. 140 ff (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : Virgil, Georgics 4. She was a close companion of Aphrodite. According to some myths, Perseis was the mother of. : Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 115-285 (trans. She may be the same as Klytia. sub headingExpositors_Study_BibleManichaean Holybook Enokh CitationSection HeadingExert Part.2 Ašakhté d’EnokhEnokh Banner Master. : Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) Hesiod, Theogony 958 ff (trans. BEROE The Okeanis Nymphe of the city of Beroe (Beruit) in Lebanon. PRYMNO The Okeanis "root" or "undermost" was probably the Naias Nymphe of groundwater, or the waters of a deep well. : Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 631 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or 6th B.C.) 19 (trans. 1193.). According to Hesiod, who described them as "neat-ankled daughters of Ocean ... children who are glorious among goddesses", they are "a holy company of daughters who with the lord Apollo and the Rivers have youths in their keeping—to this charge Zeus appointed them" Above all rings out her mother's voice as she fills all the air with her wailings : ‘Stop thy flight, turn back hither thy vessel from mid-sea; thou canst, my daughter. Akaste might also have been a gooddess of unpredictable behavior. 268 ff : Lycophron, Alexandra 1022 ff (trans. PERSEIS An Okeanis-eponym of Persia and mother by Helios of the eastern despots Aeetes and Perses, and the witches Pasiphae and Kirke. Lies there the home of thy desire, the wedlock thou awaitest? This is a giant online mental map that serves as a basis for concept diagrams.

8 (trans. 243 ff (trans. She was transformed into the white poplar tree of the blessed Elysian Fields. ELEKTRA (Electra) The Okeanis "amber" or "amber-coloured" was perhaps a goddess of sun-coloured clouds. Required fields are marked *. They were often portrayed as the wives of the Potamoi (River-Gods) and mothers of younger Naiades. In Greek mythology, Zelus or Zelos (Greek: Ζῆλος, Zēlos, literally "zeal") was the daimon son of Pallas and Styx. The air whirs with the light rush of wings. How do you charge me to practise baseness? We work closely with Fire, Sheriff and Search and Rescue organizations for ideas and prototype testing. iv. MEDEIA (Μήδεια), a daughter of Aeëtes by the Oceanid Idyia, or, according to others, by Hecate, the daughter of Perses (Apollod. PHIALE The Okeanis "water-pitcher" was one of the companions of the goddess Artemis. Theoi Project © Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand, (Hesiod Theogony 346, Aeschylus Prometheus 136, Apollodorus 1.8, Hyginus Preface Nonnus Dionysiaca 38.108), (Apollodorus 1.8, 1.6, 1.13, 1.29, 2.1, 2.106, 3.96, 3.110). Or her brother Absyrtus--who appears in Pacuvius as Aegialeus, though the former name is commoner in ancient literature. She was a goddess of the shrine of Delphoi, and probably the same as the Okeanis Hesione. of Ὠκεανίς, Ōkeanis) are the nymphs who were the three thousand (a number interpreted as meaning "innumerable") daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. ", Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 136 ff (trans. 352; Apollon. .

D. 3,48; Ov. Rackham) (Roman rhetorician C1st B.C.) She was the mother of the rainbow goddess Iris by the sea-god Thaumas (Wondrous). Each Oceanid was the patroness of a particular source of fresh water, both heavenly (rain, moist breezes) and earthly (rivers, seas, springs). NEPHELE (3) The Okeanis Nymphe "cloud" was one of the virgin Nephelai attendants of the goddess Artemis. to 2nd A.D.) : The Naias-Okeanides (Naiads) were primarily nymphs of springs, wells and fountains. : Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 136 ff (trans.

So she spake her mother, and her sisters filled everything with like complaints, shrieking aloud.". NEMESIS The Okeanis goddess of indignation and retribrution for evil deeds or undeserved good fortune. "The Titanes (Titans) had children. HIPPO The Okeanis Nymphe "horse" was the Naias of a stream or Aura of breezes - both winds and waters were often likened to horses. (Hes. She may have been a Nephele of the violet tinged clouds of dawn, or an Anthousa (flower-nymph) of violets. What place hast thou there, a stranger among Inachian maidens? p. Aeetes was the son of the Greek sun god Helios and the Oceanid Perseis. Select a WP Edit Snidget below to add it to your post or page. She was raped by the criminal Ixion, and bore him the Kentauroi (Centaurs). Google Play, Android and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc. While their brothers, the Potamoi, were the usual personifications of major rivers, Styx (according to Hesiod the eldest and most important Oceanid) was also the personification of a major river, the underworld's river Styx. She was the wife of King Aeetes and the mother of the witch Medea. XANTHE The Okeanis "yellow" or "yellow-brown" was probably either a Naias of a muddy flowing stream, or the Nephele of the yellowed clouds of dawn and dusk.

Klymene (Oceanid Nymph) (Oceanid Nymph). The Oceanids were also responsible for keeping watch over the young. :

She may have represented the mingling of fresh-water with the brine of the sea. The Okeanides were occasionally described as sea-nymphs.

Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. She was probably either the Naias of a fast-flowing spring or an Aura of the swift breeze. : Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1.

GALAXAURA The Okeanis Nymphe "milky breeze" was probably the Aura or Nephele of the mist-clearing breeze. She herself willed to flee, and avows (ah, horror!)

. She was apparently a goddess connected with the power of witchcraft. She was on the attendant Nymphs of Artemis. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) List of Children of Oceanus, List of children of Oceanus, Oceanides, Oceanids, Okeanides. Hesiod, Theogony 346 ff (trans. Gustave Doré, 1860s In Greek mythology, the nymph … : She was the wife of the wise kentauros Kheiron (centaur Chiron). MENESTHO The Okeanis "swift-force" or "strong and fast" was probably the Naias of a full flowing stream, or the Aura of strongly blowing breezes. "[The Okeanides, (Oceanids)] offspring of fruitful (polyteknos) Tethys and of him who with his sleepless current encircles the whole earth, children of your father Okeanos (Oceanus). PHAINO (Phaeno) The Okeanis "appearing" or "shining" was perhaps the Nephele of the appearance of cloud, or the Naias of a bright spring. : All the information was extracted from Wikipedia, and it's available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. . Alternatively she was the goddess of the Dorian-tribe of Greeks, just as her sister Ianeira presided over the Ionians. Helios would give Aeetes a kingdom to rule over; a kingdom originally known as Ephyra, but would become better known as Corinth. KHRYSEIS (Chryseis) The Okeanis "golden" or "golden-yellow" was probably either a Nephele of the golden-tinged clouds of sunset, or the Naias of a gold-producing mountain-spring. EURYNOME 2 The Okeanis Nymphe of "wide-rulership". 798, 1024, mother of  Apsyrtus [1] as well. Her name also means "destroyer" who probably was a goddess of the destructive power of witches. PSEKAS (Psecas) The Okeanis "rain-shower" was a Nephele companion of the goddess Artemis.

Mother of the Charites through Zeus. Eurynome was perhaps one of the Epimelides--nymphai of the pastures. That then was the cause, unhappy girl (for each thing now do I recall), why, ever since the Thessalian oars drew night the shore, no feasting, no seasons gave thee pleasure. They were all daughters of the great, earth-encircling, fresh-water stream Okeanos (Oceanus) and his wife Tethys. EIDYIA(Idyia) The Okeanis “seeing” or “knowing” was the wife of King Aeetes of Kolkhis (Colchis). ", Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 528 ff : Oceanid is a water rescue equipment design company. The goddess Nemesis was sometimes also included in their number as one who provided balance by punishing undeserved good fortune as might arise from her sister's gifts. [1.2] MEDEA, KHALKIOPE (by Aeetes) (Apollonius Rhodius 3.244) In the late classical era the mythical, earth-encircling, fresh-water river Okeanos was increasily equated with the briny Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and his nymph-daughters reimagined as marine deities. . 25; Eustath. ", Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 894 ff : KLYMENE 1 (Clymene) The Okeanis goddess of fame and infamy was the wife of the Titan Iapetos. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) Nat. She was the wife of King Aeetes. She was the wife of King Aeetes.