Up angled does 20 damage on all hitboxes, middle angled does 19 on all hitboxes, down angled does 18 on all hitboxes.

Mario also bobs up and down faster than Doc does. is different than on the ground, and if i recall correctly, it's frame 10 in the air and frame 12 on the ground, so if you time it, you can get him to go EE-EEYAH!

Doc's reverse grab hitbox isn't as far back as Mario's. In the air, he also has hitboxes on feet and head as well. Hitbox size 800. Mario's bair eventually catches up to the hitboxes of doc's.

Doc is heavier, has a worse recovery.

Mario's neutral air lasts from frames 3-32. Sends at 90 degrees, 70/80 base/growth, 8 damage. Charge frame 7. The inner hitbox is ID0, size 700, 26/125 base/growth, the middle hitbox is id1, size 900, 26/122 base/growth, the fist hitbox is id2, size 1200, 26/120 base/growth. His down air seems better, having doc tornado down b seems better.

I will be creating a LIST of differences between clones, for any new players or less knowledgeable players who want to know more. [Comparison] (. Mario has the standard animation length for rebounding when clanking a move.

Your box on Dr. Mario's downtilt knockback cuts off abruptly; something seems to be missing? ID1 sends at 90 degrees, but is impossible to hit with in a practical setting.

(Size of 1400 on each of the 3 hitboxes). Mario's jab 2 sends at 83 degrees on all hits except the innermost (which never takes priority), which sends at 85 degrees. It does more knockback at the start than at the end (kinda like Luigi's), so killing off the top is less likely with him. Dr. Mario's Up B is one, single, strong hit that has much more hitlag as the other two brothers, and his Up B can be reversed. Doc's fair sends at 60 degrees on all hitboxes. Doc's jab 3 sends at sakurai angle on all hits.

Has 0/100 base/growth.

Hits on 5-9, ends on 22. All of doc's fsmash hitboxes have the electric effect. Mario's upsmash hits on frames 9-11, his head is intangible on frames 9-11, and the attack ends on frame 39. Mario's cape hits longer horizontally, but lacks the vertical hitboxes present on Doc's cape. Refreshing it requires landing through air dodge, normal landing, or during cape itself. That’s pretty cool one of his moves is called Ear Nose and Throat. Deals 2 damage.

IASA frame 30.

On aerial cape, id0 deals 9 damage and id1 deals 7 damage.

Doc's cape sends at 110 degrees with 30/80 base/growth. And as an extra, I thought I'd mention that Dr. Mario's final smash (Doctor Finale) does slightly more damage. Mario's is a multihit move, where when each move connects, a coin comes out. Doc's cape hits on 12-14, reflects on 6-33, and ends on 35.

The window for jab 2 is a press on 3-25, jab 2 starts on frame 6 at earliest. The armpit is ID0, taking priority should both connect. The window for jab 2 is a press on 2-25, jab 2 starts on frame 17 at earliest. He's barely a semi clone at this point, Differences between Dr. Mario and Mario on the Wiki.
Dr. Mario vs. Mr. Game and Watch Super Smash Bros. Up angled does 19 on id0, 15 on id1 and id2. Dr. Mario also outright lacks any spike hitbox on his forward air. The effort good lord. Pill comes out on frame 14, and lasts 75 frames.

All angles and all hitboxes send at Sakurai angle with 30/97 base/growth. Charge frame 5. Ok, I'm copping out here a bit because I'm not going to detail each of the many middle hits of Mario and doc's down b, and also the aerial versions of it, so just check. Deals 3 damage. Mario's downb hits on 8-9, 12-13, 15-16, 18-19, 21-22, 24-25, 27-28, 38-39, last frame to become airborne is 10, mash window for rising on 1-36.
Doc's fsmash lacks the hitbox attached to the fireball on Mario's fsmash, but otherwise the moves are identical in size and placement on the model. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

Their forward airs are also different, Mario has two hitboxes on his, with the sourspot being near the base of his arm while the sweetspot is at the tip of the fist, Dr. Mario has the opposite, the sourspot is at the tip of his fist while the sweetspot is at the base of his arm. Thank you for putting the time into doing this! I think I covered it all.

Doc's neutral air lasts from frames 3-31. Both with 45/75 base/growth. Shout out to memes from me for games for the request, Thanks!!!

Mario's fireballs are shot at a -10 degree angle with a speed of 1.5. The window for jab 2 is a press on 3-25, jab 3 starts on frame 7 at earliest. SM3DAS +2 Super Mario 3D All-Stars; P5 +1 Persona 5; AC:NH +1 Animal Crossing: New Horizons; SSB4U +1 Super Smash Bros. (Wii U) SA2 +1 Sonic Adventure 2; UMvC3 +1 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3; SSBB +1 Super Smash Bros. Brawl; BHL +1 Brutal Half-Life; SCII +1 SoulCalibur II (GameCube) P2 ↺1 Portal 2 Ends on frame 45. Doc's cape hits more vertically, but less horizontally than Mario's cape. Doc's attacks deal more damage in general, Their specials work differently and their down specials are completely different, Doc has a "reverse sex kick" (Mario's neutral air, like many similar moves, does the most damage at the start of the move and loses power the longer it lasts; Doc's nair does more damage the longer it is out), They're considered completely different characters, not echoes.

Mario's usmash sends at an angle of 83 dealing 15 damage with 32/97 base/growth for the entire duration of the attack. Doc's dash attack hits on frames 6-25, ends on frame 43, IASA 38.


I will also try to make this table as informative as possible about their attacks and such.

fun fact: the aerial timing for EEYAH!

(Larger than Mario's). Doc can cancel his taunt by sliding off an edge or entering the teeter animation while in the taunting animation. Mario's initial hit of upb sends at 70 degrees with 150 set knockback, dealing 5 damage.

Deals 4 damage.

Which amiibo would you like to see battle it out next?

"Mario's dair has a different sound effect, a bit more meaty sounding.

Check back later for more information as I add it!! Doc's grab has slightly worse disjoint due to how the animation works. Mario's cape lifts him up a little upon its first use. Mario has a smaller window to perform his aerial interrupt with upair. ", If this post was for school itd be a doctoral thesis. Doc's upb hits on frames 3-21, is intangible on frame 3, and ends on frame 37. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.

Doc's dair has a less meaty sound effect. For the first 2 frames of upsmash, it deals 16 damage, and sends at 83 degrees on aerial opponents and 259 degrees on grounded opponents.

throw, while Dr. Mario picks you up, uses a fireman's lift (wherein he balances you on his shoulders) and then he proceeds to throw you behind him slowly while exclaiming "HYUUGH!" Refreshing it requires landing through air dodge, normal landing, or during cape itself. Thank you so much I got everything I needed!! Fireball comes out on frame 14, and lasts 75 frames. But every tier list ive seen put the Doc wayyy below mario. Think of it as my personal reference and knowledge base so you can impress me with your doc/mario knowledge. All angles send at Sakurai angle, all hitboxes are the same.

Luigi is not a mario clone though.

Mario's jab 3 sends at sakurai angle on all hits. Doc's direction is decided on frame 4, and angle on frame 3. Final grounded hitbox of Mario's down b sends at 80 degrees with 60/115 base/growth, dealing 5 damage. Props to you.

Mario's jab 1 sends at 83 degrees on all hits except the innermost (which never takes priority), which sends at 85 degrees. Doc's fsmash hits on 12-16 and ends on 41. New to smash and don’t know the difference, are they echo fighters or separate fighters?

Unfortunately I'm still a couple of days behind, but I make sure I go through all the requests. Mario's grab has slightly better disjoint due to how the animation works.

Mario's fair sends at a 280 degree angle on all hitboxes, with 30/70 base growth, dealing 15 damage.

Set knockback of 20.

Tiers > SSBU > Dr. Mario Dr. Mario's Super Smash Bros.

Ultimate tier match ups. Press J to jump to the feed. I AM aware that Luigi is a semi clone (well, not even), but I am including him because he is similar enough to Mario and Dr. Mario to be on this list. Mario's dtilt sends at 80 degrees dealing 8 damage for all hitboxes, with 10/80 base growth. The animation for throwing it out ends on frame 43. Die populärsten Nintendo-Helden und viele neue Gesichter sind mit von der Partie bei Super Smash Bros. Bis zu vier Spieler können gegeneinander kämpfen - in fantastisch gestalteten Szenerien, die von Nintendos klassischen TV-Konsolenspielen inspiriert sind. Mario's weight in PAL is 98 (100 in NTSC).

Shulk - 3.3 Vote for tiers. Please note that the Mario/Doc (especially Mario) frame data threads have some misinformation, because there are so many small errors in there (No, mario's fair does NOT ac on frame 28), doc's is generally the more accurate version, I hope they ALL didn't make it into this thread, as I double checked a lot of them out, (I'm also kind of unsure about some sound effects and other minor things along those lines, so please correct anything I don't have!! (Smaller than Doc's), Doc's upsmash has 35/95 base/growth for all of the different hitboxes.

I haven't seen anyone mention this yet, but Doc's up special, Super Jump Punch, is a one-hit attack unlike Mario's.

Can you explain why?

Mario's utilt hits on 4-12, ends on 30, IASA frame 30.