What identifiers need to be masked – name, profile pictures, photos used (all searchable)? Check if anyone can post or is the site for approved authors only? One of the key principles of ethical research is that information is used for the purposes for which it is given. Does the blog have any statement anywhere that aims to protect posts or restrict use of content? The completed application form and relevant supporting documents are sent electronically and via hard-copy to the secretary. Direct quotes are traceable – you can consider rewording but will this keep the original intent of the post? Final approval is by electronic copy letter and by email from the secretary. New Zealand is a member of the Australia New Zealand Council for Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART). Modern society expects to be able to openly discuss and debate research findings, and sometimes to participate in the design and execution of research and its dissemination. Use the Tab and Up, Down arrow keys to select menu items. Essentially, it is important that researchers understand some of the 'unspoken' rules and norms of sites to ethically research and use data, or have someone who does (like the blog owner) to 'interpret'. Publication ethics include matters such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism and falsification of published results. Does the researcher have to join/ login to site to access? The general procedure for applications to the ERHEC is: Electronic copySend to human-ethics@canterbury.ac.nz, Hard copy (send by internal mail or take to Level 5 South, Matariki)The secretaryEthics  Level 5 SouthMatariki. Associate Professor Brigid McNeill is the member of the College of Education, Health and Human Development’s Research Committee who signs off Low-Risk applications in the School of Teacher Education before they are submitted to the ERHEC. Professional codes. Perhaps multiple pseudonyms per individual could be used to mask identities? to opt out of having posts considered; and this also gives people a chance to look at their posts with a researcher/non-community member in mind. Most social media sites are developed to provide a forum for a particular issue, without a research audience in mind. Is this a niche topic - What is the writer's expectation of privacy? Is there any discussion/pictures/details of people from the writer's life (e.g. Research integrity is a term used to describe the adherence to good ethical standards during the conduct of research, excluding the aspects of publication and working with human and animal subjects. General enquiries: +64 4 472 7421 | enquiries@royalsociety.org.nz | PO Box 598, Wellington 6140. 11 Turnbull StThorndon, Wellington 6011Aotearoa - New Zealand, © 2020 - Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi, Understanding Aotearoa's plastics problem, Supporting international research collaboration, President's Address 2019 on redefining research excellence, Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications with Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, Climate change mitigation options for New Zealand, Climate change implications for New Zealand, Code of Professional Standards and Ethics, Research Charter for Aotearoa New Zealand, Dealing with issues and concerns about conduct. Research Involving Human Participants (UC Policy Library), Australian Association for Research in Education, National Oral History Association of New Zealand. Researchers still need to hold a register of who has received gift vouchers and this can be kept confidentially by the researcher. The researcher must then ensure that any data is securely destroyed after this period of time has elapsed. How much data will you share? The above documents outline the processes for ethical approvals of educational research projects in the School of Teacher Education. Even if not legally enforceable, this would raise ethical issues. Examples of research applications that would be considered by ERHEC include: The Educational Research Human Ethics Committee of the University of Canterbury (ERHEC), only accepts project applications for review from: All applications to the Upper South Health and Disability Ethics Committee also require a separate application to the appropriate University of Canterbury Human Ethics Committee. Is the forum dedicated to addressing a sensitive issue? Many research organisations use ethics committees, including independent lay members, to review and approve proposals for their adherence to good practice. The chair is appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and the committee has the power to co-opt. The Committee on Publication Ethics is an international body that has established a model of best practice. © University of Canterbury - A Fair Trade University, College of Education, Health and Human Development, Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology Honours, Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (EarlyChildhood), Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Primary), Bachelor of Youth and Community Leadership, Certificate in Maori Language and Pedagogies: Aumiri Pounamu, Certificate in Youth and Community Leadership, Diploma in Global Humanitarian Engineering, Graduate Diploma in Maori Language and Pedagogies: Aumiri Pounamu, Graduate Diploma in Strategic Communication, Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning, Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning Early Childhood, Postgraduate Certificate in Antarctic Studies, Postgraduate Certificate in Architectural Engineering, Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Engineering, Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Teaching, Postgraduate Certificate in Counselling Studies, Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities, Postgraduate Certificate in Geospatial Science and Technology, Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences, Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems and Technology, Postgraduate Certificate in Maori and Indigenous Leadership, Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care, Postgraduate Certificate in Product Design, Postgraduate Certificate in Product Innovation, Postgraduate Certificate in Specialist Teaching, Postgraduate Certificate in Sport Science, Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic Leadership, Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching, Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Data Science, Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration, Postgraduate Diploma in Business Information Systems, Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Family Psychology, Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology, Postgraduate Diploma in Geographic Information Science, Postgraduate Diploma in Geospatial Science and Technology, Postgraduate Diploma in Information Systems and Technology, Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching, Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning, Postgraduate Diploma in Water Resource Management, Bachelor of Teaching and Learning with Honours, Master of Applied Translation and Interpreting, Master of Bicultural Co-Governance of Natural Resources, Master of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Master of Engineering in Fire Engineering, Master of Health Sciences Professional Practice, Master of International Relations and Diplomacy, Master of Laws International Law and Politics, Master of Maori and Indigenous Leadership, Master of Spatial Analysis for Public Health, Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other La, Professional Master of Engineering Geology, Professional Master of Geospatial Science and Technology, Clashes and alternative exam arrangements, Examination invigilation for external institutions, Maori and Pasifika graduation celebration, Educational Research Human Ethics Committee, Guidelines for low risk ethics applications in the School of Teacher Education, Processes for ethical approvals of educational research projects, Assessment of Low Risk Ethical Approval Application, Procedures of the Educational Research Human Ethics Committee, Application forms, templates and examples, Ethical Approval of Research Projects and Applicant Checklist, Information Sheet and Consent Form Templates, Letterhead for Information Letters and Consent Forms, Example Slideshow information for young children, Use of Vouchers and Incentives for Participants, Two academic staff from each school of the College of Education nominated by the heads of schools, One member nominated by the Kaiarahi Maori, One member representing another college of the University of Canterbury, Other College of Education, Health and Human Development staff as required, One College of Education, Health and Human Development Postgraduate student nominated by the committee, Two laypeople representing the wider educational community appointed by the committee, Investigating teaching and learning in curriculum areas in primary and secondary settings, Describing how early childhood educators use assessment to inform their practices, How schools communicate assessment information to students and their families and whanau, Academic staff of the University of Canterbury, Research Associates of the University of Canterbury, as endorsed by an academic staff member, Students who are enrolled in a course of study at the University of Canterbury and who will carry out research under the supervision of, or in collaboration with, an academic staff member of the university.