(This may be included into the thesis work as an additional page.).

Register IN PERSON by presenting your TUD matriculation certificate (. Willkommen an der Informatikfa­kultät Fünf Jahrzehnte Forschungs- und Lehrerfahrung und ihre internationale Ausrichtung prägen die größte Informatikausbildungsstätte Sachsens.

(All reviewers must be professors at their institutions.). TU Dresden Faculty of Computer Science The e-mail should inform on the date, time, venue, title and abstract of your thesis.

Dekanat / SCIS Therefore, contact the SCIS giving your matriculation number (Matrikelnummer) and the title of the examination. When staying at one of the partner universities, please check and follow the local procedures. Cancellation of your registration to the examination is possible 14 days BEFORE the examination date at the very latest. In this section, you will find detailed information on the study program. Furthermore, please remember that credits are accepted at partner universities on the basis of modules. Prüfung Art und Dauer von Prüfungsleistungen sind den Modulbeschreibungen zu entnehmen.

EMCL students, who need to have recorded modules, which were achieved at one of the partner universites, they need to require an update from that university to be provided to the SCIS. Important Information concerning Student Registration Card

This section contains useful information for currently enrolled students: course overviews and timetables, financial support and regulations, among other things.

Technische Universität Dresden: exzellent studieren, forschen, arbeiten. So if you need it that way, you must explicitly instruct and allow the SCIS to send it in an e-mail. Students are required to show their matriculation certificate ( Immatrikulationsbescheinigung) to get any service from the SCIS, e. g. registration for examinatins, defenses etc.. A simple course examination is not needed to be applied with the SCIS. Furthermore, please remember that modules achieved at one of the partner universites, they can be accepted, if a module certificate is being provided by that university, only. TU Dresden

Results are made known during the examination. Dieses Modul ist Bestandteil der Studiengänge: Im Wintersemester 2018/19 werden in diesem Modul keine Lehrveranstaltungen angeboten. Consider that the defense can be applied for, only if you have completed all requested modules and obtained 90 credits. They must include a proposal for grade according to the. Modulverantwortlicher: Prof.Hölldobler, KI.

After completion of your project work ask your supervisor for a certificate, which contains all relevant information like subject, SWS, grade, matriculation no., student′s name, date and signature of your supervisor. Cancellation of your registration to the exam is possible three days BEFORE the examination date at the very latest.

Students who will enroll in 2017 or later are referred to the website of the faculty.

), 23 weeks from the starting date given in the application, up to 13 weeks to be applied by the regular date of submission at the latest. Dekanat / SCIS (An e-mail containing this information to be sent to the SCIS and the examiner in time, this will be sufficient as well.). 46D-01187 Dresden, Mail to: Collect the certificate from the examiner in charge after the examination, keep it and give a copy to the SCIS.

This web page provides information for students who enrolled in 2016 or before, only. Keep the original certificate and give a copy to the SCIS. nach oben. Anmeldung via E-Mail an Ute Schulze Matrikelnummer und Name angeben bitte Erst- und Zweitwunsch angeben Einschreibefrist 20.07. bis 27.07 2020 Sicherheitsbelehrung und Einweisung …

Credits are given on completed modules only, which requires additional module examinations (see below). Faculty of Computer Science Helmholtzstr. Introduction. Only then the complete achievements can be shown in the ToR. This section contains useful information for currently enrolled students: course overviews and timetables, financial support and regulations, among other things. All lectures at TUD, which are on the master?s level, which are related to Computational Logic, and which are not already assigned to any CL-module may be selected.

Send the final version via e-mail to the members of the JMC and the SCIS.

Wednesday, 15.01.2020, 09:00 - 12:00 am

Complete a registration form for each advanced module examination available from the SCIS. International MSc Program in Computational Logic (MCL) European Master's Program in Computational Logic (EMCL) DSE Office Hours: TUE/WED 09.00 AM - 12.00 AM.

Please note: IMPORTANT:

Results can be asked from the SCIS during the respective office hours in person.

Contact the professor/university in charge, in case something is missing. Frau Julia Koppenhagen: E-Mail: infscis.dse (at) mailbox.tu-dresden.de: Distributed Systems Engineering (DSE) FES Sprechzeiten: Montag 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr.

ATTENTION: Only taking the course examinations is not enough to aquire credits. Please contact the module representative. Contact the examiner and agree an appointment for the examination. This page was last edited on 17 July 2020, at 15:07. Students defending at NOVA or TUW, please follow the local regulations in addition. Nöthnitzer Str.

Unfortunately, a ToR cannot be sent via e-mail, for reasons of data security. 10 Therefore, you may contact the local coordinator. Take two copies of your thesis to the SCIS before the date of defense, but no later than the due date for the hand in, which is given in the form Master's Thesis Application.

Master-Niveau Die Lehrveranstaltung ist an Master- bzw.

Therefore, contact the SCIS giving your matriculation number (Matrikelnummer) and the title of the examination.

In case of illness, you must present a sickness certificate issued on the day of examination or before, a note showing your matriculation number and the title of the missed examination to the SCIS within three weeks after the examination. Monday, 20.01.2020, 10:00 - 12:00 am and 02:00 - 04:00 pm, DSE:

Courses not being assigned to completed modules, they are not necessarily accepted at the partner universities.

EMCL students staying at the Technische Universität Dresden, please follow the regulations as described above. In this section, you will find detailed information on the study program. Fix a date for the defense with your supervisor. Deliver printed copies of the thesis to the university, where you defend. Monday, 13.01.2020, 10:00 - 12:00 am and 02:00 - 04:00 pm TU Dresden / TU Dresden / Informatik Computer Science / ICCL / TU Dresden / Fakultät Informatik Faculty of Computer Science / International Center For Computational Logic For Current Students.

Important: Registration period will be announced on time on the web page as well as in an e-mail.

Please contact the module representative. The examination regulations for the MCL/EMCL-programs are provided here. D-01069 Dresden, Important Information concerning Student Registration Card, International Master's Program in Computational Logic (MCL), European Master's Program in Computational Logic (EMCL), Detailed Information on Examination Registration and Results, Application for Defense of the Master Thesis, (ATTENTION: This is a compulsory examination additionally to the course examinations. Module Zusätzlich zu den Modulen aus Bachelor/Master/Diplom Informatik, Medieninformatik und Informationssystemtechnik gibt es noch folgende Module für andere Studiengänge, und folgende "Module" für ältere Studiengänge und Sonstiges.

EMCL students staying at the Technische Universität Dresden, please follow the regulations as described above.

Wednesday, 22.01.2020, 09:00 - 12:00 am, Andreas-Pfitzmann-Building (APB) The student writing the master's thesis is responsible that all steps are taken in time to assure a correct defense. CL/FES: Present documents to the SCIS proving completion of all modules. Provide the signed declarations of having prepared the thesis on your own and having used the references and auxiliary means indicated in the thesis, only. Make your supervisor apply the thesis work to the SCIS (e-mail sent from the supervisor incl. D-01062 Dresden, Bulk mail to: Discuss the composition of the Joint Master Commission (JMC) with your supervisor and make him apply it with the JC by sending an e-mail to the chair, Discuss with your supervisor which members of the JMC are goint to write the reviews of the thesis work. Tuesday, 21.01.2020, 09:00 - 12:00 am Diese Angebot ist optional und nur für fortgeschrittene Studenten empfohlen.

The SCIS will issue a protocol form (Protokoll über die mündliche Modulprüfung) and you must present it along with the completed registration form to the examiner. International MSc Program in Computational Logic (MCL) European Master's Program in Computational Logic (EMCL) DSE Sprechzeiten: Dienstag/Mittwoch 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr.

Make sure that the JMC has been confirmed by the JC before. Ausnahmen hierfür sind die Module INF-AQUA, INF-B-510/20/30/40, INF-B-610 und INF-D-940 - hier wird die Prüfungsform der jeweiligen Lehrveranstaltung explizit angegeben.

Semester im Sinne der Prüfungs- und Studienordnung. Make sure that you are registered with the TUD. A project is not needed to be applied with the SCIS.

Make your supervisor present the two reviews to the SCIS. Diplomstudenten im Hauptstudium gerichtet. Modulverantwortlicher: Prof.Hölldobler, KI Dieses Modul ist Bestandteil der Studiengänge: Computational Logic All lectures at TUD, which are on the master?s level, which are related to Computational Logic, and which are not already assigned to any CL-module may be selected.