Lugh (Lug) is a God of Druids, Carpentry, and Masons. If you want to try out wiki markup without damaging a page, why not use the sandbox? Lugh was a shield dwarf of the dwarven city of Earthfast in the Earthfast Mountains of north Faerûn, in the Earthroot region of the Underdark. In Welsh myth, the dynamic between Gwydion and Lleu may reflect Mercury & Apollo.

[8], When the sons of Tuireann, Brian, Iuchar and Iucharba, kill his father, Cian (who was in the form of a pig at the time), Lug sets them a series of seemingly impossible quests as recompense. Lug had a son, Ibic, by Nás. After the victory Lug finds Bres, the half-Fomorian former king of the Tuatha Dé, alone and unprotected on the battlefield, and Bres begs for his life. In Cath Maige Tuired ("The Battle of Mag Tuired") their union is a dynastic marriage following an alliance between the Tuatha Dé and the Fomorians. If you can improve this page, please edit it (Adding headers and subheaders, simplifying sentences, etc) or help by discussing possible changes. [9], Using the magic artifacts the sons of Tuireann have gathered, Lug leads the Tuatha Dé Danann in the Second Battle of Mag Tuired against the Fomorians. He is seen as being an inventor of the arts, a guide on the journey , no matter what the road and also having an influence on and association with wealth and prosperity like the Tuatha de Danann generally.

[7], As a young man Lug travels to Tara to join the court of Nuadu Airgetlám, king of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He appears in early Irish literature, as an apparently immortal figure with supernatural powers in some texts, and as a hero and king of the distant past in others. Lugh was himself the Celtic sun god. Buí lived and was buried at Knowth. Lugh was the son of the Dagda (son of Iarbonel and Danu/Gaea) and Ethniu (daughter of Balor, the Fomorian sun god), and the younger brother of Bodb Derg (born to Morrigan). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She takes him to his father, who gives him to his brother, Gavida the smith, in fosterage. He offers his services as a wright, a smith, a champion, a swordsman, a harpist, a hero, a poet and historian, a sorcerer, and a craftsman, but each time is rejected as the Tuatha Dé already have someone with that skill. In Irish, Gwydion is cognate with Fintan mac Bochra, oldest man in the world and husband of Lugh's sister/daughter. Lugh's father is Cian of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and his mother is Ethniu, daughter of Balor, of the Fomorians. [5] In Ireland's other great "sequestered maiden" story, the tragedy of Deirdre, the king's intended is carried off by three brothers, who are hunters with hounds. On the mainland, Mac Cinnfhaelaidh owns a magic cow who gives such abundant milk that everyone, including Balor, wants to possess her. If he is spared, he promises, he will ensure that the cows of Ireland always give milk. While the cow is in the care of MacKineely's brother Mac Samthainn, Balor appears in the form of a little red-haired boy and tricks him into giving him the cow. [10] However, Lugh's son Cúchulain is stated to have the Dagda and Ethniu as his paternal grandparents, with Iarbonel and Balor as paternal grandparents. He had several wives, including Buí and Nás, daughters of Ruadri, king of Britain. Please help improve this article in any way possible. He made 300 wooden cows, and filled them with a bitter, poisonous red liquid which was then "milked" into pails and offered to Bres to drink. He is known by the epithets Lámhfhada ("long hand"), for his skill with a spear or sling, Ildanach ("skilled in many arts"), Samildánach ("Equally skilled in many arts"), Lonnbeimnech ("fierce striker" or perhaps "sword-shouter") and Macnia ("boy hero"). Bres, who was under an obligation not to refuse hospitality, drank it down without flinching, and it killed him.[11]. Nuadu wonders if this young man could lead them to freedom. Lugh is given the matriname mac Ethlenn or mac Ethnenn ("son of Ethliu or Ethniu", his mother) and the patriname mac Cein ("son of Cian", his father). Lugh the possessor of all the arts was a great King and leader. He is also known as a god of storms, particularly thunderstorms. Lug killed him in revenge, but Cermait's sons, Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht and Mac Gréine, killed Lug in return, drowning him in Loch Lugborta. [1], During the Second Battle of Mag Tuired (when former Tuatha de Danaan leader and half-Fomorian Bres convinced the Fomorians to attack his former subjects), Lugh grievously injured his grandfather and the Fomorian army general, the giant Balor, leading to a Tuatha de Danaan victory.[7]. Nás was buried at Naas, County Kildare, which is named after her. He is known for his skill with a spear or sling. [3] Two characters called Lugaid, a popular medieval Irish name thought to derive from Lug, have three fathers: Lugaid Riab nDerg ("of the Red Stripes") was the son of the three Findemna or fair triplets,[4] and Lugaid, son of Cú Ruí, was also known as mac Trí Con, "son of three hounds". Lug instituted a harvest fair during the festival of Lúnasa in memory of his foster-mother, Tailtiu, held on 1 August at the town that bears her name (now Teltown, County Meath). Lugh was stated to be the brother of Bodb Derg, who is son to the Dagda and Morrigan. There are countless inscriptions and statues dedicated to Lugh, and Julius Caesar himself commented on this god’s importance to the Celtic people.

Sep 7, 2016 - Lugh was known as a god of both skill and the distribution of talent. In this tale, Balor hears a druid's prophesy that he will be killed by his own grandson. He had ruled for forty years. The grandson is unnamed, his father is called Mac Cinnfhaelaidh and the manner of his killing of Balor is different, but it has been taken as a version of the birth of Lug, and was adapted as such by Lady Gregory. Footnotes ↑ Lebor Gabála Érenn §59 Similar to the Roman god Mercury, Lugh was known as a god of both skill and the distribution of talent. He mated with the mortal druidess Deichtine, the sister of Conchobar mac Nessa, King of Ulster, and sired the demigod Sétanta. The doorkeeper will not let him in unless he has a skill with which to serve the king. Lugh was known as a sun god and a fierce warrior. He is considered a reflex of the hypothetical pan-Celtic god Lugus, and has a Welsh counterpart, Lleu Llaw Gyffes ("Lleu of the Skilful Hand") in the Mabinogion. This article could use a cleanup in order to be more legible and/or presentable. Although he was not a war god in the same sense as the Roman Mars, Lugh was considered a warrior because to the Celts, skill on the battlefield was a highly valued ability. Lugh possessed several magical weapons, including an invincible Spear, one of the treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

Lugh appears in folklore as a trickster, and in County Mayo thunderstorms were referred to as battles between Lugh and Balor, which leads some to speculate that he was a storm god. It time she gives birth to triplets, which Balor gathers up in a sheet and sends to be drowned in a whirlpool. [1] Lugh is consequently half-brother to Bodb Derg. [9] Lugh was himself the Celtic sun god. [1], Formerly wielded the powerful Spear of Lugh, which was given to his son.[1]. Lugh was a shield dwarf of the dwarven city of Earthfast in the Earthfast Mountains of north Faerûn,[1] in the Earthroot region of the Underdark. Nuadu is killed in the battle by Balor. It survived long into Christian times and is still celebrated under a variety of names. Lugh Master of Skills. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Lugh was among the 2000 dwarves that accompanied Ironlord Torg mac Cei to join the Army of the Alliance to crusade against the Tuigan Horde in the Year of the Turret, 1360 DR. Lugh was buried in the dwarves' communal cairn on the battlefield.[4].

Enthroned on a daïs, he directed a beautiful woman called the Sovereignty of Ireland to serve Conn a portion of meat and a cup of red ale, ritually confirming his right to rule and the dynasty that would follow him. "Deirdre, or the Exile of the sons of Usnech", Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance),

Remember to follow our editing guidelines when improving existing articles. In Ireland, which was never invaded by Roman troops, Lugh is called sam ildanach, meaning he was skilled in many arts simultaneously. Lúnasa is now the Irish name for the month of August. However, Batu stole a sword, killed Lugh, and then killed himself.