He was re-hired by South Park Elementary, but as the kindergarten teacher, as his old job was then held by Ms. Choksondik. As Mr. Garrison enjoys his new womanly attributes after his sex change, the rest of the town gets in touch with their inner feelings too.

See our top-ranked characters and read their profiles. It is not entirely clear how much autonomy Mr. Hat and Mr. Garrison have from each other.

He first appeared in the Season Three episode "World Wide Recorder Concert", and made a brief cameo appearance in the Season Twenty episode, "Oh, Jeez".

Mr. Hat is permanently abandoned in favor of Mr. Slave once Mr. Garrison begins teaching fourth grade. As the New Kid, players will join Mysterion, Toolshed, Human Kite, Mosquito, Mint Berry Crunch and a host of others to battle the forces of evil while Coon strives to make his team the most beloved superheroes in history.

Random Episode. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, reliable, independent, third-party sources, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, "No One's Offended by 'South Park' Anymore", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mr._Garrison&oldid=981253236, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 October 2020, at 06:16. it is revealed that she had adopted the first name "Janet". He underwent a sex change in the season 9 premiere "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina". Succeed, and you shall be South Park's savior, cementing your social status in South Park Elementary.

Herbert Garrison, who was also known as Janet Garrison after a sex change operation, is the secondary antagonist of the animated series South Park.

After being dumped by an unnamed boyfriend, Garrison goes to the local "Curves" gym in a huff, cursing men for the entire time. Mr. Garrison writes a best-selling novel “The Valley of the Penises” to try to prove that he’s straight, but this effort ends with him realizing that he is, in fact, a homosexual. For the first eight seasons of the series, the character was known as Mr. Garrison. Seeking refuge in a support group run by Randy Marsh, Randy tells Garrison that the reason people want him to be president is because J. J. Abrams has brainwashed people into liking his new Star Wars film using the Member Berries, linking the nostalgic themes of the Garrison campaign to the film's rehash of older material. When a man tells Garrison about his wife's ovarian cancer, Garrison dismissively tells him "your wife's a dude, faggot" and that he should get tested for AIDS, indicating a return to his previous homophobic behavior. In the episode "Go God Go", Mrs. Garrison was ordered by the school district to teach evolution to her class.

He was portrayed as a closeted homosexual and was ashamed and afraid to be open about it as a result of this.

From the perilous battlefields of the fourth-grade playground, a young hero will rise, destined to be South Park's savior. He also has a degree in mechanical engineering, though he’d probably be an even worse engineer than teacher. The mouse escapes when she opens its cage and throughout the episode Mrs. Garrison looks around various places. Established in the episode "The Brown Noise".

[4] During the entirety of the show he has had heterosexual and same-sex relationships, both as a man and as a woman. Menu. President Garrison grew up in Arkansas,[3] speaks with a Southern accent, and claims to have a master's degree in mechanical engineering from Denver Community College (as seen in the episode "The Entity").

Full Episodes . Garrison plays a role in the season's conclusion by helping to defeat the season's other antagonists, but remains in power, flanked by member berries. Mr. Garrison is the semi-competent 4th grade teacher of the boys.

Exactly why he wishes to do this has not yet been explained. Mr. Hat was not seen again until the climax of the episode "200", when Eric Cartman demands to speak with him, at which point Mr. Garrison produces Mr. Hat from a dresser drawer, and despite his initial reluctance, Garrison again seems to illustrate an inability to control Mr. Hat, and again addresses him separately. ", Mrs. Garrison becomes tired of living as a woman and wants to start living as a man again. He does not find out about Mrs. Garrison's gender history until later.

However, in the episode "Cherokee Hair Tampons", when he wrote his book The Valley of the Penises, his name on the cover read as "Ethan Garrison", though this may simply be a pen name.
They worried that a direct portrayal of Trump would be "dated" if the campaign ended quickly, and felt it would be more appropriate to use one of their characters in his role, having already decided Garrison would come into conflict with the new principal.[7]. Despite also receiving breast implants, she continues to have male-pattern baldness and a masculine voice. Mr. Garrison struggles to confront his own homosexuality, and he is probably the most homophobic person in all of South Park. ", she attempts to prevent legislation granting gay citizens the right to marry after discovering that her ex-lover, Mr. Slave, is planning to marry Big Gay Al.

More. With Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Hayden Brown, John 'Nancy' Hansen. Dawkins converts Mrs. Garrison to atheism, and they subsequently decide to eradicate all religion from the world. Despite this suggestion, Mr. Garrison retained use of Mr. Hat even after coming out as gay, during the period when both were seen to be teaching kindergarten. "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina" is the first episode in the ninth season of the American animated television series South Park. Further evidence of Hat's autonomy includes that Mr. Hat has been able to move his eyes and blink towards Mr. Garrison and Brett Favre, and that in "Worldwide Recorder Concert", where Mr. Hat beats up Mr. Mackey, but also in the South Park video game, where Mr. Hat owns and runs a robot factory by himself, or in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, when Satan picks up Mr. Hat as a companion to replace Saddam Hussein. Mr. Twig was not well received by the children in Garrison's third grade class, who repeatedly called for the return of Mr. Hat and suggesting Mr. Twig would be better used as a coat rack, to which Garrison took much offense.
Following a vaginoplasty, Mr. Garrison becomes Mrs. Garrison, despite never having been established as having been married. Although Mrs. Garrison continues to inject snide and insulting remarks into Dawkins' lecture, Dawkins becomes drawn to Mrs. Garrison's masculine boldness and directness. In the episode "D-Yikes", Mrs. Garrison starts to have lesbian relationships. The Book of Mormon. President Garrison is sexually confused. In the episode "Chef Goes Nanners", Mr. Hat, his puppet, was a member of the local Ku Klux Klan, which Mr. Garrison resented and insisted to Chef that he wanted nothing to do with.

Avatar. Mr. Garrison was depicted primarily as a teacher until his dismissal, and then mounted a campaign that resulted in his election as President of the United States.

To that end, he abandoned his puppet counterpart in favor of a human assistant, "Mr. Slave", his personal BDSM slave and lover.

In "200", he at first assists Stan, Kyle and Cartman in angering Tom Cruise, but also later is consulted by Cartman regarding the events of "Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut", after Mitch Connor tells Cartman that the allegations Ms. Cartman was intersex and Cartman's father are a lie – while Garrison tries to steer Cartman away, Cartman convinces him to bring out Mr. Hat, and Mr. Hat confesses the declaration of Ms. Cartman being his father (and intersex) was fake and that Eric Cartman's real father was in the room. Interests… ventriloquism, S&M, and Game of Thrones. Herbert J. Garrison, formerly known as Janet Garrison,[1] is a fictional character in the American animated television series South Park, He is voiced by Trey Parker and first appeared on television on August 13, 1997 in South Park's pilot episode "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe". Mr. Garrison temporarily replaced Mr. Hat with Mr. Twig (starting in the episode "Summer Sucks"), who consisted of a twig wearing a purple shirt with a pink triangle symbol. In the following episode, "Go God Go XII", Cartman calls Mrs. Garrison's home from the future. Mrs. Garrison also realizes that there have been no menstrual periods after the operation, leading her to believe that she is pregnant. He even claims that whoever cannot make babies is a male, including infertile women. However, in the later episode "Here Comes the Neighborhood", he tries to get rid of the "richers" (who were all black) using Klan techniques, such as wearing their robes or burning crosses. The character was thereafter known to the other characters as Janet Garrison or Mrs. Garrison, despite being unmarried. Crass and deeply perverse, South Park is not for the faint of heart, but the show's predilection for "going there" accounts for both its funniness and insightful social commentary. This dedicated group of crime fighters was formed by Eric Cartman whose superhero alter-ego, The Coon, is half man, half raccoon. Her fling with another woman would be classified as one of her less adventurous sexual escapades.