Interview your parents, family members, or neighbors about a time when they felt left out of a group. How did they feel? The current lesson is about friendship.  Have you ever felt left out?

Children will learn about the how to make friends Children will learn about characteristics of good friends. free, downloadable lesson plan with Student Worksheet and Teacher's Notes. Why? Celebrate friends and friendship with this lesson for primary learners. Let us know ↗️, © 1998-2020 Teflnet 4.  Ask the children to think about how a movie or TV show dealt with friendship.

Include the “ingredients” of a friendship and the “recipe” (steps) for being a good friend or making new friends. 5.  Pretend that a good friend has gone away and would like to hear from you. Using our printable template, have each student fill out a survey about their interests. 4. Here are some things you can do to encourage your child to develop positive and healthy friendships. Did they have someone they could talk to about it?

•  Being Responsible  Brainstorm ways kids can be more tolerant and accepting of each other. Be sensitive to friendships that may involve negative activities or put-downs of other kids.

Subscribe to our almost Then have the children work in small groups to create posters about accepting others. 2.  Think about a time when you and a friend had terrific fun together. •  Dealing with Feelings Discuss it with your child and let him or her know how you feel about it. On one side make a list for the topic “I like a friend who….” On the other side make a list for the topic “Things I do for my friends….” 5. They do a wordsearch to find keywords and use these to complete a gap-fill text about what makes a good friend. Ask how they felt about it and how they handled the situation. Build up vocabulary for describing friendships with phrases like "to get on well" and "to get to know each other". This is a downloadable lesson plan that you can photocopy and distribute freely provided you do not modify its content.

They could also contribute slogans or mottos about friendships. It was such a fun experience for all of the kids and a great bonding experience; plus, it doubled as an easy cooking lesson. But for our students, solidifying these skills requires direct instruction.  About the value of having good friendships. Monthly Newsletter. This delightful video series teaches children valuable lessons that contribute to self-discipline, good decision-making, high self-esteem, a sense of responsibility, and the ability to get along with others.Â, If your school or organization does not have these videos, you can purchase them from. Write about why it was so much fun. For more information about individual videos in this series, click on the title below. Make frosty pinecones after reading Penguin and Pinecone.. Each group’s task is to choose one group member to play the role of a new kid in class. Discuss it with your child and let him or her know how you feel about it. •  If your child shows signs of feeling rejected or left out talk with him or her about it. Share a time when you felt the same way. Making friends at this young age is not always easy. When children go to preschool for the first time, it can be a hard transition, and making friends can sometimes be difficult.  Write on the board, “To have good friends, you must be a good friend.” Ask the children to explain that statement and to tell you why they either agree or disagree with it. Display the posters in the classroom hallway. This PreK theme friends lesson teaches students about the qualities of a friend and how to treat the friends … I recently went into my daughter's kindergarten classroom to assist in a Friendship Salad lesson.

, or request them from your local library. To enlist the involvement of parents, make copies of the “For Parents” block (see below) and send them home with the children.  Good friends give each other compliments. How important is it to you? Then they join in a teacher-led discussion about what makes a good friend. Then have them use the pictures to create a classroom collage. (A Mom with a Lesson Plan) Use photos of your child to make a personalized friendship social story. 1.  How do you feel about the choice Rhonda made? 2. 6. •  Encourage your child to show appreciation when a friend does something thoughtful or helpful. •  That it’s good to be open to friendships with people who are different. 8.  What is popularity? Did one of you change? We have shown a video entitled. •  About the value of having good friendships. What happened? 12. Encourage your child to show appreciation when a friend does something thoughtful or helpful. 11.

•  Cooperation Ask what someone in the show did that made him or her a good friend or a bad friend. The new kid’s challenge is to try to gain acceptance into the group. Good friends help each other solve problems. News and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own program! View the current issue.  Why are friendships so important to us? This material is from the teaching guide This website provided as a service to educators by, Character Education, Social Emotional Learning, and Life Skills Resources for Grades K-12. Here’s an idea for how to make friends at school, and not just in the beginning, but throughout the year.

We urge you to ask your child to tell you about this video program and what he or she learned from it. Ask them to think of ways that good friends treat each other. Materials. •  Doing the Right Thing Los Angeles, CA 90064. 5.

Some kids are shy, others are impolite, some don't share well and some pick on their peers. 3. Share a time when you felt the same way. Your child is involved in learning activities designed to develop good character and empower young people to make good choices for themselves. Friends - Teacher's Notes. 2.  Have the children look for examples of friendship behaviors in magazines or make pictures of them (see our list in “How to Be a Good Friend” at the top of this column).


7.  Good friends give each other room to change.

Personalise new lexis with questions such as: This is a downloadable lesson plan that you can photocopy and distribute freely provided you do not modify its content. Teaching friendship skills in the classroom requires making time in our day for thoughtful discussions and community building activities. He or she may be asked to complete several tasks at home. Students will draw or write about their favorite activities or what they would want as a gift if they could have anything. Then they join in a teacher-led discussion about what makes a good friend.  How did Rhonda feel when she found out Missie wasn’t invited to the party? for the video “Being Friends“ Divide a piece of paper in half lengthwise. Directions: For some children friendship skills come easily; while others need a little more practice and help. (Inner Child Fun) Play a friendship game. Good friends give each other room to change. Write your friend a letter about why you miss him or her and the good times you used to have together. •  Asking for Help

Good friends can disagree without hurting each other.

Discuss the lists in class. We have shown a video entitled “Being Friends,” which presents a skit and discussion about what happens to three good friends when one of them is deliberately excluded from a party. Ask your family members to describe a time when someone they met surprised them by being different than they expected. •  Appreciating Yourself For many children, preschool is the first opportunity to interact with a large group of kids. (If you wish to copy or use any material from this website, please click here for Terms of Use.).  Do best friends always have to do everything together? 1.

What would you do? Start your kids on the path to positive, healthful life choices.

Get breaking news and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own character education program. (Copy this block and send it home to the parents.).

 How do you feel about the choice Fiona made? Is there anything wrong with this page? Finally, learners work in groups, using the ideas from the lesson to make classroom posters celebrating friendship. Finally, learners work in groups, using the ideas from the lesson to make classroom posters celebrating friendship.  If your child shows signs of feeling rejected or left out talk with him or her about it. To have good friends you must be a good friend. 2.  Why do you think Missie didn’t get invited to Priscilla’s party?

3.  Write a “Friendship Recipe” telling someone else how to be a good friend. Should friendships be based on popularity? Encourage your child to talk with you about his or her friendships.

In this lesson pupils celebrate friendship. What do you like about your friend that made it fun to be together? Books about Friendship; View more friendship activities, lessons, and games.