I walk out, I go, “Joe, we should see this band at the Paradise.” He says, “I can’t go to a concert, Mike! Everybody! As a short-term solution, I think that’s phenomenal, but long-term, I think Oona should sleep in a crib.” Jen said, “We decided that Oona doesn’t like to sleep in a crib.” I said, “Who’s in ‘we’?” She said, “Me and Oona.” I said, “I’m not in ‘we’ anymore? That’s all she could eat for a while, was pretzels. Filthy, yet spotless. I looked it up… “Lagoon.” Oona loves the couch. And I enjoy it. She’s a vegetarian. That was a moment.

I forgot to write the email. '” I said, “If it’s for science, sure, I get that.”, Two things about masturbating into a cup at the doctor’s… I will limit it to two. And when I get the flu, it is worse than when other people get the flu. Do you want to eat pizza? One… everybody knows what’s happening. ♪ I wanna get better ♪ That week, Jen started writing poems for Oona for when she gets older, and I found… this. A thousand dollars? I’m a founding member of ‘we’.”, It is a shocking revelation when you are evicted… from your own life.

All original photographs and articles are copyright to their respective owners. I think that really gets down to it — the idea that while you’re reading, writing, or telling a story, you’re imagining something as it’s happened, but really it’s just, no matter what, an approximation of that experience. ♪ Gratia Plena ♪ Number three. When she was 13 months old, she was teething. Mike Birbiglia: Thanks, yeah, someone who does the same really well is Bess Kalb who just wrote Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A True (As Told to Me) Story.

You want your sperm to be like, “I swim from sea to sea!” Like the Ryan Lochte of sperm without all the fake robbery. And all day, people come up to me and they say, “Is it the most joy you’ve ever experienced?” And I have to say, “It’s the most joy.

For that moment, I was the pudgy, milkless vice-president with record high approval ratings for no reason. One morning, I’m walking home from Rite Aid with cat litter and diapers, and I walk into our apartment, and Jen is crying on the couch a lot, like “pretzels” level. Liar’s Club was my first introduction to her voice and so it’s my favorite. But I didn’t… I didn’t the first time.

And that… That wasn’t anyone else’s answer. It hasn’t… It hasn’t ended well for “great.”, And look… I think sometimes it’s hard to tell.

I’m lying on the floor in the darkness. She is just like her father.” That’s a poetry burn. Like… “Don’t let that sperm anywhere near those eggs!” Like, there’d be this infestation of tiny neurotic Mike Birbiglia toddlers, like, “Why would I slide down the slide when I can walk down the steps?” It turns out I do not have plutonium, I have flat soda. I’m wearing noise-canceling headphones, which apparently are not enough. And we were… so worried that we went to this holistic birthing education class, which wasn’t a great fit, because it was too much optimism for us at that moment.

Cat’s got your arms!” And… If you have a cat, you know that we had to keep the litter bin in the locked bedroom. I don’t need Henry on tape.” And the video itself… underwhelming. And I don’t fall for these clichés at weddings, where they’ll say, like, “Two becomes one.” But I do feel, if you’re lucky, in a relationship, there are moments… And I mean… moments.
We’re laughing… as one. I have kids!” I said, “Sorry.” And he says, “Don’t apologize. Colorful, yet no one can agree on what color it is.

Just bones, and garbage, and Diet Coke, all strung together by those plastic ringlets that bind sodas and strangle ducks, and I collapse on the couch, and I say to my wife, I say, “Clo…” Her name’s Jen. And so, I land… I land at JFK, I take a cab to our apartment, I collapse on our beloved couch, and it hugs me. And then, I figured this out.

The stand up comic is a New York Times bestselling author, writer, director, actor, radio show contributor, podcast host, I’ll stop listing things because pretty much anything you can think of, he does it. MB: Me Talk Pretty One Day. Just a few, two or three. Just… this ogre who swallows buckets of hot dogs, and ice cream, and mayonnaise?” Yeah, that’s a part of me, but that’s… that’s not the whole picture. We’ve watched classic films on the couch. ♪ Ave Maria ♪ How did you make this about you? I said, “I know. I’m like, “I am freaking out, ’cause I’m flying the car.” And he says, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” I said, “I don’t think you’re following the analogy. Nothing drastic. I will say, like, it’s just less fun to visit his house. The next day, I call Joe.

♪ I didn’t know I was lonely Till I saw your face ♪
Before we proceed… I want you to know that I am not doing anything wrong. I said, “Clo, I was very clear… when we got married that I never wanted to have a kid,” which, by the way, gets you nothing. People aren’t great. Two-year-old girls are like, “Would you like to have a tea party? And you’re trying to play cool. I’d never heard this term. How do I explain that to a kid? And then, we bring home this monkey. She’s not good at being a doctor.” And that was not enough. You watch Richard Pryor and Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld and it's almost discouraging because you think, "I’m never going to be as good as that." So I decide I’m gonna win back my wife… from my daughter.

And I… I thought that would be it. For eight days, I walked around New York City… like a cowboy in the snow. I fall asleep around 7:30 p.m., because being around children makes me want to be unconscious at all times. I don’t know anything.” At that moment, the church bells on our corner start chiming the song Ave Maria. Learn more about our use of cookies and information. Who’s gonna zip up my sleeping bag? You can change (your cookie preferences); by clicking accept, you accept all cookies. Really, unspeakable. A hardened war horse transported away from battle finds herself in a land that's inhabited by silly, singing centaurs of all shapes and sizes.

Any copyright material mirrored on this site is intended for private personal study. And… She walks me up these rickety steps into this room that’s brightly lit and spare. Reading this book felt like listening to you on This American Life. You need baby-canceling headphones, which are condoms, I guess. Like… He went for it, and I was like… “Oh! I don’t want a third person showing up like, “What about me?” I’m like, “We don’t even know you!”. ♪ Yeah ♪

Is that possible?” He goes, “Mike, a lot of these people are getting this stuff done by amateurs.” Which I pictured immediately, like, “I like huntin’, I like fishin’, I do varicocele repair down in the garage.” At this point, Jen didn’t think it was a good idea.

I just think maybe we cut it off there, because… Look, we were given the Earth and we failed. ♪ Ave Maria ♪ MB: A big influence for me is Mary Karr. I know. Germans are always like, “We’re not Nazis.” I’m like, “Yeah, but you know some.” I mean, I don’t… I don’t know any. And the host said, “One thing everyone enjoys… is confetti.” And I thought, “Oh, no! ♪ It’s more like an Oscar than an Emmy ♪ And that’s what love is. One day, I found this. “In The New One, Birbiglia describes in comic terms his initial reluctance to have a child and his later reluctance to parent one...Ben Brantley praised the ‘gentle genius’ of Birbiglia’s ‘comfortingly haphazard approach to comedy’ and called his delivery — his ‘paradoxically lazy energy’ — ‘a seductive force.’” — The New … And that’s when I remembered I didn’t want to have a kid. I was in my early twenties and it was a massive moment for me when I was reading it because I was laughing so hard on the subway, and people around me must’ve thought I was a little crazy. I say, “I’m gonna use memory porn, ’cause I’m a… I’m a Christian.” And, uh… Dr. Kaplan calls me at the office a few days later with the results. And… And look, you guys seem fine. Whenever Jen and I do something sweet for one another, like if she zips me up in my sleeping bag before bed, what she will do, and she’ll say, “It’s time to put you in your pod!” And I’ll say, “Thanks.” And she’ll say, “I saved your best friend’s life.” It’s never not funny. You know? So I had cancer, life-threatening sleeping disorder, Lyme disease, diabetes, I dislike joy.

So who cares if your dad’s around, ’cause who needs a guy like that anyway? I mean… Marginally better. The first one I learned about is in a woman’s first trimester, her hormones double… every three days. Put some in the cup. And so you have to be really precise but also, let go because at the end of the day, you can’t have the experience with them, you can just try to set it up for them as best as possible. Really, I think you can tell a TV writer wrote it, in terms of how scenic the writing is. And then… I’m wide awake around 4:15 a.m. with this fierce cold from sleeping in this Petri-dish house, and this… ringing foam-bat headache, and I hobble onto a 6:30 a.m. flight, and, sure enough, there’s a baby across the aisle, screaming at the top of his lungs. I prefer cash!”, The bleeding continued for weeks, and on top of the bleeding, Jen had hypermobile hips, which meant she might break or dislocate her hip during labor, which is obviously not great timing.

No, thank you!” And so… So, when I went for my cystoscopy, I said to Dr. Kaplan, I go, “Hey… while I’m under… um, do you mind… also… sticking your finger… in my butt?” Dr. Kaplan goes, “Yeah, I can do that.” And I thought, like, I might be a medical genius. Where… A guy goes camping with his wife. His latest memoir The New One, based off of his hit Broadway show, explores the trials and tribulations of his reluctant coming-to-terms with fatherhood. And, uh, her name is Mazzy, and she was a street cat. This is a… a short poem that Jen had written. ♪ Gratia Plena ♪ Starts bobbing her head. It’s not an animal, it’s his wife. Then we get to the big blue whale. And I said, “Is it gonna be okay?” And she said, “Its going to bleed more, or it’s gonna stop bleeding.” I thought, “That’s like what I would say if I was pretending to be a doctor.” Like,”It’s gonna bleed more or less!