Reduce Dutch livestock by half to lower nitrogen emissions: D66, Dutch gov't: Schools can make face masks mandatory but no legal obligation, Amsterdam sea captain caught smuggling six on sailing yacht, Third arrest in fake nurse scam where thousands were stolen from elderly, ICU expert pairs with former anti-Covid rules influencer to teach young people, First decrease in Covid-19 hospital patients since Sept. 2; Infections up 33%, Divers find sunken car in Zeeland; Bodies possibly inside, Dutch students strongly advised to wear face masks at secondary schools, Coronavirus test shortage was predicted in April; Advice was ignored: Report, Covid-19 caused 10,000 deaths in first wave; 2020 deaths 9,000 higher than 2019, Belgium puts four more Dutch provinces on Code Red. In May 2019, the Netherlands’ Council of State (the country’s highest administrative court) ruled that the current ‘Integrated Approach to Nitrogen’ (PAS in Dutch) for reducing excess nitrogen in vulnerable Natura 2000 areas is in breach of EU law. The Dutch government can exercise very little influence over this ‘import’. Consumers should then be prepared to eat less meat, and you need good information campaigns to achieve that. Het is net als voor WOII wij verraden ons eigen volk voor het geld v/d machthebbers, de NL Politie kreeg 1 weekloon per Jood die zelf gretig meededen aan die cultuur.Er zijn andere alternativen te over (velen al genoemd in de reacties), maar zelfs al zouden wij 99% van ons inkomen aan belastingen betalen, dan noch help het niet.Wat wel helpt is remigratie van alle immigranten en stop immigratie, veel slechtere gezondheidszorg en dus een reductie van 75% van de bevolking, hoeven er geen huizen meer bij, minder transport, vee en meer bosbouw. Wageningen University & Research is assisting in finding innovative solutions with a view to overcoming the current nitrogen impasse. The nitrogen problem was flagged up by scientists, including people at Wageningen, a long time ago. In locations where nitrogen deposition is not occurring, a licence under the Nature Conservation Act is not required. Komt de N uit de dieselNox uit de diesel of uit de lucht? Ja, deze redenatie klopt helemaal.In NL behoren we tot de top qua efficientie en produceren we redelijk "schoon".Het punt is dat we hier (in vergelijking met andere landen) op een klein gebied veel dieren houden.

The nitrogen will just end up in the environment in a different form.

In practice, that is extremely difficult to prove. "It is time for responsibility to be taken.

Agriculture produces 40 per cent of the nitrogen that is deposited in the Netherlands, whereas 35 per cent comes on the wind from other countries. Terwijl de wereldwijde "uistoot" toegenomen is. The national average nitrogen deposition comes to 21 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare. If you keep a lot of animals in a small area many problems soon get much worse. The critical load varies from 5 to 25 kilos. The government and the provincial authorities plan to help farmers who want to leave farming. in het overzichtje: wie produceren?

En verminderd het vermogen van planten om NH4 op te nemen. How does this work exactly? Why is nitrogen a problem? But the Council of State ruled that generalized plans no longer sufficed: a constructor had to prove that nitrogen deposition in Natura 2000 areas would not increase. Coalition party D66 wants to reduce the number of livestock in the Netherlands by half. That is because the country’s own contribution to nitrogen deposition on Natura 2000 areas is only 60 percent; the other 40 per cent comes from abroad. Farms responsible for high nitrogen emissions in the vicinity of Natura 2000 areas will be the first in line. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Nitrogen and PFAS suddenly big societal issues in the Netherlands. Farmers who want to continue will receive support to invest in new low-emission stalls. The cabinet is set to reply to the report by the beginning of October.

No speed increase on highways, construction projects are standing still and the permit of the Grand Prix van Zandvoort is not yet complete. This will reduce nitrogen emissions, and create more room to build new houses, D66 parliamentarian Tjeerd de Groot said to RTL Nieuws.

Innovations in the construction sector also contribute to efforts in this regard. © 2012-2020, All rights reserved. … For more information, please visit the AERIUS website. The government wanted to build 75.000 new properties each year over the coming years, but the nitrogen crisis has thrown a spanner in the works and cut this number by almost 40 percent.. The Netherlands must take “drastic measures” as soon as possible, as the nitrogen crisis threatens nature reserves. At the same time, the contribution of intensive livestock farming to our own economy is not even 1 percent. There is far too much nitrogen in Dutch feeds, to ensure high milk production. A lot of our own dairy cattle are still kept tethered, a quarter of them year-round, without access to pasture. In addition, adjustments to a project or its location (internal or external offsetting of nitrogen deposition) or an exemption test (ADC-toets) may be used to support an application for a licence.

The nitrogen crisis is a societal problem. Electric machinery and vehicles, modular construction techniques and nitrogen filters are examples of developments that reduce nitrogen emissions at the construction stage. It's a simple calculation, according to De Groot.

The heart of the matter is that too much nitrogen is imported. NH3 daarin tegen is onderdeel van een dynamisch proces in de natuur hoe de Ph gestabiliseerd wordt NH3 + H2O = NH4 + OH, dit is een basische reactie, NH4 + H2O = NH3 + H dat is een zure reactie.Een plant die goed groeit zorgt dat de Ph stijgt. There is no future for the bio-industry: The Netherlands is a postage stamp were far too many chickens, pigs and goats are kept.". An ecological test can also lead to permission for a project. Is er uberhaupt onderzoek naar gedaan? He also insisted that the RIVM’s method for determining nitrogen precipitation is robust and scientifically sound. Feeding dairy cows is what I have most experience with, and there are already several ways we can change the industry without necessarily reducing the number of animals.

The abbreviation PFAS stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

A few small changes could make huge difference. It’s important to bear this in mind when you look at statistics. Organisation - The source of nitrogen deposition varies considerably from area to area.

In the end we shall have to move towards importing less livestock feed. The basic principle is that they do so on a voluntary basis. Background values are based on the base level of presence of PFAS in Dutch soils. He informed the farmers that an additional evaluation will soon be carried out by national and international scientists and knowledge institutes.

news regarding the nitrogen and PFAS problem in the Netherlands in 2019. An average deposition reduction of 21 to 14 kilos per hectare per year seems like a modest ambition, but in terms of emissions reduction it is highly ambitious. Additional measures are being taken to tackle the nitrogen problem, which has been around since the eighties. Als het daar omhoog gaat doordat er daar extra dieren komen, wellicht meer dan hier zou zijn voor die hoeveelheid dieren (zoals u terecht zegt door andere systemen & regels), zal daar de "uitstoot" en de hoeveelheid die neerslaat toenemen. It is also prepared to earmark extra funds. To obtain an exemption, there must be no feasible alternative to the project and it must serve the public interest, while any harm to the natural environment must be compensated for.

No speed increase on highways, construction projects are standing still and the permit of the Grand Prix van Zandvoort is not yet complete.

In line with the advisory committee led by Johan Remkes, the government has opted for an area-based approach. This also applies to new projects resulting in temporary nitrogen deposition, such as renewable energy projects. Nitrogen crisis from jam-packed livestock operations has ‘paralyzed’ Dutch economy. This has effectively put the granting of permits for building houses and infrastructure, and enlarging farms on hold.

In combination with hydrogen, nitrogen is converted into the gas ammonia (NH3), which gets into the atmosphere.

According to the Council of State, the assumptions on which the PAS is based (mainly future deposition reductions) do not meet the requirements defined in the EU Birds and Habitats Directive. Ik lees dat er 35% uit het buitenland komt aangewaaid, maar ook dat we 4 keer zoveel exporteren als importeren. The nitrogen problem is very complicated and I think the solution lies in a combination of different things.

At national level, the government wants to increase the number of cleaner vehicles on the roads by introducing fiscal incentives for the purchase and use of electric cars.

Nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands is all the nitrogen than lands on its farmland and nature areas. Alleen doordat er hier relatief gezien zoveel "uitstoot" per ha is, is er dus ook veel wat hier weer neerslaat. The nitrogen problem explained Published on October 4, 2019. Nitrogen has been problematic since 1980, when the Netherlands suffered from ‘acid rain’. The quality of nature in the Netherlands has decreased due to nitrogen emissions in recent years.

There have to be systems for compensation too, so farmers can switch to a more sustainable systems. On 16 October 2019, thousands of farmers protested in the vicinity of RIVM  in Bilthoven. Based on this data, RIVM provides the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality with advice and information on nitrogen deposition. A halving of the nitrogen emissions by Dutch agriculture means 20 per cent less nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands, since agriculture is responsible for 40 per cent of that deposition. Harry and Megan urge Britain to confront racism, Light show celebrates new LED system on Acropolis: 'Light of the 21st century', British fisherman has been friends with blind seals for ten years, "Kidnapping" broadens the spectrum of "black scandi", Expansion of the A49: Police begin clearing the forest near Danneröder Forest, They were born ordinary but willing to fight for, Micro Video | Home in China-Chinanews Video, Movie review: Aaron Sorkin makes political mistakes in The trial of the Chicago 7, Movie review: Elegant relationship humor in On the rocks, KRO-NCRV will continue with The Passion and wants to show more diversity, Xi Jinping delivers an important speech at the high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Beijing World Conference on Women-China News, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will provide the world with the new crown pneumonia vaccine at a fair and reasonable price-中国新网视频.

It is also prepared to earmark extra funds. Then industry and shipping produce 11 per cent of the Dutch nitrogen, and Dutch households 6.5 per cent. This article is a summary of previously published RIVMNational Institute for Public Health and the Environment

By Erik Stokstad Dec. 4, 2019 , 4:25 PM. At the same time, the parties to the National Climate Agreement specialising in mobility are now exploring ways of speeding up measures for sustainable transport. The D66 therefore wants to give farmers a choice, with financial support from the government. When it comes to Dutch farming, public opinion in Germany is generally positive, especially regarding livestock welfare. The government and the provincial authorities are also exploring options to speed up implementation of 1,200 planned restoration measures, including hydrological recovery measures. In Dutch nature areas, for example, the Dutch share in the deposition is 60 per cent, and the share from abroad 40 per cent. Een deel hiervan slaat neer in de directe omgeving, maar een deel ook elders zoals te lezen in het artikel. Obviously any constructor will have a hard time proving that nitrogen deposition in Natura 2000 areas would not increase.But where can I find the proof that agriculture accounts for 40%? With an average deposition level of 14 kilos, most of the nature will stay healthy. In November 2019, RIVM derived temporary background values for two types of PFAS in Dutch soil: PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonate) and PFOA (perfluoro octanoic acid). So what do international BSc, MSc and PhD students think about this problem? text Coretta Jongeling en Roelof Kleis  illustration Henk van Ruitenbeek, Professor of Plant Production Systems, from the UK, ‘I think it’s a shame it took a court case to get the problem tackled.