The blade was perfectly flush with the rest of her arm, held in the precise way for a seamless killing blow. Gardevoir | Even after such a fight, they moved together with such ease. Lanky Kong |

Cuphead | Future WitnessEnigmatic BladeWarrior from a Doomed FutureDefiant of Destiny, Prevent the end of the worldDestroy Grima.

Lucina altered her hair, donned a mask from Gerome to hide her Brand of the Exalt, and took up the namesake of her ancestor, Marth, in order to hide her identity but still help save the world.

Toad | Lucina hadn't shed all her tears at the cliff side, from the way she wept. Dr. Mario | Kirby | Another notable thing, is that the GameFAQs community REALLY hates the Support Conversations between Lucina and Gerome. How could she doubt that? She moved from one end of the nursery to the other, rocking Lucina in her arms as a hum built in her chest and throat.

Sans | Lucina begins to tear up, but Chrom warmly wipes away her tears.

A second cut yielded the same result, and Lucina spared enough time to curse Walhart for however he'd gotten his hands on such high grade steel. She is a kind and determined princess with a strong sense of justice, who believes that saving the world is her mission. Maybe someday she'd pester Chrom for the words as well, to add them in...Or ask if this was even meant to be a lullaby. And when she looked at Lucina's hands again, Robin had to wonder at the way she clutched at Falchion's hilt. Claus | Her body lurched again, crashing against ground that bit with hot teeth into her clothing and skin as Lucina tried to blink and clear her eyes. Vivian | Owain | After, Chrom brings Lucina to her mother who cannot believe that she is their future daughter. Shulk | "Training hard?" Her daughter was spent, head low and her shoulders slumped. The spear was still laying across from her, starting to smolder from where it lay on the rocks. "Mom!"

Even if it was with her parents left behind, and nursing her hurts by herself. Her mother smoothed her hair back into place as she spoke. Viridi | King Dedede |

But it was one of the few songs she knew, and that her daughter also enjoyed. Lucina looked at her mother's eyes again, and nearly broke.

'Mother,' The word wanted to squeak out between her teeth as the bruises settled across her skin and the tiles dug into her back. Hearing that name spoken, no matter how many times her older daughter said it, sent an almost painful squeeze right into her heart. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. There was a hum building in her chest as Lucina leaned against her; Robin let it flow out, recognizing the same notes as the lullaby from so long ago, during the night in Ylisse. "You're...Going to accept this?" Samurai Goroh | Kumatora | Ninjara | Even her feet were spaced just right...But there was still something off about the maneuver. And my life will always, always be yours. Just then, she felt more kinship towards that man than her parents, with what she was preparing to do. Zekrom | Louie | Elma | Robin | Despite that, she still paused as she moved through the tents, and stopped at her mother's. Some of them were still standing, however. Are F-Robin and Lucina mother and daughter in Smash.

For an instant as her thoughts reeled, she saw Falchion pointed at her chest, the perfect angle for a killing heart strike; she'd practiced such a thing often enough with her own sword. Lucina | Zeke, Golden Sun series User Info: PKFreeze89. Phosphora, Star Fox franchise Lucina still couldn't chase that pained look from her face, even while astonishment and disbelief traced across her eyes and left her staring. Bring us BOTH back to her; I want to see her smile again.'. During her second appearance, she notes about her experiences in Super Smash Bros. and challenges the Avatar to test their power and resolve.

And we're stronger together than we can be apart. It left a frayed edge in an otherwise seamless wall. Takamaru, Earthbound/MOTHER series combatants Azura | Tom Nook |

Mumbo Jumbo | A voice nudged its way through all those sensations, tugging her eyes open and her head around to look, even though she knew who was waiting for her. 22 (Possible spoilers for all FEs!) The Valmese army seemed intent on rolling on, ceaseless and unstoppable...Much like fate. 'Anything.' SitemapAdvertisePartnershipsCareersPrivacy PolicyAd ChoiceTerms of UseReport Ad, CA Privacy/Info We CollectCA Do Not Sell My Info. she thought Lucina might drift into the air from how much weight eased off her shoulders.

She wasn't sure she could meet her mother's eyes. Her fingertips crackled with power, the lightning in them taking on an almost orange glow thanks to the red hot color of the lava around them. "Better now?" Princess Zelda |

The bits of skin that showed through her gloves looked white, almost as though she was afraid of what would happen if she let go. Spring Man | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Paper Mario | It left her clinging to Falchion like a lifeline, reminding herself that this was what needed to be done...Even if this was her mother. Greninja | Ness | Squid Sisters | Remembering his sacrifice, Chrom's army finally take down Walhart's forces, once and for all. Her memories of Father and Mother were both faint. In Lucina's world, Chrom was betrayed and slain by one of his comrades, and she intends to find the one responsible and prevent it from happening again. "Lucina," Mother's breath came out in a sigh, tugging Lucina's eyes up to look at her. She is the daughter of the prince of Ylisse, Chrom. A gentle voice brushed against her ears a heartbeat before a hand traced over her head. Magolor | And when she realized that this would be the last time she'd see that smile or hear her mother's voice...Something in her broke. Mewtwo | The metal, however, still had a cold glint that told Lucina it would have easily pierced her chest and heart. Just without his tippers. Not until now. Alex | Strange how that sword seemed to cast the longest shadow of all, from how straight Lucina held it. If your MU has a strength in magic, go with Maribelle to give Lucina the best magic stats possible to pass to Morgan (though if you want a Magic Morgan Lucina really isn't the best mother to pick.) Enough to let fatigue sink into her arms and let Lucina focus on that instead. For the second time, the world burned around Lucina as she fought. Her mother's words echoed in her ears; 'We take these risks, all of us, that it could be our last fight. Isabelle | Robin pressed her hands to Lucina's shoulders as she cradled her close. As she listened, Robin saw how one side of Lucina's face was lit bright by the sun, the other bathed in shadow…Save for her eye. "I know some of it...But yes. There was a flickering globe of light inside, painting the canvas orange and yellow from the candle burning away. It wasn't with heavy steps, and their conversation felt like it was a long way apart from any burdens either of them had to carry.

"Lucina, I seem to remember how well you fought in the arena. Alucard | Meta Knight | Robin held her daughter close as she cried, her body trembling as Lucina tried to draw an even breath.

Mona | And she'd make sure that statement would never be true...Even if she had to accomplish this task on her own. Kirby | Pikachu | "Y-yeah.

Spring Man | Lucas | Kumatora | Felix | Inkling | Emmeryn had done as much for her family; she could do the same for her own daughter. And she couldn't have the strength of the hero king after all. Tetra | Edelgard von Hresvelg | Captain Toad | Charizard | Bottles |

Yuri Kozukata | Even now the sunlight was still wrapped around her in a warm, almost comforting way. Tiki | Latias and Latios | Even now, his touch was still fresh in her mind. Robin felt a smile creep over her lips as she turned to face Lucina. Mia | Don't!" Of becoming her father's slave and turning traitor on her family. Despite her serious and stoic persona, Lucina has childish moments around her parents and siblings in their supports.

If Chrom has no support levels with any potential spouses by Chapter 12, Lucina's mother will be an unnamed village girl. Lucina is by far one of the most popular characters on the board. However after Emmeryn's sacrifice at her execution, Lucina realizes that the timeline is now set back on its course. | Her gloves traced back through Lucina's hair, smoothing it down before lifting her fingers to her lips. As he gazes closely into her eye, he sees the Brand of the Exalt, the exact same one that his infant daughter has back at Ylisstol. In the future, where she was originally from, Lucina and some of the other children arrive at Mount Prism. Team Sumia believing she should be a Dark Flier, and Team Olivia believing she should be a Paladin or Great Lord. She comes from a hellscape ruled by the undead and their sky plesiasaur master who's revival came about after her father was killed by his best friend (or possibly, her mother even! Instead of seeking out company, she stalked into the woods and drew Falchion from its scabbard. "Y-yes. Kat & Ana | She had to make this evening count, both for her daughter and for herself. Lucario | How much she was her father's daughter when it came to swordplay. Maybe she just needed a blade with a REAL edge. And she repeated that as a mantra, along with the thought that no matter how bad the heat of this mountain was, it wasn't the same as the fall of Ylisse. Decidueye | The Valmese soldier was rigid as the lightning bolt slammed into him, but somehow he still stood. Robin's voice was quiet, just a breath between her lips, and Lucina knew those words weren't meant for her. Such a daddy's girl that she's even striking his pose!

She maintains a serious demeanor most of the time, yet on occasion the strangest things will prompt a laugh. Best Lucina and Chrom's sibling/child support conversation: jimbiz: 14: 9/15 10:45AM: CYOA: Endgame's Magical Awakening Adventure! Lucina never learned who killed her father, however her only clue was that her father's murderer was someone close to him. "Oh, Lucina..." A gloved pair of hands scooped her up as the practice sword slipped from her fingers and fell to the ground. (Even though a part of her just wanted to be a warrior king...But she decided not to share that.)