The ensemble cast features Kevin Kline as Bottom, Michelle Pfeiffer and Rupert Everett as Titania and Oberon, Stanley Tucci as Puck, and Calista Flockhart, Anna Friel, Christian Bale, and Dominic West as the four lovers. That would swell as large and round as lustrous East Asian pearls, After the dance, the lovers all retire to bed with Theseus saying ‘Tis almost fairy time’ and Puck appears.

Here, he describes Titania’s location to Puck before asking him to find Demetrius. Just then, Demetrius and Helena arrive in the wood, so Oberon makes himself invisible and eavesdrops on their conversation. Oberon plans to use a magical flower which was created when Cupid, the god of love, shot an arrow. Oberon orders Puck to find Helena and bring her back to where Demetrius is now sleeping and says he will put potion in Demetrius’ eyes. She says she'll stay until Theseus is married. Puck warns the fairy that Oberon is angry with the Queen and they should ‘take heed the Queen come not within his sight’.

A crown of beautiful and fragrant flowers. Hermia and Helena have known each other for a long time and know each other’s sensitivities, Oberon doesn’t want the lovers to hurt each other and thinks that Puck may have caused this chaos deliberately, Oberon is on his way to visit Titania and will give her the antitidote as well, after he has begged the little changeling boy.

The play opens with Theseus and Hippolyta talking about their wedding, which is about to take place. Brain Snack: Most literary critics agree that the royal virgin Cupid was aiming his arrow at is a shout-out to Shakespeare's monarch, Queen Elizabeth I. Elizabeth never married and made a very big deal about being a virgin queen.

Transitioning to remote instruction? Fear not, my lord, your servant shall do so.

Oberon and Titania then arrive. It is really dark! Here, he describes Titania’s location to Puck before asking him to find Demetrius. Act 2 is the catalyst for the drama and confusion in the play – with Oberon and Puck using magic to affect both the lovers and Titania.

Royal Shakespeare Company. It’s a really wonderful speech. I met with Titania recently at the edge of the forest, Her seduction of Bottom, turned to an ass under the spell of Puck (Stanley Tucci with horns and impish grin), is riotous ... A real surprise is the sly comic depth of Calista Flockhart's bicycle-riding Helena, miles from Ally McBeal ... Rupert Everett is imperious as Oberon, the jealous fairy king, and Tucci's Puck is amusingly tweaky as he keeps messing up his missions to drop magic nectar into lovers' eyes.[7]. And Flockhart exudes a wonderful vulnerability and sense of comic timing, as she pursues Demetrius, suffering all manner of indignity and incredulity along the way. Injecting the film with fun and pathos, Kline makes a superb Bottom; it's his play and he acts it to the hilt. When Titania and Oberon arrive, they immediately begin to argue over the boy. Let’s break the monologue down into thought and beat changes to see what else is revealed about Oberon.

Take note of the way the lovers talk about each other and what we learn about their history together. Why do both sets of characters decide to go into the woods? After this lovely and enchanting speech, the fairy insults Puck by calling him a "lob" of spirits, which is basically means that Puck is the hillbilly of the spirit world. Titania then accuses Oberon of being Hippolyta's lover. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Your email address will not be published. Corral instead of the King and Queen of Fairy Land. Titania and Bottom are in her fairy bower, where Bottom commands the fairies to do things for him like ‘scratch my head’ and ‘bring me the honey bag’. Perhaps there is an element of regret at going to such lengths to gain his objective? Just then, Titania and Oberon enter from opposite sides of the stage and face off like a couple of cowboys at the O.K. The mechanicals talk about the money they would have earned performing their play and how much Bottom would have deserved it for his role as Pyramus. Explore some images from past versions of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the RSC.

Puck snaps back that the Fairy King (Oberon) is also having a fairy party that night, so the Fairy Queen better watch her back and stay out of Oberon's way. She worries he might be hurt, asking ‘dead or asleep? Hath such force and blessed power.

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Act 1 is important because it establishes the different worlds of Athens – introducing the lovers and the mechanicals to the audience, before they enter the forest and the world of the fairies. Oberon and Titania join him shortly afterwards to bless the marriages that have taken place and Puck is then left alone on stage to talk directly to the audience, saying ‘If we shadows have offended, / Think but this and all is mended -- / That you have but slumbered here / While these visions did appear.’, Website Terms and Conditions |
Theseus is eager for the wedding day to come but Hippolyta reassures him that ‘Four days will quickly steep themselves in nights’. Titania says he's just jealous—so jealous that he hasn't let her and her fairies do any of their special nature dances since spring, which has the natural world all messed up.

The mechanicals have very little experience in putting on a play and expect their audience to be scared. But it was pleasurable all the same... Kline and Flockhart do most of the pedaling. Take note of the way in which Bottom behaves and reacts in each stage of Scene 1, both in his interactions with the other actors and then with Titania and the fairies. [Enter two supernatural spirits from opposite sides of the stage. ], [Exit Demetrius, Helena following him, leaving Oberon alone on the stage], [Enter the puck, Robin Goodfellow with the flower which had been struck by Cupid's bow], [Oberon gives some of the flowers to Robin (Puck)], [Exit Robin (Puck) and Oberon separately]. Titania is asleep and Oberon has also added the love potion to her eyes. Compare the way in which Oberon talks about his two plans. When Titania refuses to give up the child to Oberon, he concocts a plan with Puck to infect her eyes with love-juice of a particular purple flower.

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Pity is a human trait. As soon as she’s gone, Oberon plots revenge. When the Indian boy’s mother passed away, Titania took it upon herself to raise the child.

What clues are offered in the text? So that when he wakes up when the others do, The theatrical carryings-on of Bottom and company provide the film's best attempts at comedy. Cookies, The RSC is a registered charity (no.