Marth's DTilt to Tech Chase can be acquired earlier if you get the sweet spot. Did you know who Alex from Minecraft was before Smash? People vastly overestimate non-tipper... It’s probably harder to sweetspot as Roy than it is as Marth, and tippers kill at heavy percents... You don’t have to space, you don’t have to be a pro... your tipper is more likely than you think... NTDOY (Nintendo) down ~10% Pre-Market... Steve? Marth's aerials are very strong, especially when spaced correctly. Lucina can be played more aggresively, and relies on her more effective combos to increase the damage enough so she can KO the opponent. He does tons of damage and can even out damage his … Lucina's attacks deal average damage at best and are unable to KO at low percentages because of her lack of a tipper. Marth speaks Japanese in all releases of Super Smash Bros. Melee , Brawl , and 3DS/Wii U , not having English voice clips in the series until Super Smash Bros. Should I get piranha plant as a DLC character? Lucina seems to look different from the other characters, with a more anime-inspired art style instead of the regular Peppa Pig art style. - Page 3. Lucina has a property that lets her slide when she's walking/perfect-pivoting, while Marth stays more still. Lucina's sword is called Falchion. Finally, many of his based attacks are unsafe on shield, due to low hitlag, and he's almost guaranteed to get shield grabbed is he's next to the opponent. 2. I've played both and from experience, I've been doing way better after I switched to Lucina. Objectively, each character has something the other does not. 3. Also, if you somehow manage to decently calculate and land the sweet/sour spot of Marth's sword according to your needs, then he is stronger. Lucina is the tritagonist of Fire Emblem: Awakening.

She is the daughter of the prince of Ylisse, Chrom. at close range, you can still get the tipper FTilt hitbox to hit because of how the sword comes out from below to above Marth), thus not extending the combo the way you want. Have Lucina join the player's party in World of Light.With the exception of the third method, Lucina must then be defeated on Arena Ferox. Jab & UTilt may have difficulty hitting shorter characters because of z-axis stuff). I do know Marth's sword is also literally the same sword but it does look different. Ultimate.

Even Roy can space (but seriously, don't do that).

That probably explains why she’s Marth’s echo fighter — a character with basically all the same moves and some slight statistical differences. Official Daisy of the Smash Ultimate Boards. Marth can be more rewarding if used right, but Lucina's consistent damage and knockback helps her … Sporting 31 / 34 offenses at base and middling defensive stats, Marth was definitely outshined by his descendants Chrom and Lucina, who possessed more valuable and effective stat spreads and niches.

She goes into the temple by hersel… Despite the fact that she only possesses four of the Fire Emblem's Gemstones, the fifth having been lost, Lucina still hopes that Naga will grant her the ability to defeat Grima. Ultimate. SitemapAdvertisePartnershipsCareersPrivacy PolicyAd ChoiceTerms of UseReport Ad, CA Privacy/Info We CollectCA Do Not Sell My Info. Drill Blaster Mark 2 (talk) 08:38, 22 November 2015 (EST), I don't like it, I love it, love it, love it. ElementUser posted a very nice breakdown of differences between them and ultimately, they come down to specific situations and playstyles combined.

© 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Oh and, don't forget: forum pages act like talk pages. "If Tetris taught me anything, it's that mistakes pile up, and accomplishments disappear.". Both thoughts have crossed my mind.

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And I'd argue that spacing's efficiency is dependent solely on range, rather than power. Introduction. Marth relies on spacing, more defensive play, and early KOs.

Nothing to fret about. Oddly enough, Marth steps forward slightly when spamming UTilt/FTilt as soon as the endlag is over, whereas Lucina stays in place. Ganonmew, The Thankful Evil Clone 12:24, 22 November 2015 (EST), dunno bout you but chrom seems like the only solution here with a splash of sora, From SmashWiki, the Super Smash Bros. wiki, With Marth, you need to try to hit with the tip of his sword, but Lucina's sword is equally powerful all along the blade. As the ugly duckling of the Falchion users, Marth has been known as a longtime unfortunate pitybreaker… and not much else. Her sword power is not halfway between Marth's sour spot and sweet spot, it's actually higher on average, which is what makes her a viable pickup over Marth or allows her to swap places with Marth without losing viability IMO. After 6 years of lurking I finally decided to dive into this hell. Why is a giant metal PAC-MAN in the King Olly spirit battle. On doubles or FFA, Lucina might be the better choice as you have much less of a chance of mentally calculating the spacing to land your kills.

Marth has more combos in general if you know how to use the sour-spot properly to extend combos. If I have Fighter's Pass Vol. Play VS. matches, with Lucina being the 23rd character to be unlocked. Wait a second... Marth's tipped Shield Breaker only does 1% more than Lucina's, and his based does only 1% less.

Marth can be more rewarding if used right, but Lucina's consistent damage and knockback helps her in certain match-ups. Marth is slightly taller than Lucina so his upwards reach is slightly better, but because of this he not be as good against shorter characters (e.g. Lucina can be played more aggresively, and relies on her more effective combos to increase the damage enough so she can KO the opponent. In general, it's still personal preference and even MU influenced as to which one may be better for you in a certain game.

[11] [12] Around the same time, she also received her own Amiibo figure from Nintendo.

SPOILERS! However, improving consistency with Marth's tipper/non-tipper brings a huge satisfaction, especially considering ALL of his attacks are affected by the sweet/sour spots. Shield Breaker is also much more rewarding, since the opponent will be defenseless against a tipped attack. Marth is considered by most to be the better character, but he takes more skill to play than Lucina due to his tippers. Lucina is a cute waifu too :) (Sorry, had to get that weeby thought out of my chest), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. She is also the direct descendant of the Hero King Marth. Lucina can kill better with stray hits if sometimes that's all you can get in a matchup with things like Bair & FSmash (whereas Marth's sour spot Bair & FSmash aren't very threatening in a wide % range). How is your playstyle? So, when are we getting the next character reveal? Lucina has a property that lets her slide when she's walking/perfect-pivoting, while Marth … Actually it is literally the same sword Lucina uses or technically Lucina is literally using Chrom's sword. Its hard to pass back and forth when you have to guess or react to whether or not its a tipper ya know? It's your personal choice and playing both is also an entirely valid one. Her Shield Breaker move lets her attack opponents and break their shields at … What modes do you play more? Marth's Dancing Blade has more kill potential if you tipper the last hit of it, but it's not as good at higher percents (IMO) because the sour spot hit pushes them outwards, whereas Lucina's Dancing Blade seems more consistent and works until a much higher percent (and thus I feel safer using Dancing Blade as a mixup or to cover spotdodge at higher percents). CRAZYSMP 2 days ago #6. Even though the way they play is quite similar, Marth requires better spacing to rack up damage and secure kills than Lucina, but is more rewarding in the long run. Is that really that big of a difference?

This page was last edited on December 2, 2019, at 04:54.