The pieces were rinsed three times with distilled water, stained with safranin, and then mounted on a glass slide. Google Scholar, Rahman MK, Asaduzzaman M, Rahman MM, Das AK, Biswas SK (2014) Physical and mechanical properties of Ghora neem (Melia azedarach) plywood. As a "declared weed" according to the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Act 43 of … The results of this study, therefore, provide a basis for determining management strategies appropriate to structural timber production of M. azedarach plantation trees in northern Vietnam. Under optimal conditions, M. azedarach grows fast. Grade yield for the specimens was checked using the grading standard of mechanical properties of timbers from Southeast Asia and Pacific regions by Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) in Japan (Table 4) [12]. It is also used in cabinet making as well as in construction [4]. N Z J For Sci 45:24, Abdul WM (2007) Physical and mechanical properties of noncommercial timbers of NWFP. On the other hand, Wahyudi et al. MMABC was a mesoporous material with S BET 5.219 m 2 /g and superparamagnetic magnetization 17.3 emu/g contributed by the contained Fe 3 O 4.The MMABC showed higher removal efficiency (99.8%) than biochar under conditions of dosage 5 g/L, pH = 3.0, and Cr(VI) concentration … Viability is maintained for 1-3 years in hermetic storage at room temperature with 11-15 % mc. It has been successfully planted with sugarcane. Cross-sectional discs of 3 cm thickness from each tree were cut at different heights (0.3, 1.3, 3.3, 5.3, and 7.3 m heights above the ground) to examine growth ring width (GRW) and specific gravity (SG). Version: 25th June 2009. Inflorescence a long, axillary panicle up to 20 cm long; flowers showy, fragrant, numerous on slender stalks, white to lilac; sepals 5-lobed, 1 cm long; petals 5-lobed, 0.9 cm long, pubescent; staminal tube deep purple blue, 0.5 cm long, 1 cm across. The results confirm the findings from the literature. In: A project titled “Strengthening the forest products research at PFI, Peshawar”. Triple asterisks: p < 0.001). The thinned trees were used as poles, while the branches were used as firewood. Within tree, the variation of mechanical properties with height was very small and without statistical significant (Table 6). Melia azedarach is a deciduous tree up to 45 m tall; bole fluted below when old, up to 30-60 (max. There are 470-2800 seeds/kg. [27] showed the difference between dynamic and static modulus of elasticity observed for small clear specimens of Western hemlock 20.74% (1.93 GPa) and Sitka spruce 28.78% (2.76 GPa). This showed that Ed is a good indicator to predicting the strength of Melia azedarach wood. The FLI annually (from ring to ring) was determined using the following formula: where: FLI is the fiber length increment; ΔFL is the change in fiber length; and ΔRN is the change in ring number. However, other researchers reported a small variation in FL among trees [23]. Certain larvae defoliate the tree and mine the leaves. Bark smooth, greenish-brown when young, turning grey and fissured with age. In radial direction, MOR, MOE, and Ed increased gradually from 10 to 90% of the radial length from pith and this trend was consistent in both sites (Fig. 7). Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, Uetimane JRE, Ali AC (2011) Relationship between mechanical properties and selected anatomical features of ntholo (Pseudolachnostylis maprounaefolia). The correlation coefficient between the moduli of elasticity of the acoustic method and the destructive test for the combined sites was very high (r = 0.92, p < 0.001) (Fig. Thus, the strips were conditioned in a room at a constant temperature (20 °C) and relative humidity (60%) to constant weight. This tree, well known as Persian lilac, is native to India but is now grown in all the warmer parts of the world; in many of these places it is naturalized. Variation of growth ring width in the radial and vertical directions of Melia azedarach in two sites. It is well known that wood quality assessment involves the consideration of wood density (WD) and mechanical properties [6]. Although these variations provide great potential for sustainable utilization of wood, there is no information about wood properties of M. azedarach grown in Vietnam. J Indian Acad Wood Sci 13(2):138–144, Ofori J, Brentuo B (2005) Green moisture content, basic density, shrinkage and drying characteristics of the wood of Cedrela odorata grown in Ghana. Plant Pathol 52:147–157, CAS  The common steps in establishing grades for lumber are: testing of small clear specimens according to guidelines, establishing strength values and allowable properties, establishing visual grading rules, and lastly verifying grades using in-grade testing [32]. Specimens were subjected to bending test using Instron Tester over a span length of 280 mm. Medicine: M. azedarach is well known for its medicinal uses. - The wood is used to manufacture agricultural implements, furniture, plywood, boxes, poles, and tool handles [1]. Similar results were also reported by different researchers for both structural timber and small specimen [23,24,25,26,27].

[27] presented good correlation coefficients between MOR and Ed (r = 0.68 for Western hemlock, r = 0.69 for Sitka spruce) of small clear specimens. 1). MOE for Melia azedarach grown in site 1 can be allocated mainly in to grades I and II while that in site 2 can be allocated mainly in to grades II and III. Radial position is the most important and highly significant source of variation in mechanical properties, explaining 55.31, 30.93, and 37.53% of the total variation of the MOR, MOE, and Ed, respectively (Table 6). Samples were collected from two M. azedarach state-owned plantations in Vietnam. Ciencia y tecnologia 14(3):267–274. Ann Bot 104:297–306, Article  WD was obtained as a percentage of the wood weight per wood volume. Site, tree-to-tree within site, and radial position were significant sources of variation in FL of M. azedarach. In addition, the present study also confirms that the magnitude of mechanical properties varied from pith to bark (Fig. The species is well adapted to warm climates, poor soils, and seasonally dry conditions [12]. Thus, in the present study, the significant difference in all mechanical properties between site 1 and site 2 may be contributed by the differences in altitude, mean annual rainfall, and soil types between two sites (Table 1).

It is widely planted in Nigeria, for example. Therefore, improving WD which can be obtained by tree breeding programs, growth conditions, or section for high wood density parts, etc. Google Scholar, Sharma SK, Rao RV, Shukla SR, Kumar P, Sudheendra R, Sujatha M, Dubey YM (2005) Wood quality of coppiced Eucalyptus tereticornis for value addition.

Variance components for the sources of variation were also estimated. FL at breast height showed an increase from pith to bark (Fig. Two or more rings were combined in some positions where the rings were too small to be measured. In Vietnam, M. azedarach is planted popularly in most of the provinces in northern. J Wood Sci 54:436–442, Ishiguri F, Hiraiwa T, Iizuka K, Yokota S, Priadi D, Sumiasri N, Yoshizawa N (2012) Radial variation in microfibril angle and compression properties of Paraserianthes falcataria planted in Indonesia. Pith-to-bark strips [Radius × 30 (Tangential) × 15 (Longitudinal) mm] from the south side were cut from the discs and air-dried. However, in exceptional circumstances, M. azedarach can attain a height of 45 m. The leaves are up to 50-cm-long, alternate, long-petioled, two or three times compound (odd-pinnate); the leaflets are dark green above and lighter green below, with serrate margins. Tree-to-tree variation in FL among trees could be attributed to the inherent potential of individual trees to produce longer or shorter fibers than their neighbours [1]. Site and tree-to-tree within a site were not a source of variations of GRW, explaining only 0.28 and 1.58% of the total variation, respectively (Table 5). Poison: Aqueous and alcoholic extracts of leaves and seed reportedly control many insect, mite and nematode pests. It is native to the Himalaya region of Asia [1]. Wood property knowledge is of great importance in the quality improvement of various wood products [5]. However, there were some fluctuations and spikes in some trees (Fig. J Wood Sci 46(6):417–422, Richter HG, Dallwitz MJ (2000) Commercial timbers: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. Small blocks (10 (R) × 10 (T) × 10 (L) mm) at ring number 1, 2, 5, 10, and 15 were also prepared from the strips.

IAWA J 26(3):339–352, Matsumura J, Inoue M, Yokoo K, Oda K (2006) Cultivation and utilization of Japanese fast growing trees with high capability for carbon stock I: potential of Melia azedarach (in Japanese). Statistical analysis was performed using R software version 3.2.3. Currently, rapid and efficient methods for the determination of material properties are desired. The total number of small clear wood specimens was 180. The estimated mean GRW, SG, FL, and MFA were 7.44 mm, 0.548, 1.07 mm, and 14.65°, respectively. In the present study, FL increased from pith to bark (Fig. Wood specific gravity: unknown Figure 2. Widmann [23] and Johansson et al. Therefore, this finding motivated us to examine within-stem variations and compare mechanical properties of Melia azedarach planted in two sites in northern Vietnam. Relationship between modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE); and MOR and dynamic modulus of elasticity (Ed) for combined sites of Melia azedarach (triple asterisk: p < 0.001). Intercropping: M. azedarach is a useful species for growing with crops such as wheat. Res J Recent Sci 3:9–14, Zobel BJ, Van Buijtenen JP (1989) Wood variation, its causes and control. Table 5 shows the mean WD and mechanical properties each radial position, stem height, site and for total sites of Melia azedarach planted in the northern Vietnam. J Trop For Sci 20(1):38–47, EL-Juhany LI (2011) Evaluation of some wood quality measures of eight-year-old Melia azedarach trees.