Some of their features are useful, while others aren’t. Champions aren't even getting better at the skills they're good at, they're just getting, At 10th level, Champions get another Fighting Style. Would also appreciate a mod unspamming this since apparently it got auto detected. The gap never closes. Without further ado, let’s dive into our Monk archetypes 5E Guide. It largely enhances flurry of blows and other aspects of the basic monk class features. That's 7 maneuvers and 15d10, At 15th level, Champion gets another 5% crit rate. At Level 6 you can teleport from one shadow to another, gaining advantage on your next attack. While it's limited in the scope of elements, and requires some multiclass, i've found a build where you multiclass for 3 levels in sorcerer and the rest in monk with the WoFE.

Tipsy Sway is also interesting, as it allows you to redirect a melee attack that misses you to hit a different enemy. In the end, your higher level monks will do more damage without weapons than using their Kensei weapons. You can choose to knock enemies prone, push them back 15 feet, or prevent them from making reactions in some cases. Why? Eventually, even if they are up on a wall you can just run up it anyway.Slow Fall : Cool ability rated depending on how much your DM uses environmental hazards involving fall damage. Even if it succeeds on the save, 10d10 damage is nothing to sneeze at, specially since you can do this ability multiple times a turn. You can take this action once per long rest, and can be a huge boost in long fights. Unfortunately, it falls short in these efforts and is essentially a worse version of Way of the Four Elements. Check it out! Feel free to vote for what guides you want me to do, they take a few days to write so expect the next one soon. Monk: Way of the Drunken Master The Way of the Drunken Master teaches its students to move with the jerky, unpredictable movements of a drunkard. Slow fall is very situational. For high AC monsters like a, Fist of Unbroken Air doesn't require sight. A life long gamer, Travis spends his time writing about and playing games when he's not suing people or hanging out with his family. This is only useful when you are surrounded by multiple hostiles. With Shadow Step at the 6th level, you can teleport from one dim-lit spot to another. Okay, you've convinced me; my next fighter will probably be a Battle Master.
Remember to knock them prone first to get advantage on your other melee attacks. While it does little to improve the other issues with the monk class, it greatly improves the durability of an otherwise squishy melee fighter. At level 3, you get temporary HP boosts every time you send a creature within 5 feet of you to 0 HP. Then, make a ranged weapon attack with this missile by spending one ki point. Sanctuary being cast for free as a main action is pretty nice, but anything that makes the save becomes immune to the protection.Healing Hands : Some nice contact healing that scales pretty nicely.

Small beast communication has interesting scouting utility.Gnome, Rock : Artificer's Lore would be useful if your a wizard, but your not Harry Potter.Gnome, Svirfneblin (SCAG) : This basically trades out your ability to talk to small animals for better darkvision and stealth.Half-Elf : You get darkvision, which is nice, and +1 to two stats is OK too, but I don't think its as good as just being human or elf. So you can get an effective 22 AC and have flurry of blows (4 attacks) for free every turn? While somewhat vanilla, it is a very good option if your playstyle is sticking with the high volume of strikes brawler approach common to the class.

Site Rules & Guidelines --- Focused Feedback Mega Threads --- Staff Quotes --- Homebrew Tutorial --- Pricing FAQPlease feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns. At 15th level, Champion gets another 5% crit rate, or another 2 crits they wouldn't otherwise have. It's nice, but it looks nicer on paper than it is in my experience. Monastic Traditions:This is where you can start caring about colour rating, as it actually represents the value of choices. You can have only one creature under the effect of this feature at a time. Struggling internally with their ki, these Monks can summon parts of their Astral Self by embracing their urges. That's 84 extra damage to the Battlemaster's 99. In addition to the HP boost, you can also overtake hostiles with fear using Hour of Reaping or avoid hitting zero HP with Mastery of Death. But when a creature’s condition is beyond help, the Monks swiftly end such lives as an act of mercy to these creatures.

Rather than their fists the monk focuses on their weapon, unfortunately that isn't all that much better.Path of the Kensei : You get a finesse greatsword or longsword, anything else is basically worth ignoring (except maybe a glaive). All that said, the Level 17 ability is the real gem. If you like the whole monk master of elements thing, the new mystic class might be right up your alley. Follow this guide to discover how to best optimize the skills, weapons, features, and abilities for a D&D 5e Monk class character build. You can make this work and it will fill some holes the other subclasses don’t address, but it isn’t ideal. Way of Tranquility : This UA subclass is actually surprisingly good. Your not a wizard, if you were a wizard, you would have wizard levels and a book. The best case scenario here is having both Protection and Dueling at the same time. Those disciplines alone make the subclass worth it. Those who follow the Way of the Cobalt Soul devote their entire lives to unfold life’s secrets. The monk is a quite unique class. While it grants access to some martial weapons, the damage boost doesn’t scale.

This is what most of your DCs scale off, not to mention your AC gets a nice boost from it.

A big part of why this subclass is not particularly popular is the weakness of the subclasses. Is the Way of the Four Elements really so awful? This also takes an action, meaning your not doing much else, its basically just an auto succeed assuming the effect actually allows you to still use your actions at will. Each subclass has unique features. I've played two monks and I can't tell you how valuable it is in combat to have a melee combatant who can get anywhere in any fight in one round. In case the damage is reduced to 0, and the missile is small enough to fit in your hand, you can catch it. Check out our Hobgoblin Names Guide for some examples. Sunlight Sensitivity spoils your usefulness in an outdoorsy campaign. Two of the features only work in dim light or darkness, making them extremely situational. As soon as combat kicks off and your allies take their turn, the effect is going to end since, lets be honest here, someone is going to be an *******.Anger of a Gentle Soul : This ability is a situational one. Frighten isn't great since your enemies are running away from you.Mastery of Death : This makes you super durable so you care less about actually going down.Touch of the Long Death : Its just a weaker version of quivering palm, requiring more ki and you don't even get the insta death. It deserves a higher rating than purple. Poison by itself completely unbalances combat when you fail your save and Purity of Body has saved my monk several times! At 18th level, the Champion gets Survivor, which is great! You’ll need to spend ki points to fire multiple blasts, and you’ll still be outpaced by other classes damage-wise. These Monks are almost invincible when they fight with weapons. Bonus minor illusion cantrip shenanigans worth bringing up.Shadow Step : This is the toast for your delicious ninja breakfast. RacesColours matter, but play what you want thematically if your not wanting to meta the hell out of your character. I guess Mastery of Death was just too strong. Without further ado, let’s dive into our Monk archetypes 5E Guide. Its one of the only player features that can instantly kill an enemy on a failed save (and a lot better than the other feature), and for only 3 ki points too! With +1 to your two primary stats and point buy, you can end up with very respectable stats to start (16 Wis/Dex, 14 Con), and combining the extra skill proficiency with the right background can put you in a really good spot at level 1. Its a cool feature, but with your movement speed you downplay the weakness of melee vs ranged, but this downplays it more. The problem is that it falls well short of the rogue in most of the things its trying to do. While there are clear winners and losers among these subclasses, the monk class is not as top-heavy as Warlock subclasses are. Only redeeming feature is damage resistance, but there are other races that give them and other useful things.Gnome, Forest : A small boost to your Dex along with advantage to mental saves vs spells, its not bad but there is better. What’s more, spending the ki point on this is only really worth it if the attack that missed you does more damage than your own flurry of blows. Really; Four Elements monks use the same costs as the Spell Points variant rule in the DMG, or the Mystic's Psi Points. DND classes like clerics have features unique to their respective categories. If you noticed any errors or ways to improve the guide, comment below. By then spellcasters have 4th level spells and can make people fly, move twice as fast, get advantage on ability checks of their choice, breathe underwater, and all sorts of crazy things.
Monk. If your starting combat at level 20 with no ki points, 4 points is both meaningless and shows your really not playing a monk well, which you ought to be at this level. I've used it once successfully to ambush opponents because I was able to jump down from a 30' cliff without taking damage but on the whole I've only used it a couple of times. You also get to hit them for 1d4 extra as a bonus. There are enough damned Charisma casters in this game (4 of them) that you likely don't need this high. Wow. These are essentially spells you can cast using ki points. They gain control over their enemies by learning and understanding their mysteries. ← DND Classes | 5E – Classes for Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), Rogue 5E | Guide | Dnd | Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition – 2020 →. There's little value in getting late spells with few resources to cast them, especially compared with the other paths' benefits. Came across this guide, very helpful. The centerpoint of the subclass is the ability to fire Radiant Sun Bolt.