As soon as the judge announced "Start", I tackled at his legs. During Kado’s fight he threw Gracie several times. In those days, my lower body was still weak and had not mastered enough techniques. Could I beat him again?

It was held as a special challenge, with no titles on the line: Gracie was the self-proclaimed national jiu-jitsu champion, seen as a regular judo 6th dan by Kimura, while Kimura himself was coming from a career in professional wrestling and teaching of judo. I thought I evaded it successfully, but the knife got to my buttock.

After 30 minutes of battle, both my skin and do-gi were soaked with sweat. He held a low stance to prevent me from attempting any offense. When I was in the 7th grade, my older brother came home crying, saying that he got bitten by dogs.

This way, I would gain extra 3 hours a day, and I will do this everyday.

(Kimura had defeated him with Osoto-gari and Tsurikomi-goshi in the past meetings.)

In submission grappling, the reverse ude-garami arm lock is often called the “Kimura”, due to his famous victory over […]

If I had this much accumulation, I would be able to fight as usual even if I got sick with fever at 40 degrees centigrade. [...] I thought he would surrender immediately.

The arm bar must have been painful but when Gracie refused to surrender, Kimura applied yet more pressure, and as a result Gracie suffered a broken left elbow. In final, I faced Ishikawa 5th dan.

Growth is optional. Finally, he caught hold of Gracie's arm. In the final, my team faced Kyoto First Commerce Junior High. I had thought that those who are trained in judo have strong finger tips, elbow, wrists, and fists.

He uttered "You are impudent. I scored Ippon.

Presumably, Kimura was to be killed by Gracie.
I fell to the ground head first, had a concussion, and lost consciousness. Didn't Musashi really ring the bell? I practiced at Chinsei Junior High, Kawakita dojo, Butokuden, and Imperial 5th High (today's Kumamoto University). The untold truth of martial arts legend Masahiko Kimura, © 2020 When he checked out the noise it turned out to be Kimura doing uchikomi against a tree. Here he defeated Tsuzimoto with Tsurikomi-goshi. It really hurt. Here's where history was made, and it's worth letting Kimura do the straight-talking here: "I grabbed his left wrist with my right hand and twisted up his arm. I felt like defending the title again and again.

He was very good at Newaza. I then made a transition to O-soto-otoshi. In those days, my main arsenals for Shiai were Tsurikomi-goshi, O-uchi-gari, Ippon-seoi, Okuri-ashi-barai (left and right), De-ashi-barai (left and right), O-goshi, Harai-goshi, and O-soto-gari.

I could not beat them as long as I trained as hard as others. Osawa had positioned his right leg behind. Helio still did not surrender.

Today, no matter what judo practice or bout I see, I do not see anyone grabbing with 5 fingers, which is disappointing.

He invited me to enter Chinsei Junior High and become a member of the judo club or sumo club.

He pulled me up, slapped me, and threw me to the floor again.

In those days, I always wanted to get even with him, but could not get to his level, which was at the level of captain. Kimura became the All Japan Open Weight Judo Champion at age 20. At age 9, he began training in judo. He resisted for a while but I changed to O-soto-otoshi, and scored Ippon. I thought in futon, "Today's victory is a fluke. I did not have any problem passing the skill test. You are strong." As Kimura later wrote: "When I entered the stadium, I found a coffin.

An old opponent, who was bigger than I, whom I met recently said to me that I looked big.

He started to practice Judo at age 10.

His semi-final opponent was Hirosei. The time was running out. This was the first time that we saw each other face to face.

He hopped again to evade the Ippon-seoi.

I had two big fights during my Chinsei Junior High days. Ishikawa 5th dan grabbed my back lapel with his right hand. Still, it was sufficient to receive the 5th dan.

After this incident, Mr. Ogawa of Chinsei Junior High visited my house with a student named Nakayama. Soon after I started "Triple Effort", information on my rivals started to pour in such as "In Kyoto and Tokyo, tough challengers are studying how to cope with Kimura's initial attack. I was told, "This is for Kimura. Gracie was a skilled fighter, but Kimura had the edge, throwing Gracie around the ring repeatedly.

Yoshimatsu later defeated future Olympic Champion, Anton Geesink, in 45 seconds with Uchimata in the 1st Worlds Judo Championships (1956).

I ran toward the desk and jumped onto the desk.

Every time I fell with him, our heads and backs got slammed so hard that we became unable to breath properly for a while.

He trained at Taku-Shoku University, Local Clubs, Kodokan, and Police Academies, Quite often he would practice against a tree, always at midnight. At the samc time he was promotcd to the 5th dan by defeating eight (8) consecutive opponents at Kodokan. He then delivered Ko-uchi-gari and O-uchi-gari.

Many of them eventually started to beg me not to use O-soto-gari. When I took the promotion test for the 2nd dan, I was the captain of the red team, and defeated the remaining 4 members of the white team, all by Ippon.

Kimura, being Kimura, accepted without hesitation. When I faced the 9th opponent, I was already exhausted.

People call me "Jo-Sho (meaning a man of constant wins or a man who always wins) Kimura".

The first fight occurred when I was in the 2nd year. His final opponent was Takahiko Ishikawa, 6th dan and rival. I got up from futon, turned on the light, and looked at my body. Yasuichi Matsumoto (187 cm,80 kg) became the champion on May 2, 1948 in Kodokan’s All Japan Judo Championship. This website uses cookies to improve your experience.

In the 2nd bout of Semifinal, I faced Hirose 5th dan. I thought they were all doing so to prevent the thumb from getting jammed on impact.

As soon as I got home, I started Makiwara strikes. It was known that when he loses, his parents and relatives all join him and ambush for revenge.

We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. I guess I was lucky. The knot felt as hard as a stone.

Therefore, not using the thumb goes against the principle of dynamics. I thought practicing twice as much as others would be sufficient since I had heard that others were practicing about 3 hours a day. But once the dream came true, I did not want to give up the title. Some legendary fighters spring up from unlikely places, their prodigious acumen for fisticuffs emerging as if from nowhere. In the latter half of round 2, I reversed Nakajima's O-soto-gari, and tried to pin him by Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame, but he held my right leg with his legs and round 2 ended. Kado accepted a challenge from Helio Gracie – Brazilian champion for 20 years. I initiated O-soto-gari by full force. In a case like this, the meaning of "business" is tacitly understood. I will win next year also." But in reality, I missed a chance to go to a Zen temple one after another. He then nodded, and left the locker room. I knew I would lose as soon as I thrust the gun at him. Tenran Shiai was held on June 18 and 19.

Soon after this, I entered Shodokan Dojo nearby my elementary school. The name. To be honest, I had no confidence in the techniques I applied.

I scored Ippon at 42 sec mark.

To throw the opponent means to kill him. Even though I knew the efficacy of using the thumb, it was not easy for me to actually master it. He kept the hold of my back lapel.

In the final match, he beat Tokuharu Itoh by decision in three overtimes. "I will not be content with this. When we returned to the center of the platform, and the bout was re-started, I attempted O-soto-gari, and scored Ippon.

Hirosei was the champion in 1941. For his winnings he was awarded the Championship Flag. The next moment, my body floated in the air, and was flipped in reverse.

In the last 10 minute period, Nakashima was taken down where Kimura applied Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame, After the 30 second pin, Kimura was declared the winner. Also read the Interview with Helio Gracie where he reveals that Kimura had choked him unconscious. Ishikawa had anticipated this move, and had already bent his right knee. After all, humans are weak. In the May of my 9th grade year, I went to Kyoto for the first time in my life, and became a 3rd dan. He then pulled his right leg backward all the way, and withstood the pressure. The accumulation of these extra hours will become my flesh and blood, that is, my skills and mental power. I meditated trying to reach the state of no ego.
He fell down making a loud sound like a slammed log.

Past the 4 min 35 sec mark, I delivered O-soto-gari, again.

Suddenly, my whole body became hot as if somebody poured boiling water over me from above the top of my head, and my body started to tremble.

He warned his final opponent, Tokizane, just prior to the match that he was going to defeat him using Osoto-gari. He was taller and heavier than I, but I had beaten him twice by Ippon within 2 or 3 minutes before. In those days, in Kumamoto, Budo was widely and feverishly practiced.

The long intense battle, which lasted 40 minutes, finally ended. I scored Ippon from him by O-soto-gari. My fingers were almost completely powerless so that it took me a log time to fix the do-gi.

I jumped up and down with joy screaming "Banzai, Banzai". I cut this grip by force. However, even his expertise was no match for Kimura.

He said, "Shiai is equivalent to a real sword 'Kill or Get Killed' duel between Bushi. Tomita wrote “Kimura No mae Ni Kimura Naku, Kimura No Ato Ni Kimura Nashi.” Meaning: there never was a player like Kimura before or since. When I reversed this, he got slammed hard on tatami, which resulted in Ippon. Yoshimatsu was 5’11” (180 cm) and weighed 250 lbs (115 kg).

I participated in a team match with Nakayama Dojo which was about 6km away from my dojo.

This played against judo rules in which pins and throws can award someone a victory, b… About 10 days after this, I came up with a solid good idea. At the moment he deflected the wooden gun, I tackled his knees. After obtaining his first victory, Kimura decided to start doing 1000 non-stop pushups to ensure his future victories. I attempted Ippon-seoi again, but this time, I stepped in less than last time. The fight between Japanese judoka Masahiko Kimura and Brazilian jiu-jitsu founder Hélio Gracie was held at the Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro on October 23, 1951.

But his attitude made him terrifying.

Remember, if you devote your life in judo, you can survive only by throwing your opponents or fighting to a draw no matter how many tough opponents you face.".

I thought I was ready to beat you. I said, "I cannot say such a thing." Right from the get-go, the fight looked set to be nasty.

My first opponent was Tadashi Ichido 5th dan. When they get sick or get into a trouble, they depend on God. In 1949, after touring for Hawaii, Kimura and his troupe formed by judoka Toshio Yamaguchi and Yukio Kato went to Brazil after an invitation by the Sao Paulo Shimbun.

There was no guarantee that I could continue to defend the title judging from my body size. When I was in the 8th grade, I entered a prefecture sumo tournament and placed 2nd. By the time he was a senior in High School, he had reached 4th dan. He scored Waza-ari!

I called them one by one with a whistle, and kicked it with a geta (wooden sandal) by full force. I won the national title for the 3rd time.