We bow with respect in the immortal presence of the most honoured dictator of the world and send our condolences to the Turkish Nation that is suffering its worst sorrow.

Portraits of Ataturk hang in homes and offices, statues of him abound in town squares and he appears on Turkish banknotes and postage stamps. 45-Was it not the fact that Wilson had actually retired from the stage? Ludwid ERHARD In these thoughts the youth, the security and the illuminated future of a country are included. Today, the National Assembly accepted the resolution to send a condolence message to Turkey on the death of the Great Leader and decided to cease its meeting for one day in order to show its respect. He was the symbol of bravery and humanity for his nation. We Germans owe the Turks the example of tearing apart and casting away the decisions of the victors’ diplomacy. He won the freedom of his country while he was the commander. He has been a good example to others with his personality, responsibility and courage. I commemorate Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on his 25th death anniversary with deep respect. Kemal Atatürk has been more constructive and creative than all the personalities of power balances within Europe that were created by the war. I’m really sorry for that. General Metaksas, Prime Minister of Greece, 1938. He formed a class individually and mostly he was unique. A ringing of a bell from far away and from the depths can be heard in his voice.

Today, Turkey is devoted to the strong personality of Atatürk. He moves in consciousness. Poland, being in traditional relation with Turkey for 150 years, was the first country to sign this aggreement. Because Atatürk, apart from everything else, has brought a happiness to the Turkish Nation that it had never been experienced before. The historians and his relatives talking of him said: – Ataturk was a realist. While we had turned our faces to the reborn Turkey as a hope, we heard the bitter news about Kemal’s death. 47-”You will proclaim a republic a republic!”, 48-The English had successively left Mersifun and Samsoon, 49-A national Government, supported by a National Assembly would seriously accept the responsibility of the destiny of the nation, 50-Just as we were leaving Sivas for Amasia, 51-The “Liberal Understanding” party and the unions of “Nikehban” and the “Friends of England” formed one party, 52-Finally, they advised us “not to come to Constantinople until peace had been signed, 53-The place for the meeting of the Chamber of Deputies, 54-Government in Constantinople has no freedom of action, 55-The “Union for the Defence of the Rights of Anatolia and Rumelia”, 56-The Government insist on these three demands, 57-The intrigues of our enemies at home and abroad began to produce results, 58-Even today I can throw no light on this dark incident, 60-To counteract these extensive intrigues, 61-I wrote a letter personally to Mr. Frew, 62-The corrupt atmosphere of Constantinople, 63-To grant territorial compensation in Eastern Anatolia to the Armenians, 66-There is a Government in Constantinople under All Riza Pasha, 67-The High Commissioners of France, Great Britain and Italy expressed themselves, 68-The points dealt with in Djemal Pasha s letters, 69-All Riza Pasha s Government came into power on the 2 nd October, 1919, 70-Wilson’s principles, Some of the fourteen points included in them apply to Turkey, 71-In the Erzerum and Sivas Congresses the national will had clearly been formulated, 72-We made preparations and gave instructions to the effect that the Chamber would meet at Angora, 73-The Sovereign has more influence over the Government than the Chamber, 74-The Greeks began their offensive on the 3 rd March 1920, 75-By an armistice based on Wilson s principles, the nation has been deprived of all means of defence, 76-Thereupon, I contented myself by using the expression : “Assembly endowed with Extraordinary Powers”, 77-If God be willing, on Friday the 23 st April, you are informed hereby that from this day forward the National Assembly will be the lawful authority, 79-That none of these doctrines could be accepted by the political organisation of the New Turkey, 80-There is nothing in history to show how the policy of Panislamism could have succeeded, 81-it was a question of acknowledging the collapse of the Ottoman State and the abolition of the Caliphate, 82-The Government and my enemies made use of me personally as a weapon against the nation, 83-The internal upheavals, which began during the year 1920 against our national organisation, spread rapidly throughout the country, 84-Now let us recall the situation on the different fronts immediately after the Assembly was opened, 87-As at this time certain preparations of the enemy on the Greek front became noticeable, 88-The Greeks began their general attack on the 22 nd June, 1920, 89-I will tell you something about the “Green Army,”, 90-Tsherkess Reshid Bey, a Deputy, and his brothers Edhem Bey and Tewfik Bey joined the founders of the organisation, 91-The notorious letter written by Tchitcherin has to a certain extent contributed to the failure of the military operations, 92-We appointed Kiasim Kara Bekir Pasha, commanding the XV th Army Corps, to command the troops on the Eastern front, 93-2 nd December, and during that night the treaty was signed at Gumru, 94-Under the treaty of Moscow Batum was abandoned again later on, 95-The Central Committee of the “Thrace and Pasha Eli” Society, 96-Who are trusted to watch over the political requirements of the situation, 97-Deli Bash occupied Konia and seized the administration, 98-At this time the Greek Army had three divisions in the district of Brusa, 99-The amendment of the Act relating to Ministerial election, 100-Return to the point where I had left off, namely, concerning the Western front, 102-The deputation that had gone to Kutayah had actually been arrested, 101-The actual situation was by no means what the public believed it to be, 103-We had left a division of infantry at Brusa facing the Greek troops, 104-It was demanded that Edhem Bey and his brothers should be pardoned, 105-The movements of the enemy and the enemy’s front, 106-The object of which will be to consider a solution of the Eastern question, 107-The Government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey have repeatedly declared that they are earnestly and sincerely desirous of peace, 112-It is not necessary that the Turkish Nation and the High As sembly should occupy themselves so minutely with the Caliphate and the Monarchy, 115-Italy undertook to support our claims at the Conference for the restitution of Thrace and Smyrna, 117-Eventually I took recourse to forming a party myself under the name of the “Party for the Defence of the Rights of Anatolia and Rumelia.”, 120-The aim he had before him was to preserve the Caliphate and Sultanate and to prevent, at all costs, the establishment of a Republican Government, 125-The events connected with the great battle on the Sakaria, 132-After the battle on the Sakaria this agreement was signed at Angora on the 20 th October, 1921, 140-Those members of the Assembly who had forgotten the victory on the Sakaria, 145-I want to mention that the Grand National Assembly is not only a legislative assembly but it also pos sesses the executive power, 150-You know that the Sultanate and the Caliphate, taken separately or jointly, were regarded as questions of very great importance, 155-A motion was drafted describing the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire and the birth of a New Turkish State, 160-The plenary sitting of the Lausanne Conference took place on the 28th November, 1922, 163-The ” public opinion of the Mohamedan world would be alarmed and perturbed.”, 165-As the first duty of the Assembly that “the prescriptions of the Sheri should be put into force.”, 167-I had long conversations everywhere with people on the formation of a political party, 170-I shall now revert to the Lausanne Conference, 175-I shall now describe to you what happened at Angora on Monday, the 29 th October, 180-Let us once more read some of the questions and answers exchanged during an interview between Rauf Bey and the proprietors and chief editors of the newspapers “Watan” and “Tewhid, 185-I believed that the moment for the abolition of the Caliphate had arrived, 190-This holy treasure I lay in the hands of the youth of Turkey.

No civilized name can create such respect as the name Atatürk. His death is a big loss for the world as well. “To see me, does not mean to see my face always. I was still trembling while showing the way to him despite the fact that I was used to the life in trenches not for days but for months. Ataturk is both the greatest hero and the chief author of the epic of the Turkish independence and freedom.