The greatest and most terrible of devils are the archdevils of Hell, powerful scions of law and evil, subtle and sophisticated demigods who each rule one of the eight vast planes of torment that form the layers of Hell. Campaign Setting, p. 172. Alternatively, the heroes can work to destroy an archdevil’s resources, imposing increasing penalties on it and gathering potent weapons to use against it, allowing PCs to face the archdevil at a diminished CR or with negative levels (even though they are normally immune to negative levels) to represent its reduced power… until the archdevil can rebuild and recover its strength. BTTM allegations became public. An archdevil gains the following additional powers while in its realm (the statistics presented on the following pages do not include these abilities): An archdevil gains a +10 insight bonus on Sense Motive checks and Initiative checks. The archdevil Mephistopheles (pronounced mef-uh-STOF-uh-leez) is the ruler of Caina, the Eighth Layer of Hell, where he keeps many of Hell's greatest secrets and contracts. FAQ. Legal Information/Open Game License, Fan Labs Pathfinder’s Mephistopheles, on the other hand, was literally created by Asmodeus out of the stuff of the eighth layer of Hell. Mephistopheles (pronounced: /mɛfɪzˈtɑːfɛliz/ me-fiz-TAF-e-leez), sometimes shortened to Mephisto and once under the name of Molikroth, was the lord of Cania, the eighth level of the Nine Hells. | Design Finder 2018 In both cases, Mephistopheles is the consummate devil’s If you’re a fan of alphabetical order and looking for the Character Sheets Halting a sinister ritual to unleash an archdevil on the world is a classic capstone, allowing a brief encounter with the archdevil and its minions before the ritual is halted and the archdevil forced back to Hell. He was the main opponent of Baalzebul during the Reckoning of Hell, and still holds a claim to his own layer. View in Firefox for best results. You can help us by expanding it.

This page is a stub. Check out our other SRD sites! This website uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's. Three adventure seeds a post. Each archdevil is a unique creature, and each fits into a specific role in the cosmic chain of corruption and oppression that devils use to bind the cosmos to their will. No stats for Mephistopheles are online yet, so no link. He sought to take Baalzebul's layer away from him, that he may gain enough power to one day challenge Asmodeus for rulership of all the N… The first archdevils rose to power soon after their lord Asmodeus claimed Hell as his realm. Those who do venerate an individual archdevil are generally lone cultists who on the surface are normal members of society, while also maintaining small, hidden shrines.[1]. Between raw power, ingenious contingencies, and legions of servants, Asmodeus’s deputies share roughly similar potential for nefariousness and ruin. A monster most every weekday. and an offer too good to refuse.

It should be noted that as scions of law, infernal dukes and archdevils remain loyal to Asmodeus and Hell, though they might resort to trickery and subterfuge to bolster their own resources and reputations. Asmodeus has guided the rise of other archdevils, sometimes directly creating them as he did Belial and Mephistopheles. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! | Here Be Monsters Downloads

Below the ranks of true archdevils are Hell’s infernal dukes. | Starjammer SRD Others are older beings who pledged their allegiance to Asmodeus during heavenly rebellions, like Baalzebul and Dispater. Recent Changes Asmodeus has even been known, when in need of additional loyal viceroys, to grant archdevildom to creatures outside the diabolic race, as in the case of ascended mysteries like Barbatos and Geryon.

In most cases, they are best used as the final enemies of a long campaign—especially campaigns in which the PCs themselves are mythic characters—and even getting an audience with one should be a memorable event. (Illustration by Wayne Reynolds comes from the. Paizo Publishing, LLC. | Dungeon World SRD An archdevil can be contacted via commune or contact other plane, and can be conjured via a gate spell, but when so called, an archdevil is under no compulsion to come through the gate. Pathfinder’s Mephistopheles, on the other hand, was | 5th Edition SRD Yet while archdevils are beyond the abilities of most heroes to combat directly, they are perfect puppet masters and masterminds, inspiring and directing monsters, mortals, and entire cults at every level of a campaign.

An infernal duke can rise in power by gaining class levels, advancing in Hit Dice, gaining mythic ranks, undertaking a vile ritual, amassing a sufficiently large and devoted following, or, rarely, at the leave of their blasphemous lords.

Mephistopheles was formed by Asmodeus from the ashes and hellfire of the plane of Hell itself. literally created. | Swords and Wizardry SRD | d20 Anime SRD Safari may not show some entries. He is an artist of f lattery and guile, a master of the infernal contract, and … Because Pathfinder and 3.5 are more fun than work. Each archdevil is a unique creature ranging in power from CR 26 to CR 30. I won't go into too much detail on Mephistopheles. devil—brilliant red, horned, winged, always with a contract and quill in hand As such, he’s seemingly utterly loyal to Asmodeus, and is more of Hell than even his lord.

These infernal nobles have the potential for power equal to some of the archdevils, but without a layer of Hell under their rule, they cannot truly be counted the equal of an archdevil. Each archdevil rules one of the eight upper layers of Hell, with infernal dukes ruling fiefdoms within it. These layers are immense in size and composed of hundreds or even thousands of smaller subdomains, each of which may be the size of a continent or as small as a strange and secret city. ). (2008). For additional resources, see the Meta page. However, until Asmodeus sees fit to award an infernal duke its own layer of Hell (to replace a fallen archdevil or one being punished via demotion to infernal duke), such a devil is not itself an archdevil. A monster most every weekday. An archdevil does not exert total control over its realm, though, and powerful adventurers can infiltrate a layer and accomplish various goals without arousing the anger of its archdevil overlord—if they are careful. | OGN Articles | Fudge SRD Archdevils are the nine major devils who rule the nine layers of Hell. | d20PFSRD | The Modern Path SRD One archdevil in Hell's history has fallen: Typhon, the former Lord of the First; References. | 3.5e SRD Three adventure seeds a post. Those who are not loyal are quickly and inevitably revealed as traitors and punished accordingly by the Prince of Darkness. the schemes of one archdevil is enough.

This page was last modified on 26 October 2019, at 12:05. New Pages | d20HeroSRD

[1] Each archdevil represents a different form of punishment for sinful mortals. The archdevil Mephistopheles (pronounced mef-uh-STOF-uh-leez) is the ruler of Caina, the eighth layer of Hell. [2], Though they are each worshiped individually or as a group on Golarion, organized cults are rare outside of Cheliax. They are demigods who posses god-like powers (such as the ability to grant spells to their worshipers), but are less powerful than the master of Hell, Asmodeus.
Most of this won’t matter to the average party—dealing with Shop the Open Gaming Store! Mephistopheles was formed by Asmodeus from the ashes and hellfire of the plane of Hell itself. Typically, an archdevil requires an enormous and significant offering or sacrifice before it deigns to answer a gate spell. Archdevil, Mephistopheles; Archdevil, Moloch; The greatest and most terrible of devils are the archdevils of Hell, powerful scions of law and evil, subtle and sophisticated demigods who each rule one of the eight vast planes of torment that form the layers of Hell. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, Devil, Atropocustra (Addiction Devil; 3pp), Devil, Gladiatrix (Domination Devil; 3pp), Devil, Tormentor (Tormentor of Souls; 3pp), Slaad Lord of Entropy (Chaos Lord of Entropy), Slaad Lord of the Insane (Chaos Lord of the Insane), Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. The following archdevils are known to exist: One archdevil in Hell's history has fallen: For additional resources, see the Meta page. | FateCoreSRD Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 6 © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Robert Brookes, Benjamin Bruck, John Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, James Jacobs, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Jason Nelson, Tim Nightengale, F. Wesley Schneider, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Todd Stewart, Josh Vogt, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.

↑ 1.0 1.1 Erik Mona et al. Pathfinder Wiki Mephistopheles Details Alignment LE Pantheon Archdevils Areas of Concern Contracts, devils, secrets Domains Evil, Knowledge, Law, Rune Subdomains Devil (Evil), Devil (Law), Language, Memory, Thought * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Mephistopheles, the Lord of the Eighth, the Merchant of Souls; Asmodeus, the Lord of the Ninth, the Prince of Darkness; Deceased archdevils. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. He is an artist of flattery and guile, a master of the infernal contract, and a … memitim, it’s, (Also note that this show was recorded before the recent PWR | PF2 SRD. | GumshoeSRD There can be any number of infernal dukes in Hell, but as Asmodeus himself rules the ninth layer of Hell, only eight archdevils can exist at any one time. In any case, archdevils are generally beyond the reach of most mortal heroes, and should not be placed in an adventure without careful consideration. Barbatos, the Lord of the First, the Bearded Lord, Dispater, the Lord of the Second, the First King, Mammon, the Lord of the Third, the Argent Prince, Belial, the Lord of the Fourth, the Pale Kiss, Geryon, the Lord of the Fifth, the Serpent, Moloch, the Lord of the Sixth, the General of Hell, Baalzebul, the Lord of the Seventh, the Lord of the Flies, Mephistopheles, the Lord of the Eighth, the Merchant of Souls, Asmodeus, the Lord of the Ninth, the Prince of Darkness, Of course, that’s if you’re playing in canon. | 13th Age SRD Traveller SRD The others pay strict obeisance to him, even while they tirelessly scheme against him and each other. Their CRs have no impact on their standing or influence in Hell’s hierarchy. The environments, themes, and traits of each layer are as unique as the archdevils themselves and can shift and change in response to the mood and intention of its archdevil master.