CIA Secret Army and their relatives, claim that they have been attacked by both the Lao and Vietnamese military forces operating inside Laos as recently as June 2006. [citation needed], Amnesty International raised concerns about the ratification record of the Lao government on human rights standards, and its lack of co-operation with the UN human rights mechanisms and legislative measures—both impact negatively upon human rights. [36], In the late-19th century, Luang Prabang was ransacked by the Chinese Black Flag Army.

[92][93] Prominent civil society advocates, human rights defenders, political and religious dissidents, and Hmong refugees have disappeared at the hands of Lao military and security forces. [44][43], The First Indochina War took place across French Indochina and eventually led to French defeat and the signing of a peace accord for Laos at the Geneva Conference of 1954. According to the US Committee for Refugees, he was arrested by Lao security forces and was never seen again. There are some public holidays, festivities and ceremonies in Laos. In the list above an "X" is placed there to designate the position of the consonant. [162][163], In September 2017, Laos submitted Dearest Sister (Lao: ນ້ອງຮັກ), Mattie Do's second feature film, to the 90th Academy Awards (or the Oscars) for consideration for Best Foreign Language Film, marking the country's first submission for the Oscars. Laos never held any importance for France[38] other than as a buffer state between Thailand and the more economically important Annam and Tonkin. Die nördlichen Dialekte haben fünf Töne, die südlichen weisen sechs Töne auf.

In an effort to halt the planned repatriation, the Republican-led US Senate and House of Representatives both appropriated funds for the remaining Thailand-based Hmong to be immediately resettled in the United States; Clinton, however, responded by promising a veto of the legislation. [67] Their Russian-built Antonov AN 74–300 with 20 people on board crashed in Xiengkhouang Province. [citation needed], Laos's emergence from international isolation has been marked through improved and expanded relations with other nations such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Turkey, Australia, France, Japan, and Sweden.

[108], Laos is mainly an origin country for sexually trafficked persons. A post-independence civil war began, which saw the communist resistance, supported by the Soviet Union, fight against the monarchy that later came under influence of military regimes supported by the United States. "[133], In March 2019 the government of Laos announced an interest in permitting cannabis to be used for medicinal purposes. Pakxe has also experienced growth based on cross-border trade with Thailand and Vietnam. Learning Lao alphabet is not difficult, however, writing can be fairly hard at the beginning as characters set are different from English not to mention composing words. "Effects of AFTA on poverty: Evidence from Laos."

"Lao Refugees Return Home Under European Union Repatriation Program", Associated Press Worldstream, 22 11, 1994.

[129], The mining industry of Laos has received prominent attention with foreign direct investments. Lao Soung account for only about 10 percent of the population. Laotisch gehört zum Tai-Zweig der Tai-Kadai-Sprachfamilie. [citation needed]. In der folgenden Tabelle sind die Vokalzeichen des laotischen Alphabets aufgeführt, verbunden jeweils mit dem Konsonanten ກ. Vokalzeichen können über, unter, vor, und nach dem Konsonanten stehen, nach dem sie gesprochen werden, auch Kombinationen sind möglich. Der Ton einer Silbe wird durch die Kombination des Vokals und des oder der Konsonanten und teils durch Diakritika deutlich gemacht. Vowels that wrap around a consonant are actually two or more vowels combined to form a sound eg.

The Pathet Lao began a war against the French colonial forces with the aid of the Vietnamese independence organisation, the Viet Minh.

[45] Some 80 million bombs failed to explode and remain scattered throughout the country, rendering vast swathes of land impossible to cultivate and killing or maiming approximately 50 Laotians every year.

[citation needed] It is estimated that about 37% of educated Laotians live outside of Laos. [64], The head of government is Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith, who is also a member of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party's Politburo. [31], In 1520, Photisarath came to the throne and moved the capital from Luang Prabang to Vientiane to avoid a Burmese invasion. It briefly gained independence in 1945 after Japanese occupation, but was recolonised by France until it won autonomy in 1949. Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren.

[59], Laos has a mostly tropical savanna climate. There is limited external and internal telecommunication, but mobile phones have become widespread in urban centres. 3, "Through Chaos to a New Order", in, Sanda Simms, ch. In der folgenden Tabelle sind die Konsonanten des laotischen Alphabets angeführt sowie ihre Aussprache am Silbenanfang in Lautschrift und die Transkriptionssysteme des britischen Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, des US-amerikanischen Board on Geographic Names (BGN/PCGN),[3] der Library of Congress (ALA-LC)[4] und – soweit vorhanden – die Transkription, die in den Unicode-Namen der Buchstaben verwendet wird. Shortly after, the Kingdom of Champasak and the territory of Vientiane were added to the protectorate. [151] Government expenditure on health is about four percent of GDP,[152] about US$18 (PPP) in 2006.[152].