Sometimes, loud or soft voices are simply based on the way we're built, Shah explains. Talking to yourself also gets you used to your own voice. That means you’ll mellow yourself out a little bit and have time to prepare yourself for whatever your day holds. women, businesswoman, office, suit, power, yell, argue, heels, scream, woman, cubicle.

If they feel like you’ve been thinking this for a long time, they’re more likely to take it personally and feel a bit betrayed by you. Some people grow up in a situation where they don’t really get to have a voice or share an opinion. By teaching ourselves to listen more, we’ll become more in-tune with our own voice and find ways to regulate it. On the opposite end of the spectrum, some people find it hard to speak out loud because they struggle with anxiety. "Most of the time, people aren't aware they're doing it," she says. Moreover, they don’t need validation from external sources.

This makes them feel safe and not attacked, and, by mentioning yourself in the sentence rather than just them and their behavior, you’re not isolating or blaming them, you’re just drawing attention to it. Videos and Articles on are for entertainment purposes only. "If it's a large family, everybody learns that to be heard, you have to speak up.

This is a great way to get some mindfulness into your day. We get so wrapped up in our own opinions and getting them across, or telling the funniest joke the loudest, that we lose track of what’s going on around us. Think of yourself, too – how many times has your normal behavior shifted when you’ve been very stressed or angry or upset over something? Now, the way you do this really depends on the nature of your relationship with them.

While loud talkers and soft talkers may seem like the stuff of "Seinfeld," researchers have actually pinpointed why some of us are constantly shushed while others struggle to be heard. I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. Peer pressure – Bullying in school or high-school can again make us become more withdrawn or more insecure.

What we know is that we like being around these people and some of us wish we could only be as charismatic as they are. These are some tips on how to approach the situation delicately and how to get the best possible outcome for everyone involved…. As for talking softer, Shah says that's much more difficult. We’ll be going into some of the reasons why people talk loudly, as well as offering a moment of self-reflection about your own voice…. Conversational Narcissism: How To Deal With It And Avoid It. Are You Attracting Narcissists In Your Life? How To Actually Learn From Your Mistakes: 8 No Bullsh*t Tips! But growing up around a bunch of loud talkers can have the opposite effect, she says, as with Roberts' soft-talking sister. Approach the situation nicely, almost make a joke of it if you need to, and do your best to keep them feeling comfortable. This is where some of the examples from 'Seinfeld' come in -- the low talkers or the people who like to mumble. One of the reasons we can suddenly become quite loud is a change in environment. If there were a "Saturday Night Live" skit that sums up Kevin Roberts' life, it would have to be The Loud Family. Well, oftentimes these people are so loud and outgoing because they want to camouflage their insecurities. "Sometimes, if a father or older brother is louder, a sibling might tend to be more withdrawn," she says.

Mimicking accents may be innate, Pahking the cah? How does that work? "They may not think they're loud unless somebody tells them. Think about their other behaviors – are they loud and also fidgety (could be anxiety) or rude (could be egotistical) or very anal (could be control issues).

And whenever I get together with my brother, we're out of hand. "At the family level, it's more of a mental influence," she says.

This is quite a classic trait of narcissism – a disregard for other people’s feelings and an intent to frustrate or upset them in order to feel good about yourself.

Maybe your friend is being noisier than normal – is it because they’re trying to control the conversation or because their parents just got divorced and they’re feeling off-balance and overwhelmed? It can be difficult to process someone’s actions in context because we often just get annoyed at what’s going on right in front of us, but you’d like someone to do the same for you if one of your actions was upsetting them.

My close friend grew up in a house where everybody spoke very loudly and she learnt it from them. Thanks for reading! Regional accents getting stronger.

Some people are very loud because of how they were raised. They are quiet and reserved because they don’t have anything to hide. This is a classic control technique and is the speaker’s way of getting attention and feeling like people really care about their opinions. Whereas people who are genuinely confident and have a solid sense of self-worth won’t feel the need to have others reassure them.

Also, some may have smaller lungs and can't generate enough airflow to have a louder voice.". This can make their voice louder than others’ because they’re trying to cover up how anxious they feel, or they become unaware of how they’re talking because there are so many emotions running through their minds. It is also cultural.

It might be one of the reasons we mentioned above, or it might be something totally different. Are you naturally quiet -- or does your voice seem to be permanently set at the highest possible volume? I, on the other hand, grew up in a home where quiet-time and soft voices were valued and have grown into a relatively quiet adult. Take some time to process it – don’t start second-guessing your interactions or panicking that everyone at work hates you because you’re a bit noisy! Lucy is a travel and wellness writer currently based in Gili Air, a tiny Indonesian island. If someone in your life continues to speak loudly and it’s starting to become an issue for you, it may be worth telling them.

This is one that most of us can relate to – at some point, we’ve all tried raising our voices in order to assert ourselves. Teen has tongue surgery to speak Korean. You may also like (article continues below): It can be horrible to have to tell someone to alter their behavior, whether you know and love them, work with them, or can just hear them yabbering away down the other end of your train carriage. All those things can contribute to a softer voice.". Similar to overcompensation, some people who talk at a high volume are doing so because they feel they need to get their point across. Let’s turn the music down so we don’t need to talk so loudly.”. While loud talkers and soft talkers may seem like the stuff of "Seinfeld," researchers have actually pinpointed why some of us are constantly shushed while others struggle to be heard. Approach the situation calmly, making sure your own voice is soft and quiet. © Copyright A Conscious Rethink. Remember, if you’ve asked someone to keep it down, you have to honor that request – that means putting your phone on silent, otherwise you’ll be very embarrassed to suddenly be the loud one. "There are four different factors," says Dr. Amee Shah, director of the speech acoustics and perception laboratory at Cleveland State University. 'Allo, guvnah! Think about what environment you’ll next be talking in (meeting, busy bar, quiet café) and do your best to have some time between environments so that you can regulate your volume. In some countries, it is considered impolite to speak loudly, so when you go to restaurants you see families speaking but you can’t really follow the conversation even if you are just a table away. You can be slightly self-blaming if you need to be. Roberts' sister, on the other hand, has her volume set to low. Don’t forget to follow us on Upvee for more valuable content! Does anyone know the psychology behind a loud talker? They talk and laugh so loudly that the spotlight is almost always on them. Either way, there’s a chance that someone finds you a bit too loud and it’s good to have some self-awareness and work on lowering your voice a little bit. As to whether loud talking is genetic, Shah says it's more about environment. A lot of the time, people focus on content and don't think about delivery.".

Depending on how the muscles in our throats have formed, some of us may just speak more loudly than our friends. It can be hard to slow down and not get frustrated straightaway, but it’s a great skill to practice and learn. As an adult, the loud person in the room might finally feel able to express their thoughts and feelings and they are still learning how to do that appropriately. Instead, take the time to practice speaking more softly and focus on the fact that someone cares enough to be honest and kind with you.