I. its roots are good, then it can recover, but if not, it will die.
On Magha Puja, the Buddha gave the Dhamma that. He had to treat sick people, and, in the end, he finished his studies one year slower.

see the drawbacks in the round of samsara.

Do I need to touch my face? Dieser Tag ist ein gesetzlicher Feiertag und grundsätzlich arbeitsfrei. The tree also needs the softwood, the bark, and the green leaves. Helping people like this is building goodness as well.

Watch Queue Queue Must one see rebirth and see the workings of kamma first? The medicine of the Buddha can cure suffering. Be careful, protect, , and build mindfulness. Then we say it is in full bloom.

Dana is like the leaves that are green and fresh. We must be determined and have the supreme goal in our sights.

They may have flu symptoms, runny or stuffy nose, fever, and they hide that they are sick and deny that they have caught anything.

Sacrifice and share. Today I want to talk about a remarkable teaching of the Buddha. And these days in the world and society, there is this new coronavirus, and those doctors and nurses have to sacrifice their family duties first in order to fulfil their duties to help the public. The body is a physical form that sicknesses inhabit.

Those that are studying to become nurses and doctors are determined and have a mind that is willing to sacrifice a lot.

, we don’t spread the sickness to others, and this is like giving up evil. marpjan@gmail.com Even a good wordly medicine only helps for one lifetime, then one gets reborn.

Refrain from evil, cultivate the good, and purify the mind to the highest. All of the arahant disciples there had already reached this goal. Everywhere we look it’s green. One has seen for oneself the teachings found in the suttas, and no doubts are left. Though it still has the bark and the softwood, when we look at it, our heart feels dried up. : How does seeing the body clearly lead to faith in kamma? Nibbana is the supreme happiness.

We don’t tell lies, use speech that divides others, use speech that is harsh, and we do not gossip. But if future generations of Buddhists and disciples practiced following these teachings, then they would be able to see the Dhamma, attain to Dhamma, and attain to the supreme, which is Nibbana. We have to practice this in the modern day, as well.

Now let us learn about Magha Puja.

When we look at sila and dana, we can compare them to parts of the same tree. One helps all beings by not doing unskillful actions.

May you be far from illness and sickness. In Hong Kong, 25,000 masks were stolen. Nibbana is the supreme. When we practice, everything is there in the mind. Depending on where we are in the cycle of birth and death, kamma manifests in different ways. Make the mind peaceful and contemplate this body. There have been many disease outbreaks that have arisen in my life, and I’ve never seen so many people so afraid. On this Magha Puja we practice Dhamma as an offering. The holiday praised the event when Buddha transferred his main theory to 1,250 monks. Nibbana is the supreme teaching, and this is what differentiates Buddhism from other religions. cure that lasts beyond time. Watch Queue Queue. This day that the Sangha came together was a favourable occasion—the Buddha as the head of the Sangha gave this special teaching. If it is not good, then let it go. The Buddha medicine, however, cures one for the whole of one’s samsaric journey, it cures for. May you be far from illness and sickness. Read about Vrat Vidhi, Puja Rituals & Importance of Magh Poornima on mPanchang.com No one has died in Thailand from it yet. When we have bad thoughts come up, we don’t want them to be there, and this makes us feel bad and suffer. It is what makes the world chaotic.

L uang Por Anan: It has been 2608 years since the Buddha’s enlightenment, meaning it has been 2608 years since the Ovada Patimokkha was first given by the Lord Buddha. See it as empty just once, then one will have great faith with wisdom there as well. Contact Us / Privacy Policy, Buddhism..

Luang Por Anan: Chant the Ratana Sutta and the parittas, like we discussed in last week’s Dhamma conference. Samadhi, or meditative concentration, is like the softwood of the tree. We can learn more and understand more deeply.

This is a miracle.
And what is the method to practice them? we feel refreshed and uplifted. To refrain from all evil, to cultivate the good, to purify the mind. The Buddha sacrificed many of his past lives. The way to freedom is the same today as it was then.

So that others could be free from all suffering. The Buddha knew that this evil or unskillfulness is able to arise in everyone. When good thoughts arise we are pleased. This is the heart of a doctor.

Then we say it is in full bloom.

And these days in the world and society, there is this new coronavirus, and those doctors and nurses have to sacrifice their family duties first in order to fulfil their duties to help the public. : Do you plan to go to Wuhan to chant the Ratana Sutta? Then we will be able to do it.

This samadhi is harder to develop than other qualities.

We can reflect on the miracle of the Ovada Patimokkha, a teaching that has not changed in 2608 years.

Schulen und die meisten Geschäfte sind geschlossen. May we be aware of it. The Buddha had the best mindfulness and wisdom.

How does one give up all evil?

If one has the flu, be careful, treat oneself, and try not to spread the virus to others. Every temple across country holds ceremony to celebrate the occasion. When we live together, having harmony leads to happiness. He only had his alms bowl. I had heard about a story of one patient who had chicken pox. They have no chance to be there on their child’s birthday. One, this will help us to recover, and two, we don’t spread the sickness to others, and this is like giving up evil. Viruses arise from the harming of other living beings, a kamma which leads to illness and shorter length of life.

So to sustain the conditions for favourable relationships, it starts with giving material support first.

Sacrifice and share. It was so hot and dry that trees had to discard their leaves. just one medicine that can cure all, and this the Buddha has taught already: to make the mind pure and good. If one charges the right price, then people can do okay. So giving out honest information is also giving up evil.

If the doctor treated this patient, he would catch chicken pox and graduate as a doctor one year slower. We can have forgiveness to others. The Buddha’s teachings on this day of Magha Puja, remarkable.

This is the heart of a doctor. When we practice, everything is there in the mind. Maybe I will explain more next time. Dana and making merit is giving up this selfishness. If one has bad kamma, then one can get infected and may die.

It is not beyond what we can achieve through our efforts as long as we do strive for it. Luang Por Anan: To see emptiness is to see the Dhamma of the Buddha. May you all, the monastics and laity, may you all grow in Dhamma. They know if they treat the sick, they may become infected themselves. These days it may be the wife supporting the husband, which is also a highest blessing. Self sacrificing and helping others is a good thing. “Nibbanam param vadanti Buddha.— The Awakened ones say Nibbana is supreme.”. So the purpose of the teaching was to lay down the fundamental goal and the practice to enter into the Buddha’s dispensation.