These tests are mysterious, and those who survive sometimes do not realize that they have been tested. He remains an … Traveller SRD In their transformed shape they take on an upright half-norn half-animal form, taking after one of the animals of the Spirits of the Wild. Downloads The norns have repeatedly cautioned against this.

Norn stand around 9 feet tall average, but can reach heights of up to 12 feet.

Norn are great hunters, they have their honor, but there is no real government or code of life, therefor they are often mistaken as Chaotic Neutral. [1][2], Perhaps due to norns' connections to the First World, the predictions of these hooded figures are strangely accurate even when most prophecies fail in the Age of Lost Omens. She carries a reel of golden thread and a pair of shears. The norn are a glory seeking hunter type of half giants who have the ability to shapeshift into a hybrid form in which a norn is still capable of wielding his weapons, all his other gear morph with him so when he changes back he will appear normal.

Norgorber (pronounced NOR-gore-ber) is known as a Taldan deity of thievery and assassination, as well as a keeper of secrets. The Norns have repeatedly cautioned against this.[3]. Melee [one-action] norn shears +38 (deadly 2d12, magical, reach 10 feet, versatile P), Damage 4d6+15 slashing plus 5d6 negative and sever fate. Environment cold mountains Organization solitary, pair, or trio Treasure double (+3 hide armor, shears, golden thread worth 500 gp, other treasure).

Medium, but considered large for grapple checks and weapons (this does NOT include armor). Norns are feywomen who are always seen in groups of three and are unique to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. And so the balance of power remains tenuous between unaffiliated norns and the Eldest, as it has for eons. If the target dies from this damage, the norn has cut through the thread—in this case, the target may only be restored to life via miracle, wish, or divine intervention. The norn have a shamanistic religion, revering the mysterious Spirits of the Wild, beings that embody the strongest, bravest, wisest, or most cunning animals of the Shiverpeaks.The Great Spirit is Bear, who is seen as the strongest of all the spirits and is said to have granted the norn the ability to 'become the bear'. Fated When a creature is subject to a fortune effect from a norn and a misfortune effect from any source other than a norn (or vice versa), the norn’s effect automatically counteracts the other effect and then takes place normally, rather than the two effects canceling each other out. A norn is usually pale or light skinned with a lot of tattoos, though darker skinned norn may also occur in coastal areas. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, Aegis of Empires 3: When Comes the Moon (Pathfinder Second Edition), Cold Mountain (Pathfinder Second Edition), Adventurous Archetypes - Tarot Archetypes Volume I, Legendary Planet: The Assimilation Strain (Pathfinder Second Edition).

Back to Main Page → 3.5e Homebrew → Races, | Swords and Wizardry SRD However, norns know that it’s merely a matter of time before the Eldest lose their respect for this tradition and start acting entirely as they please, despite norns’ best efforts to rein in their most disruptive actions. They also have perfect vision during a snowstorm where others would suffer from snowblind. A Norn is recognized best by his tattoos and his love for fur clothing, engulfed in all sort of trophies of bone and tokens of worship to their chosen spirit of the wild. If the target is reduced to 0 Hit Points from this damage, the thread is completely severed and the creature dies immediately.

Norns deliver cryptic prophesies to lost travelers and questing heroes who encounter them along their journeys. | The Modern Path SRD Snow Leopard, the cunning, resembling stealth and assassination. This towering, stern woman wears her long blonde hair in braids. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. | 13th Age SRD Defense This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Worshiped as gods by some, the norns do little to discourage this veneration., Make predictions of the future, offer advice to those in positions of power, comfort the elderly, Apologize for making incorrect prediction, disrespect mothers, accept payment for fortune-telling.

| PF2 SRD. These tests are mysterious, and those who survive sometimes do not realize that they have been tested.

At the GM’s discretion, powerful entities related to fate or luck count as a norn for the purpose of this ability.
Norn This towering, stern woman wears her long blonde hair in braids. She carries a reel of golden thread and a pair of shears. She carries a reel of golden thread and a pair of shears. Norn weigh around 600 - 800 lb due to the amount of ale they consume. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page.

This website uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's. The Norn follow the spirits of the wild as listed below: There are other smaller spirits, but they have recently been abandoned by the masses. Pathfinder is a tabletop fantasy role-playing game created by Paizo Publishing. Check out our other SRD sites! | d20HeroSRD

She carries a reel of golden thread and a pair of shears.

| GumshoeSRD The target creature must be within 120 feet and in the norn’s line of sight. Media in category "Images of norns" This category contains only the following file.
Legal Information/Open Game License, Fan Labs She carries a reel of golden thread and a pair of shears.

| Dungeon World SRD The "new" spirit dragon or wurm is considered evil by the masses and followed by a group of norn called The Sons of Svanir, who eventually become corrupted by a mystical force turning them into hulking ice creatures. When they shapeshift, they can reach up to 13 feet tall. Norn CR 18 Source Bestiary 3 pg. Init +16; Senses all-around vision, blindsight 120 ft., low-light vision, greater arcane sight, true seeing; Perception +30, AC 33, touch 21, flat-footed 31 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +10 insight, +5 natural, –1 size), hp 270 (20d6+200); regeneration 10 (cold iron), Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +21; +8 vs. mind-affecting spells and effects; +4 vs. death spells and effects, Defensive Abilities death ward, fated, foresight, mind blank, never surprised or flat-footed; DR 15/cold iron; Immune cold, energy drain, negative energy; Resist acid 30, electricity 30, fire 30; SR 29, Melee shears +21/+21/+16 (1d8+12/15–20 plus energy drain), touch +11 (energy drain), Special Attacks energy drain (2 levels, DC 30), shift fate, snip thread, Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +28), Constant—death ward, foresight, greater arcane sight, mind blank, tongues, true seeing, At will—bestow curse (DC 23), divination, greater dispel magic, geas/quest, vision, wind walk (self only), 1/day—maze, moment of prescience, quickened phantasmal killer (DC 24), power word kill, time stop, weird (DC 29), Str 25, Dex 14, Con 30, Int 21, Wis 24, Cha 31, Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, DiehardB, Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (phantasmal killer), Skills Bluff +23, Craft (cloth) +18, Heal +11, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (all) +18, Perception +30, Perform (oratory) +18, Sense Motive +30, Use Magic Device +23, SQ change shape (humanoid; alter self or giant form II), Treasure double (+3 hide armor, shears, golden thread worth 500 gp, other treasure). XP 153,600.