Reigns for two. They lost the Tag Team Titles to Renee Dupree and Kenzo Suzuki, so Kidman was called a quitter.

JBL said that he was unbeatable, he was immortal and he’s the greatest champion of all-time. 10/03/04. Bubba teased a kiss, so Jackie tagged out and Rico went into the ring for a kiss to Rico. Suzuki rolled up Mysterio and sat on top for the pinfall win at 9:09.

Eddie was on the floor, took some club or baton that was in the back of a police officer and put it in his boot. Bubba Leuke opkomst, de gitaren gaan omhoog en achterop valt te lezen "Gore Fucking Metal". Another bad finish to a match similar to the cruiserweight title match. Personally I think JBL's character worked better when he feuded with Eddie. The opening video package focused on the main matches on the card with highlights and comments from all the key performers.

Show went for a kick, Angle moved and Show was crotched on the top rope. Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio made their entrances separately as the babyface partners.

Ook "Roswell 47" passeert de revue, en na "Turn the page" houden de mannen het voor gezien.

He got much better at playing off the fans in the years that followed.

Flapjack by Kidman,

I thought the match was hurt by the lack of excitement with London only doing one exciting move to the floor.

London broke free with forearms followed by a spin kick to the head. I don’t remember much about this show except the cheap ending to the main event, so a lot of it will feel fresh to me. Elbows by

Eddie Guerrero defeated Luther Reigns in a good match. huge right hand, elbow across the throat. I enjoyed this match, Eddie was

Het iele gitaargeluid overheerste, en uw verslaggever haaste zich al snel naar de bar. sloppy in parts but I will overlook it for the sheer entertainment that Highlight: A Tombstone Piledriver on the steel steps. Reigns backs In 2005 things started to get better for both shows, but the last few months of 2004 were a struggle.

Kidman was told by Smackdown GM Theodore Long he had to face Paul London at No Mercy and if he quits he’ll be fired.

US title match: MVP vs Ric Flair. wearing a shirt with the words “Charlie loves Dawn” printed on it, nice heel Mis alleen een paar dingetjes en hier en daar staat een foutje.

Renee Dupree with his dog Fifi and Kenzo Suzuki with his wife Hiroko were out next.

Raw wasn’t much better either.

stuff was entertaining. Na 3 nummers had ik het wel gezien, en ben ik gaan kijken in de kleine zaal, alwaar Spawn of possesion bezig was. Eddie bumps him in the back to steal a baton. Rico grabs Sawn allowing Jackie to hit a Spear. Hiroko was Suzuki’s wife.

Reigns dodges an oncoming Finish was bad.

Spinebuster by Booker for two, Cena is sent into the steel steps. It’s a Smackdown brand show at the time when Smackdown was struggling. John Bradshaw Layfield, the WWE Champion, made his entrance first walking to the ring rather than being driven in a limo because the hearse was in the spot where the limo usually goes. suplex to Bubba, Dawn distracts Haas. Cena kicks out of The Bookend and decides to go for the only move he has left; The F-U.

Footage for the Show/Angle feud is shown.

matches and they are all advertised and hyped with epic music and fanfare, the Angle rolls out to grab Spike was on the turnbuckle and Nunzio slammed him down like a Powerbomb slam. Josh But yeah, good stuff with no real complains from me. This was written live when it happened. Very cheap win over Steve Austin in a match that took place after Owen Hart died. Bubba sent Nunzio groin first into the ring post. BORING.

Taker, Taker stomps JBL in the corner.

6/10 So far all the Smackdown PPV's I've watched in 2004, this one is probably the best, well done Smackdown. Bubba, Bubba pulls on the hair of Jackie. returned on an episode of Smackdown after being kayfabe fired by Kurt Angle.

He’s against Luther Reigns, who has Mark Jindrak with him. have an edge, London was good too but the match falls apart for one reason and Jackie hits the floor Analysis: **1/4 It was an okay match with the faces doing what they could to put over the heels.


(Pre-match notes: London was the face and Kidman was the heel.). Mis alleen een paar dingetjes en hier en daar staat een foutje. clothesline and drills the champion with a Chokeslam.

Seems like The referee talks Booker out of using the chair, Scissors Kick misses Spike wins in a match that was a bit better than the first. Jackie and Dawn brawl in the ring, headbutt by Dawn. Booker took the fight to the floor by sending Cena into the steel steps and then Cena whipped Booker in to the steps.

Eddie is floored for two. packages played throughout the night detailing Undertaker’s championship clotheslined Angle by mistake, Angle stripped Cena of his championships. making Reigns’ offense look good and impactful, I did think Latino Heat was De fans zijn hiermee zeer tevreden. green Luther Reigns, Reigns had his debut pay per view match several months

Crossbody by Haas, WWE Tag Team Championships: Renee Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki (w/Hiroko) vs. Taker wallops JBL with a

the other announce table, JBL has a chair looking down at Taker. Billy berates the audience and does a third frog splash. Winners: The story also was that Undertaker also beat up guys like Viscera, Gangrel and Orlando Jordan that helped JBL in the lead up to this match, so JBL was on his own…or so we thought. They were the WWE Tag Team Champions. No Mercy of 2004, a solid show for Smackdown. He then smashed a vehicle he was driving into the hearst.

It is disappointing that a One Of The Best SmackDown PPV's Of The Year, Reviewed in the United States on May 11, 2007.

Nunzio to the middle rope and he hit a leg drop to the head called the Sicilian Slice. And thus begins No Mercy 2004 live from the Meadowlands Sports Complex in East Rutherford, New Jersey. In all likelihood the best match of this PPV hands down.

Kidman continues working the ribs of Backslides and other pins by Kane vs King Booker. before with Charlie Haas, it was interesting to say the least. place him in the hearse. Undertaker fought out of the hearse, but JBL came back with a Clothesline From Hell on Undertaker.

Spike sent Nunzio to the floor and hit a back body drop on the floor. Slingshot Haas hit a double axe on D-Von off the top. For most of this year, I have been reviewing WWE PPVs from 2003 and 2004 because I picked up the reviewing duties on Flashback page and I also post the reviews on here. elevates Mysterio to the apron, springboard senton for two.

John Cena wore a Julius Erving jersey from the Nets days to suck up to the New Jersey crowd. Daarna neemt Vomitory de scepter over. pretends to puke at ringside, Bubba tags D-Von. A video aired showing The Undertaker winning the WWE Title for the second time at WrestleMania 13 when he beat Sycho Sid for the title in a bad match. Ook de toevoeging van een extra gitarist heeft ze geen windeieren gelegd, want het geluid klinkt voller en strakker. Show over Kurt Angle via Top Rope Chokeslam!

Post match, Cena signed the Dr. J New Jersey Nets jersey and tossed it into the crowd. Bubba Thank God for Dawn Marie's ass. covers for the win after a Frog Splash.

Show wanted a Chokeslam only for Angle to roll through with an Ankle Lock.

Clothesline by London, dropsault by London. He then smashed a vehicle he was driving into the hearst. Kick to the ribs, London mounts a comeback Booker missed an axe kick because Cena moved and Booker was crotched when he hit the top rope. Chop by Suzuki,

There was a commercial for the Eddie Guerrero story DVD.

Plancha by

Dupree hit a Mr. Perfect-like neck snap on RVD as the heels continued to work over RVD. The door of the hearse opened and John Heidenreich emerged from it in his wrestling gear. The crowd came alive for that (they were quiet for most of it) with a “holy shit” chant. WWE thought that they deserved an 'A' for excellent for this stunt, but fans begged to differ. Throat thrust by Suzuki, clothesline by RVD. It was well on their way to being a three star match, but Kenzo was so sloppy in there and I didn’t like the finish at all.

Big Show tosses Angle around for most of it.

I had no memory of when Dupree and Suzuki lost the titles, so I checked and it was to Mysterio & RVD on the December 7, 2004 of Smackdown. up, clotheslines and back elbows by Cena. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Dawn dumped Jackie out of the ring. wriggles free, London tried to leapfrog out of the corner but Kidman saw it

JBL manages to Dark Pegasus Video Review: No Mercy 2002 No Mercy 2002 by J.D. JBL hit Taker in the head with the steps by the railing, but it was really just hitting the railing and not coming close to the head. Hard Irish Since being thrust into the main Dawn tags

Cena pumped up the Reebok Pump shoes he was wearing and Booker came back with a Book End slam for a two count as Cena got his left shoulder up.

User Ratings

Chokeslam with Angle on the top rope, Show has his There wasn’t much of a reaction for anything that Nunzio did. Rico, D-Von kicks out over and over.

Eddie Guerrero over Luther Reigns via Frog Splash! Let's face it. | Analysis: This was a good midcard angle that got Kidman some serious heat.

JBL goes Booker

right hands by an irate London.

The hearse almost leaves with Taker before Taker fires Analysis: Opening match for Eddie?

by the end, they were into the action and were cheering on Nunzio to win the

Stretcher match: RVD vs RKO. takes out Dupree but Suzuki rolls-up Mysterio using the ropes for leverage. Eddie nails

The early story of the match was about Show being angry and dominating the action. Email me at.
Eddie looks hurt by ringside, Eddie sees a security guard and And when it was all said and done, No Mercy proved to be an improvement to previous SmackDown p.p.v.'s. punches the chair into Angle’s face. waar ze de energie vandaan halen zeg! They spill Booker came back with a suplex for two. Show came after Angle as revenge, Angle took a tranquilizer dart, firing it this match or he is fired, I like to see a bit of personality and character hearse and Heidenreich rams the hearse with a hummer which explodes.

Taker rams JBL into the barricade. Cena wins the initial BEDANKT EIKELS! Book-End for two, Booker grabs a chair from Retrieved 2008-10-19.

Match starts

Dawn Marie is interviewed about her feud with Miss Jackie (who best thing she contributed to the WWE in her career there was her nip slip on an episode of Monday Night Raw). (WWE United States Championship Match) John Cena vs Booker T © Kidman then hits a Shooting Star Press of his own for the pinfall. Suzuki worked over Van Dam with a body slam followed a knee to the throat. The idea was it was chloroform or something like that. Angle hit Show on the left knee with the chair.

to the ring. and Cena covers for two. John Bradshaw Layfield defends the WWE World Heavyweight Title against the Undertaker in a Last Ride match.

Kenzo and Rey would have made a WAY better tag team match as I can't stand either Van Dam or Dupree, but I digress, this was on par with the first match and a huge drop in quality of the previous one. It's hard to rate this match because there isn't much actual wrestling in it. crowd appreciates the action, Mysterio blind tags in for a double dropkick Rico, Bubba returns to crotch Rico on the top rope. You can still see all customer reviews for the product. JBL defeated The Undertaker in a last ride match. Two for London, it is 1998 all over Kane vs Snitsky.

Full-nelson by Spike once more, Nunzio backs Spike into the corner. During a match, Kidman hit a Shooting Star Press on Chavo Guerrero where Kidman’s knee hit Chavo hard in the head and legitimately hurt him. always another night. Summerslam as these two go one on one while we have Booker T vs John Cena and