National Aeronautics and Space Administration Wiki, List of tallest mountains in the Solar System,,, [17] This is important, because the trailing hemispheres of satellites orbiting inside a magnetosphere are struck by the magnetospheric plasma, which co–rotates with the planet. The pressure in the center of Oberon is about 0.5 GPa (5 kbar). All messages will be reviewed before being displayed.
This coincides with its rotational period. The moons were named by John Herschel, Williams son. [29] The cracking of the crust was caused by the expansion of Oberon by about 0.5%,[29] which occurred in two phases corresponding to the old and young canyons.

A few of the numerous bright craters appear to have been flooded by some kind of dark material that upwelled from the moon’s interior. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Once every 42 years, when Uranus has an equinox and its equatorial plane intersects the Earth, mutual occultations of Uranus's moons become possible. The orbital period of the moon is 13.5 days. It is made up of rock and water ice. [33] The precise composition of the subnebula is not known; however, the relatively high density of Oberon and other Uranian moons compared to the moons of Saturn indicates that it may have been relatively water-poor.Template:Efn[15] Significant amounts of carbon and nitrogen may have been present in the form of carbon monoxide and N2 instead of methane and ammonia.

The moon Oberon was discovered by Sir William Herschel, the famous German born British Astronomer. [16] As a result, its surface is directly struck by the solar wind. [34] The maximum temperature of around 230 K was reached at the depth of about 60 km. It is covered by numerous impact craters reaching 210 km in diameter. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.

Oberon possesses a system of chasmata (graben or scarps) formed during crustal extension as a result of the expansion of its interior during its early evolution. This high number of craters indicates that Oberon has the most ancient surface among Uranus's moons. A name is preferred even if its a random made up one by yourself. [26] Still, present knowledge of the evolution of Oberon is very limited.

[9] The adjectival form of the name is Oberonian, Template:IPAc-en. He's can be both caring and uncaring, he'll wish good luck on a family so that they won't have ugly kids.

If the white lines are below, the path is above the ecliptic.

The surface shows little evidence of internal activity other than some unknown dark material that apparently covers the floors of many Oberon and Titania are rowing in the play which has a negative effect on the weather. The image was created using N.A.S.A. A layer of liquid water may be present at the boundary between the mantle and the core.

[20] If this is the case, the radius of the core (480 km) is about 63% of the radius of the moon, and its mass is around 54% of the moon's mass—the proportions are dictated by the moon's composition. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! Planets Edu. The orbital inclination, the angle at which Oberon orbits in relation to the orbital plane is 0.07 degrees. One such event, which lasted for about six minutes, was observed on May 4, 2007, when Oberon occulted Umbriel.[18]. [23], Oberon is thought to have formed from an accretion disc or subnebula: a disc of gas and dust that either existed around Uranus for some time after its formation or was created by the giant impact that most likely gave Uranus its large obliquity. Comments may be merged or altered slightly such as if an email address is given in the main body of the comment. Oberon, outermost of the five major moons of Uranus and the second largest of the group.
[26] The latter processes were active for a period following the moon's formation. Oberon may be differentiated into a rocky core surrounded by an icy mantle. [33] The moons that formed in such a subnebula would contain less water ice (with CO and N2 trapped as clathrate) and more rock, explaining the higher density. The orbital eccentricity is 0.0014, it is the degree at which Oberon orbits close to a circular (0) orbit as opposed to an elliptical (1) orbit. [17] Meteorite impacts tend to sputter (knock out) ice from the surface, leaving dark non-ice material behind. Shmoop.

[21] The reddening of the surfaces is often a result of space weathering caused by bombardment of the surface by charged particles and micrometeorites over the age of the Solar System. The initial accretional heating together with continued decay of radioactive elements were probably strong enough to melt the ice[35] if some antifreeze like ammonia (in the form of ammonia hydrate) or some salt was present. The larger an object is, the more velocity (speed) is needed to break free from the object.The Semi-Major Axis of the orbit is 583.5, which is the furthest point from the centre to the edge of an elliptical point. Oberon in the play is a bit of ladies man who goes wandering. The geology of Oberon was influenced by two competing forces: impact crater formation and endogenic resurfacing. Oberon is the moon furthest out from the planet and is heavily cratered and has a large number of canyons, goes with being slightly unshielded by other moons. [20] The current state of the icy mantle is unclear. Discovered by William Herschel in 1787, Oberon is named after the mythical king of the fairies who appears as a character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. [20] The latter could be made of rock and carbonaceous material including heavy organic compounds. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. [15] Oberon spends a significant part of its orbit outside the Uranian magnetosphere. The largest canyon is Mommur Chasma, named after the enchanted forest in the Midsummers play, Ref: PlanetEdu, Some of the craters are filled with an unknown liquid which astronomer speculate as being dirty water, having come from inside. The figure is also known as the sidereel period. Sir William is famous for discovering not just the moon but also the planet it orbits. [17] The dark material itself may have formed as a result of radiation processing of methane clathrates or radiation darkening of other organic compounds.[15][21]. Both northern and southern poles spend 42 years in a complete darkness, and another 42 years in continuous sunlight, with the sun rising close to the zenith over one of the poles at each solstice. This refers to the Inclination of the object. The figure comes from N.A.S.A.. Template:Moons of Uranus Oberon comes from William Shakespeare's tale 'A Midsummer's Night Tale'.

Oberon is the king of the fairies. In other words, Oberon is a synchronous satellite, tidally locked, with one face always pointing toward the planet. Freezing of the water would have led to expansion of the interior, which may have also contributed to the formation of canyon-like graben.

[15] Oberon's surface is the most heavily cratered of all the Uranian moons, with a crater density approaching saturation—when the formation of new craters is balanced by destruction of old ones. Rising on the lower left limb against the dark background is a mountain estimated to be 6 km (4 miles) high.