Meanwhile, by the Treaty of Arras (1482), Maximilian was also forced…, …of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, who had signed a separate peace in January 1648, refused to agree to the peace.

The treaty of October 24, 1648, comprehended the Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand…, …the southernmost part of the Netherlands. Nonetheless, the educational institutions and political parties that evolved in the late 19th and early 20th centuries along denominational lines remain as potent as the more or less secularized parties and institutions that sprang from socialist and liberal movements. The republic consisted of the seven northern Netherlands provinces that won independence from Spain from 1568 to 1609, and it grew out of the Union of Utrecht (1579), which was designed…, …faced intensified competition from the Dutch, who from about 1580 introduced a new ship design (the fluitschip, a sturdy, cheaply built cargo vessel) and new techniques of shipbuilding, including wind-powered saws. Like a famous comedian Guido Weijers said in his 2010 new year conference : "The coach of the national soccer game has more knowledge about the soccer game than 15 million people" and "Wilders says what everyone is thinking, that's right, but i want a politician who says what nobody has thought about." The Spanish-Dutch treaty was signed on January 30, 1648. The Netherlands is described as a consociational state. …that the conflict in the Netherlands would be resolved in Spain’s favour later, making a concerted Habsburg attack on the Protestants of the empire both ineluctable and irresistible. …with western Africa were the Dutch, who had been some of the principal distributors in northwestern Europe of the Asian, African, and American produce imported into Portugal and Spain. (Except for the years 1799–1802 and 1804–15, when it was under British rule, Suriname remained under Dutch rule until its independence in 1975. 17th-Century Dutch Painting Is Stolen. The “pillarization” of Dutch society—that is, the founding of separate institutions such as hospitals, schools, and periodicals by various groups—commands much less religiosity and devotion now, but these organizations are still central to education, political life, and public service. They are sometimes vividly preserved, as in the case of the northern province of Friesland, which proudly conserves the ancient Frisian culture. Thanks a million, in advance, to anyone who cares to help! richest corporations use our country to evade taxes. Politicians will talk forever before making a decision. A few weeks ago Geert started some kind of resistance run ( for a revolution to lower taxes for everyone, why? In Boston and in the Netherlands, scientists are racing to build a vaccine against the virus strangling the world. ... countries, major advances in the Netherlands have resulted from continuous. You happen to be the happiest people in the EU and I just have no idea what problems you are dealing with. We have some issues concerning our weed culture... You can buy that shit in this country so our border towns get a helluva lot of 'tourists' who buy it and return to their own country. These gains were somewhat impaired, however, by the Dutch privilege of stationing garrisons in a number of fortresses. If you ask them about the situation of others or of the country, they are gloomy. This is where I'm stuck. I am all for a system where you have to do a little test with random questions about the current political system and opinions of different parties. The term was first applied derisively to the lesser nobility who, together with some of the great Netherlands magnates, in 1566 petitioned Margaret of Parma, governor-general of the Netherlands, to relax the religious persecution against Protestants. Belgium declared its independence from the Netherlands, and it was recognized in 1831 as a separate nation. Populism is still strong: Geert Wilders's anti-islam, anti-EU party PVV is one of the largest parties in the polls and 50Plus, aiming to protect the interests of the people above 50 (In my eyes, trying to keep it all for them, forgetting about the youth, which has to pay for their luxurious retirements. Although the VOC first…, When the Netherlands came under French control, the British began to move into Sri Lanka from India. When asked what they think are the most important issues the Netherlands is currently facing, 66 percent of survey respondents stated to worry about the climate and environment. After 1780 Spain and the Netherlands were able to control much of the water around the British Isles, thus keeping the bulk of British naval forces tied down in Europe. 12 Issues Facing Education These issues are not ranked in order of importance.

…an armed conflict between the Netherlands and the Muslim sultanate of Aceh (also spelled Acheh, or Atjeh) in northern Sumatra that resulted in Dutch conquest of the Acehnese and, ultimately, in Dutch domination of the entire region. Following legislation in 2001 that further tightened immigration restrictions, the annual number of asylum seekers fell, but the issue of immigration remained on the political forefront. Exceptionally high fertility rates until the 1960s contributed to the Netherlands’ being one of the world’s most densely populated countries. You would think the first people to experience a modern economic bubble would be more careful. In the last two decades things like energy companies, public transport and security have been increasingly liberalised and privatised. None of these states was at the time, …century, however, an increase in Dutch and British interests in the region gave rise to a series of voyages, including those of James Lancaster (1591 and 1601), Cornelis de Houtman and Frederik de Houtman (1595 and 1598), and Jacob van Neck (1598). Don Juan was at first reluctant to accept this difficult post and took it only on condition that he would be allowed to invade England and wed Mary Stuart, the Scottish queen then in captivity in England.…, …1667 he invaded the Spanish Netherlands, which he regarded as his wife’s inheritance, thus beginning a series of wars that lasted for a good part of his reign. Just ask something like "excuse me, can I get past?". For a discussion of the period prior to that date, see Low Countries, history of the.

The motive was trade with the Far East. The Dutch seized and briefly held Salvador in 1624–25, and in 1630 the Dutch West India Company dispatched a fleet that captured Pernambuco, which remained under Dutch control for a quarter-century. It's the average that is low.

Violence against public servants has been on the rise lately and several police officers have been shot and killed in the past years. Talking shit about your country is talking shit about yourself. Following Japanese occupation during….

A river, a strait, and a bay in North America are named for him. The Spanish and Dutch were not particularly active, but their role in keeping British naval forces tied down in Europe was significant.

Rivalries between the European powers and attacks by sea pirates adversely affected the fortunes of the region, which had come under Dutch control by the end of the 18th century. Secularization has made its mark in the Netherlands; the Christian Democrat parties of the centre, whose political platform included planks such as public funding for religious education, had attracted more than 50 percent of the vote up to the 1960s, but in the 1990s they were ejected from government for the first time in the 20th century.


Longitudinal is one of the numbers in a set of coordinates. Sardinia, however, was exchanged by him in 1717 for Sicily, which the peacemakers of Utrecht had assigned to the House of Savoy. This is mainly due to the fact that a large portion of the nation is below sea level. 50. In the major cities especially, many people are fluent in several languages, reflecting the country’s geographic position, its history of occupation, and its attraction for tourists.

Homes, estates, and industries were mortgaged so that bulbs could be…, …to the new Kingdom of the Netherlands, which comprised both the former United Provinces and Belgium. Spending power is diminishing (partly, because the housing prices aren't going anywhere at the moment). The considerable hospitality exhibited by the Dutch is perhaps to some extent rooted in the spirit of humanism that was typical of the Dutch Republic of the 16th to the 18th century. Vote! Just a few outtakes: PVV is not centrist, they're extreme-rightwing. Now house prices are going down, many people with a mortgage that is at the limit of what they can afford struggle to get for their house even what they themselves paid for it. Western themes, techniques, and certain optical…, The Netherlands, the only European power trading with Japan, realized that, if Britain succeeded in forcing Japan to open the country, it would lose its monopoly; so the Dutch now planned to seize the initiative in opening Japan and thus to turn the situation to their…, Britain and the Netherlands, who sought to guard the commercial privileges that they had secured from the sultan through the Capitulations by preventing any country from gaining control of the entire Ottoman Empire and thereby becoming dominant in Europe. Air and water pollution are significant environmental problems in the Netherlands. Our fulltime weeks are amongst the longest worldwide. Tell that to the elderly. The Netherlands is a rich country and can easily make the dykes higher. Police violence has increased drastically, and with it violence against the police. The islands were ruled by the British between 1796 and 1802 and again in 1810–17.…. When the French army under Bonaparte entered Italy (1796), Sardinia came quickly to terms. He doesn't do anything with those statements, but the lower educated only read: "pay less taxes", great guy! When William’s direct male line became extinct upon the death of King William III of England in 1702, the Ottonians’ possessions in both the Netherlands and Nassau passed to Count John William Friso of the Ottonian…, …was appointed governor-general of the Netherlands, then in open revolt against Spanish authority.

Another problem is that our youth is consuming alcohol at a much higher rate than 20 years ago. Again.

Ever since the “Dutch Golden age”—spanning roughly the seventeenth century—the Netherlands has been an attractive place for migrants. Press J to jump to the feed. It was the Dutch, however, who claimed the western half of the island as part of the Dutch East Indies in 1828; their control remained nominal until 1898, when their first permanent administrative posts were set up at Fakfak and Manokwari.

I hear that often, but I never really experience that kind of problems. And he knows it, he knows it's not feasible, that it won't ever get any official standing but it gets him the votes.

We have very high household debts, which mostly has to do with the housing bubble that hasn't burst yet (instead, it's stagnant - but that's good, better some gradual deflation than an actual housing crash). Integration and the "multicultural" society. For many years prior to 1970, internal migration showed a constant flow from the more rural provinces in the north, east, and south toward the more strongly urbanized western part of the country. There are many…. The Turks in Netherlands are the native Turks living in the Netherlands making up to 2.3% of the entire Netherlands population. Oh and yeah ditch that european union thing we've got going on because it costs money and they don't pay us.

Flooded village on Zuid-Beveland island, Netherlands, following the North Sea flood, 1953. In the 20th century, immigrants from the former Dutch overseas colonies added to the influx; they included Indonesians and peoples from the Moluccas and from Suriname on the northeast coast of South America. As part of the Netherlands Antilles, Aruba came briefly under British rule during the Napoleonic Wars but was returned to the Netherlands in 1816.