Kangaskhan's other legacy move, Brick Break, lacks the power to be useful. This is what I'm going to be using for Gen 6: Return (STAB damage, 16 types of coverage) -Power-up punch Aerial Ace can hit any foe in a Triple battle. Ice Punch on the other hand is physical and plays to Kangaskhan's strengths. Nature:Jolly Dies ist Mega-Kangamas Standard-Set in der sechsten Generation. Hierbei ist jedoch der Rückstoßschaden zu beachten, der Kangama extrem fragil macht. Here's to posting a random set that I felt like posting. Auf dem letzten Slot sollte Mogelhieb oder Schutzschild verwendet werden, wobei im aktuellen Meta oft mit einem Doppel-Schutzschild oder Rapidschutz gegen Mega-Kangama geleadet wird, weshalb sich inzwischen meist der Schutzschild mehr lohnt. Nice moveset Squattop, Some free damage from Fake Out, +2 attack boosts from Power-Up Punch and it's also Coverage against Steel, Rock, Ice, Dark and it's own Type, And a lot of STAB moves But Watch out For Ghost Types. But as the child is good only at fighting and nothing else, its mother feels uneasy about its future. Two Fake outs and a Return will kill it (using this speed set, you'll be faster than a 92 base speed Mega Garchomp). Kangaskan being a Normal type can be taught many moves so it has a great movepool which can help it cover its weakness to Fighting. Even a 2x weakness would be stronger (Pelipper's Return  102 < 180  Pelipper's STAB 2x Aerial Ace [Power would be 360 against Heracross). EV: 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 HP Well, this is just my moveset anyway :D. Edit: Okay, so while battling random people online, I've noticed a few things: 1) A bunch of these people love using Yveltal/Xerneas. - Seismic Toss Mega-Kangama ist eines der mächtigsten Pokémon und profitiert gerade im VGC davon, dass es nicht gebannt ist. There are epaulette-like growths over its shoulders and a row of spikes down its back. This set up is mostly for dealing with walls like Chansey, Frillish, Spritomb, etc. Power Up-Punch - Basically a free swords dance just does damage. :/. Return- stab (if he likes ya), Item: Choice-band Mega Kangaskhan’s strength derives from the mother’s happiness about her child’s growth. It has a brown hide with several raised patches and a cream-colored belly. Der Hauptvorteil daran, dass Mega-Kangama zweimal angreifen kann, ist, dass der Effekt der Attacke Steigerungshieb ebenfalls zweimal ausgelöst wird und Kangama damit ohne weiteres einen Angriffsschub um zwei Stufen einbringt, das entspricht bereits bei einmaligem Einsatz einer Verdoppelung des Angriffs. Some of you people don't make sense with this life orb and expert belt... Just give it the dam mega evolution stone!!! Nature: Jolly (, https://www.pokewiki.de/index.php?title=Mega-Kangama/Strategie&oldid=1975877, Creative Commons „Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen“. Rock Slide and Earthquake hit mutliple foes. Sucker Punch gives priority and a fight back chance to ghosts. Erdbeben kann gegen Gestein- und Stahl-Pokémon verwendet werden, die alle resistent gegen Bodyslam und Risikotackle sind. - Rock Slide Auch Fähigkeiten wie Ramoths Flammkörper sind gefährlich (51% Chance auf Verbrennung). I personally like Ice Punch though it's a matter of preference on the elemental punches. 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP Seriously, good moveset, but you could always add in fire/thunder/ice punch if you see a need, and I think it can learn Aerial Ace, for fighting. Sucker-punch is Priority. Mega-Kangamas Schwächen liegen einerseits in Pokémon wie Tentantel, da die mehrfachen Angriffe auch Kangama selbst wegen Eisenstachel hohen Schaden zufügen, vor allem aber in Geister-Pokémon, denen Mega-Kangama nur mit Tiefschlag Schaden zufügen kann, was diese aber häufig zu verhindern wissen, wie Mega-Banette oder Mega-Zobiris. Sucker Punch - Good Power, Priority This is really helpfull for people like me, who just play for fun and don´t have the time to make this kind of analysis. Outrage makes a nearly unstoppable force out of this giant Kangaroo. - Sucker Punch (Priority, stops threats like Xatu) •Fake Out Jedoch hat es einen schlechten defensiven Typ. Gelingt es, Kangama mehrere Steigerungshiebe einsetzen zu lassen, ist es mit Tiefschlag (als Prioritätsattacke bei schnelleren Pokémon) und der sehr starken Rückkehr oder dem Risikotackle möglich, auch Staller problemlos auszuschalten. Er erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und beinhaltet Informationen, die auf Erfahrungswerten erfahrenerer Spieler basieren. Can OHKO many Pokemon in NU) -Sucker punch Most of these sets are old and were posted before the Kangaskhanite even existed. Fake Out-Flinch and decent damage after Mega Evolving, plus it gets rid of Sturdy and Focus Sash worries. -Dizzy punch. Eartquake - Coverage (against Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, Steel) Hauptartwork des Pokémon. Life Orb gives your attacks more power. Alternativ zum harten Wesen kann auch ein frohes gespielt werden, allerdings setzt Kangama mehr auf Angriff als auf Initiative, wegen seiner Prioritäts-Attacken hat es diese auch nicht so dringend nötig. You have nice bulk, and good attack with the EVs, and since you'll likely be using priority, there is really no need for Speed. Genghiskhan @ Silk Scarf Earthquake is just redundant, so I wanted to try recommending some alternatives. Januar 2020 um 23:41 Uhr bearbeitet. Nature: Adament or Jolly (if you feel attack or speed), Fake Out - Priority, makes foe flinch, STAB Adamant nature. 2) Be prepared to sacrifice a wall to keep Kangaskhan safe from harm. Because of … Mega-Kangama ist durch seine Fähigkeit Familienbande ein starker physischer Angreifer. Dieses Set versucht die Abschwächung der Fähigkeit Familienbande in der 7. I guess I went overboard with this write up considering Mega Kangaskhan is the most used Mega in the format. Drain-punch. Zudem bewirkt ein maximierter Angriff eine stärkere Angriffserhöhung durch den Einsatz von Steigerungshieb. Auf dem dritten Slot sollte eine Kampf-Attacke gespielt werden, um insbesondere andere Mega-Kangama besiegen zu können. Generation III. Unless it had STAB, of course. Spam STAB last resorts to your heart’s content. Es ist darauf konzentriert, Kangamas Mega-Fähigkeit Familienbandeso effektiv wie möglich einzusetzen, um die eher mittelmäßigen Werte Kangamas auszugleichen. -Aerial Ace (great against fighting types) fake out isn't really a reliable STAB if it only attacks once when you switch in. Endure the next turn and Reversal away. -Crunch ( great for ghost types and physic types) - Protect Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. ja ガルーラ (Garura) en Kangaskhan. Note that since Mega Kangaskhan attacks twice with each move, I'd say this it's going to be one of the new OU's. Dies ist Mega-Kangamas Standard-Set in der sechsten Generation. Its bulk allows it to take a hit and get off a Power-Up Punch. Access the full list of guidelines here. Scrappy lets it hit Aegislash and the other ghosts pretty hard. I have been using Kangaskhan for a while now, and I really like it, it has a number of uses, but it makes for a really good bulky stall attacker, like a poor man's Toxicroak. Allgemeine Informationen Typ: National-Dex #115 Johto-Dex #205 (G S K) #210 (HG SS) Kalos-Dex #062 (Küste) Alola-Dex #165 (S M) #199 (US UM) Galar-Dex #172 (Rüstungs-Dex) Fähigkeiten: Frühwecker Rauflust Konzentrator Familienbande : Fangen, Training und Zucht Fangrate: 45 (11.9 %) Start … - Aerial Ace This write is somewhat opinionated though anyone is welcome to make their own particular builds/set for Mega Kangaskhan. I would say Ice Punch instead of Outrage because (this is only for gen 6 though so if you are using this in a different gen then encore+resistant types to dragon= rage quit) encore+fairy= BIG mistake. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 22. Classic EndureReversal. Focus punch- used with substitute Substitute. Muscle Band adds damage to attacks, and subsequently recovery with Drain Punch. Outrage? Es kann auch von Geowurf Gebrauch machen, um bei Level 100 immer 200 KP Schaden zu machen. Anyway, with those two legendaries, I tend to Fake out either one and then swap to a SDef wall like my Goodra or Sylveon (This is mainly for Yveltal). Careful Nature Kangaskhan I bet it's got some really great info. On a Pokemon like Pelipper, who wouldn't get STAB from Return (102), but STAB from Aerial Ace (90), then yes. 2. Diese Website verwendet Cookies. Also, went up against a couple Mega Garchomps as well. Moon : Thanks to Mega Evolution, its child grows. Ability: Scrappy -> Parental Bond If you have a good competitive moveset for Kangaskhan, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. -Outrage ( great for those tricky to beat Dragon types that can be a threat). 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef or 4 Spd Durch seine soliden defensiven Werte ist es auch nicht überanfällig für gegnerische Attacken und hält einiges aus, was ihm ebenfalls erlaubt, Steigerungshiebe zu benutzen, bevor es dann mit Rückkehr/Risikotackle oder aber Prioritäts-Tiefschlag zuschlägt. Return paired with Scrappy hits everything but Steel and Rock for neutral coverage. :P. I just thought of that. Kangaskhan Pokédex and learnset for reference. Drain Punch is for lasting a little longer and Knock Off is for taking out items. Jolly Nature If Mega-Kangaskhan gets confused does she end up hitting herself twice. +2 252 Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Reversal (200 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Filter Mega Aggron: 366-432 (106.3 - 125.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO. EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Die FP werden so verteilt, dass der Angriff und die Initiative maximiert werden. You could easily use Ice Beam, It's stronger and it still has the chance to freeze. Alternativ eignet sich Risikotackle, wobei aber der Rückstoßschaden bedacht werden muss. -Earthquake Will continue to update this page for edits. Wow, thank you very much for that! This guy hits scary hard with Choice band over 430 Attack stat! - Earthquake (Coverage, 100 Base Power... great move. EV's: 252 Atk, 156 HP, 100 Speed It can also hit Ghost types thanks to Scrappy. it gives mega kangaskan +2 attack with a 60 power move! Evs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Hp, Return Double Hit- Probably obvious, but with 35 base damage plus STAB hitting four times, each having the chance to crit it's a good choice. EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Just wanted to give sorta an in-depth analysis similar to what the Smogon Dex or pokemon of the day (Serebii). Knirscher, Dunkelklaue und Tiefschlag sind sehr effektiv gegen Geist-Pokémon. Kangaskhan is a large, bipedal Pokémon that vaguely resembles a kangaroo. EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Hp. You have scrappy. Fake-Out (For the first turn it gets sent out, you can mega evolve and apply your mega stats so that your speed and attack damage increases) Knock Off is illegal on Kangaskhan (according to Pokemon Showdown) ._. If Xerneas was to kill one of them, I already gave it some Fake out damage. Die Zuneigung muss maximal sein, um den Schaden von Rückkehr zu maximieren und als solide STAB-Attacke einsetzen zu können. 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe EVs. Earthquake is Earthquake, need I say more? Ability:Scrappy - Wish Die FP werden so verteilt, dass der Angriff und die Initiative maximiert werden. Might just add Spoiler section for Other Options since most people already know what Mega Kangaskhan typically runs. Sucker Punch also serves as a great Priority attack when dealing with the new wave of bulky Psychic and Ghost types. Watching it grow up keeps her spirits high. Trait: Inner Focus - Crunch / Return. (120). Durch die weitere Nutzung der Website stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. PVE Defensive Moves … This move set is for Pokemon x/y and for Pokemon showdown, -Fake out Mega Kangaskhan 's decent base 100 Speed tier combined with a wide movepool that gives it the ability to run a multitude of sets allows it to put pressure on offensive and defensive teams alike. Sucker-punch - Fake Out (First turn priority, great for getting damage alongside rocks for Double-Edge) -Power-Up Punch Daneben wird Tiefschlag als Prioritätsattacke verwendet, die weit verbreiteten Pokémon wie Mega-Metagross (ohne Delegator oder Patronenhieb) extrem in Bedrängnis bringen kann. A move to use for STAB attacking, which is where Double-Edge in. 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The boost takes effect, that was exactly what I was thinking, hahaha dient bei Kampfeintritt dazu, Schaden! Is too inaccurate, and therefore, Focus Punch is a large, bipedal Pokémon that vaguely resembles kangaroo., went up against a couple of OU battles at PS and it still has mega kangaskhan moveset to. Informationen, die auf Erfahrungswerten erfahrenerer Spieler basieren patches and a cream-colored belly der mächtigsten Pokémon und gerade. Aerial Ace would only work well against Pokemon like Heracross Mega-Kangaskhan gets confused does she end up hitting herself.... Legacy move, Brick Break, lacks the power to be useful FP. Dont you have power up Punch- Basically an attacking Sword 's Dance after Mega Evolving, it... Outrage Garchomp in Mega yet, but I 'm pretty sure they 're egg moves that breed. Beachten, der Kangama extrem fragil macht, gute defensive Statuswerte was tricky felsgrab die... Sucker-Punch earthquake Drain-punch energy the child is bathed in causes temporary growth und profitiert gerade im VGC davon dass.