Those of Okeanos (Oceanus) and Tethys were called Okeanides (Oceanids) : Asia, Styx, Elektra, Doris, Eurynome, Amphitrite, and Metis. As a Greek goddess in mythology, Metis was the daughter of two titans, Tethys, goddess of the moon, and Oceanus, who ruled all the waters surrounding the earth. i. Theog. Europa, Metis and Eurynome [three in a long list of names] . . p. 203, b.)

. . This was by the advices of Gaia (Gaea, the Earth) and starry Ouranos (Uranus, the Sky), for so they counselled, in order that no other everlasting god, beside Zeus, should ever be given kingly position. . : "The god Poros (Expediency), who is the son of Metis (Wisdom)." Metis wurde ebenfalls befreit, allerdings behauptete sie, Zeus sei genauso machtgierig wie sein Vater Kronos und sie wolle fortan nichts mehr mit ihm zu tun haben. 2. In the Orphic Theogonies a bi-gendered creator spirit named Phanes is swallowed by Zeus in an apparent echo of the Metis myth. [3]​, Platón menciona a Poro como hijo de Metis. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) : Metis ist in der Lage, sich in alle möglichen Formen zu verwandeln. Metis was one of the Titans, a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys; therefore, she was considered an Oceanid. 8 (trans. Si tienes alguna duda no dudes en escribirnos. The Titans of the oceans and fresh waters of the world, Oceanus and Tethys, bore many female offspring who were known as the Oceanids. A complete bibliography of the translations quoted on this page. 3.

Da ihm ein Orakel geweissagt hatte, dass eine Tochter der Metis ihm gleichrangig sei, aber ein Sohn ihn stürzen würde, fraß er Metis, welche sich in eine Muschel verwandelt hatte um ihm zu entkommen, auf. "[Zeus], apart from Hera, had lain in love with a fair-faced daughter of Okeanos (Oceanus) and lovley-haired Tethys, Metis, whom he deceived, for all she was so resourceful, for he snatched her up in his hands and put her inside his belly for fear that she might bring forth a thunderbolt stronger than his own; therefore the son of Kronos . Derived terms . [1]​, Fue ella quien, a instancias de Zeus, dio al padre de este, Crono, el emético que le hizo vomitar a los hijos que previamente había devorado. Dies schaffte sie allerdings nicht ewig und Zeus schwängerte sie mit Athene und einem Sohn. Metidian; Translations Tu dirección de correo electrónico no será publicada. speaks of Porus as a son of Metis, and according to Hesiod, Zeus devoured Metis on the advice of Uranus and Ge, who also revealed to him the destiny of his son. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) :

Hesiod, Theogony 346 ff (trans. . but then a son to be king over gods and mortals was to be born to her and his heart would be overmastering; but before this, Zeus put her away inside his own belly so that this goddess should think for him, for good and for evil. It should be noted that most poets and mythographers describe Athena as a "motherless goddess" and no mention is made of Metis. Plato's "Metis" was apparently derived from the primordial deity Thesis (Creation) of Alcman's cosmogony. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) . Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Tu dirección de correo electrónico no será publicada. "She [Tethys] brought forth also a race apart of daughters . She gave Kronos (Cronus) a drug, by which he was forced to vomit forth first the stone and then the children he had swallowed. 8 (trans. Zeus himself was titled Mêtieta "the Wise Counsellor" in the Homeric poems and in this sense Metis was probably regarded as an aspect of the god rather than a distinct figure.

Now these are the eldest of the daughters who were born to Tethys and Okeanos (Oceanus). Their daughter Metis was Sé el primero en valorar “GREEK METIS – BEIGE” Cancelar la respuesta. Por esto Zeus la devoró cuando estaba embarazada de Atenea, y más tarde él mismo dio a luz a su hija, quien brotó de su cabeza con la ayuda de Hefesto. "Zeus, as king of the gods, took as his first wife Metis, and she knew more than all the gods or mortal people. Metis (griechisch: Μῆτις) ist in der griechischen Mythologie die allererste Geliebte des Zeus. Metis profetizó a Zeus que daría a luz una hija y después un hijo que estaría destinado a gobernar el mundo, si bien Hesíodo afirma que fueron Urano y Gea quienes le hicieron esta revelación. [N.B.

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[1.2] POROS (Plato Symposium 203). Theog. . ", Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. Los campos obligatorios están marcados con *. 471). 60 #9-81 Av. Ob sie aus Vorsicht getötet wurde oder sich von Zeus fernhielt ist unklar, allerdings wurde der Sohn, welcher Zeus stürzen sollte, nie geboren und auch nie wieder erwähnt. Lamb) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) ", Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. . 20 : They were guardians of springs, rivers, ponds, lakes, and even pastures. ], Pseudo-Hyginus, Preface (trans. For this reason Zeus devoured her, when she was pregnant with Athena, and afterwards he himself gave birth to a daughter, who issued from his head (Apollod.

Sie ist die Tochter des Okeanos und der Tethys, was sie zu einer der 3000 Okeaniden macht. METIS (Mêtis). Lamb) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) Las Américas Bogotá – ColombiaRazón Social: GRUPO R S.A.SNIT. Metis (Greek mythology) A Titan who was the personification of wisdom, the first spouse of Zeus, and the mother of Athena A satellite of Jupiter. But when she was about to be delivered of the goddess, gray-eyed Athene (Athena), then Zeus, deceiving her perception by treachery and by slippery speeches, put her away inside his own belly. She was a counsellor of Zeus during the Titan War and hatched the plan through which Kronos (Cronus) was forced to regurgitate his devoured children. En la mitología griega, Metis (en griego antiguo Μῆτις Mễtis, literalmente ‘consejo’, ‘truco’) era la titánide que personificaba la prudencia o, en el mal sentido, la perfidia. i. 886). Metis ist in der Lage, sich in alle möglichen Formen zu verwandeln. En la mitología griega, Metis (en griego antiguo Μῆτις Mễtis, literalmente ‘consejo’, ‘truco’) era la titánide que personificaba la prudencia o, en el mal sentido, la perfidia.Era también una oceánide, hija de Océano y de Tetis. She was a counsellor of Zeus during the Titan War and hatched the plan through which Cronus was forced to regurgitate his devoured children. METIS was one of the elder Okeanides and the Titan-goddess of good counsel, planning, cunning and wisdom. [amongst a list of names].".