Have a peek at his archive for "Moon Matrix" articles. “I think everything David Icke says, he believes,” Ronson says.

His level of understanding—he knows exactly who he’s talking about, whereas some of the general population takes it more literal and not so general, like he’s talking about. Icke verbindet die Thesen vieler verschiedener Autoren aus Esoterik, Ufologie und Verschwörungsliteratur zu einer „Superverschwörungstheorie“. Zu den Reptiloiden zählt Icke führende Politiker und Hochadlige wie das britische Königshaus und nahezu alle Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. It’s sweet. In response to this monumental legal victory expensive defeat Icke posted a video response on his website explaining the background to the case which, unsurprisingly (and probably wisely), doesn't even mention it. One exhausted man in a ball hat illustrated with a firearm and the words “come and take it” drove all night from Philly to see Icke, which is why he doesn’t trust himself to be coherent in an official interview. The man is passionate. After the death of Savile David claimed he had warned about Jimmy's exploits but no evidence has ever been presented. And their suspicions are not without foundation. You can unsubscribe at any time. [note 2] As you could expect, this makes Poe's Law a pretty big issue on the topic of this guy. The 27-year-old owner of a conspiracy/vegan/”uncensored truth” site called Revolution of the Mind where they “expose a lot of corruption with no actual agenda to it,” Disomma is uncertain about the reptilians, though humans clearly have a mysterious origin. In January 2015 Icke paid $90,000CAN in settlement of a lawsuit by Richard Warman, a Canadian human rights lawyer. Anknüpfend an Thesen der Prä-Astronautik nimmt er an, dass die Menschen nicht auf dem Wege der Evolution entstanden, sondern von den außerirdischen Anunnaki gentechnisch erschaffen worden seien, um für sie als Sklaven zu arbeiten.

David Icke: Love and Lizard People.

These stooges are in turn controlled by the usual suspects: the United Nations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rothschild family, the World Bank, etc. Here are some reptoids factoids about Icke: The icke (symbol: Ie) is to batshit as the curie is to. Finally, she yields.

Auch seine Bücher gehören seit ca. When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. The last hour could be a chipper corporate-Yogi retreat; the power of love and such, just as Linda Icke promised. He’s exposing kind of what Hitler was exposing and going after, and stuff, it’s just some people’s understanding is not there yet.”, “Hitler was going after a bloodline that he knew was going to take over the world.”.

Would Canada take seriously his warnings of power-hungry extraterrestrial reptiles or would he be dismissed as an anti-Semitic bigot? Basically he states that Bill Gates is Thanos converting people to trackable zombie dogs and installing 5G towers which are actually siren heads. At this point, it shouldn't be surprising that Icke hawks alt-med and every crank medical idea under the sun through his website and book store: Homeopathy, vitamin woo, vaccine denial, AIDS denial, water fluoridation, Big Pharma conspiracies, Global warming denial, etc. All Rights Reserved. David Icke is a human ... between Icke's thoughts" and other mad ramblings "and the writings of senior figures in the armed militia movement in America". Supertramp's 1979 album Breakfast in America is at the centre of one of the most bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories yet.

David Vaughan Icke [.mw-parser-output .IPA a{text-decoration:none}ˈde̯ɪvɪd a̯ɪk] (* 29.

[20] Nach dem Journalisten Chip Berlet bringt Icke rechten Antisemitismus in linke und alternative Subkulturen. Auch habe er sich immer auch auf rechtsextreme Quellen gestützt wie Milton William Cooper und andere Quellen aus der amerikanischen Milizbewegung oder auf die Zeitschrift The Spotlight. Das Ich-Phantom: ... und der Weg zum wahren Selbst.Mosquito-Verlag, Immenstadt 2018. [36] Instead, and with a breathtaking display of chutzpah lack of awareness, he invokes the memory of Carl Sagan. [12] No siree, not anti-Semitic at all. The only difference is that Trump is a fan of this [fringe] stuff, so he’s brought them into his campaign.

There are also a lot of men between the ages of 20 and 30 who are wearing crystals around their necks.

[11] Dies sei das wahre Motiv des in diesen Kreisen angeblich praktizierten Satanismus.

The woman says she first read it 20 years ago. [8] Der Journalist Jon Ronson kritisierte nach einem Interview Ickes metaphorisches Verständnis des Wortes Jude: „Man braucht nicht mehr Jude zu sein, um jüdisch zu sein.“[9], In seinem 1999 erschienenen Werk The Biggest Secret[10] und den Büchern und Vorträgen seitdem verbreitet sich Icke genauer über die Gruppe, die an der Spitze dieser Organisation stünde: Eine Minderheit mit besonderen genetischen Merkmalen, die durch Kreuzung von Menschen mit außerirdischen reptiloiden Rassen entstanden seien, wovon angeblich 1 Mos 6,4 EU berichte. Ronson says it was fairly appalling, but he can’t find it, and I don’t either when I scroll through the tweets.

September 2001 als anarchistischen bzw. Der Großteil der europäischen Aristokratie stamme von Blutlinien ab, die sich bis ins Frühaltertum und insbesondere in den sumerischen Kulturkreis zurückverfolgen lasse. THE latest gospel from David Icke was delivered to a large crowd in London’s Trafalgar Square.

(The $60-$100 ticket price in the oddly posh Grand Prospect Hall probably keeps Icke in an upbeat mood.). The Nazis came in a distant second—they murdered a paltry 16 million people. Most of them profess to be skeptical about at least parts of the whole Icke experience.

He seem either cheerful, or just more polished than he once did, even as he spends 12 hours mostly discussing how the world is in a terrible, wicked state. Icke, well, maybe “the thing he’s found is just—more nutty.”. Zusammenfassend ordnet Barkun Icke in den „improvisationalen Millenarismus“ ein.

This is not a Jewish plot. In other social media posts, Icke made a number of other claims: a Jewish group was behind the virus, 5G would leave people unable to absorb oxygen, Germany was moving to "legalise rape" for Muslim men; and that you cannot spread the virus by shaking hands. Die Befreiung liege darin, dass man lerne, auch die verdrängten Teile des eigenen Selbst zu akzeptieren und zu lieben.

In order to realize that objective, millions were forced to toil in the countryside. Some people don’t like that about Ronson’s work.

State of Hate report ... HOPE not hate is delighted to see that David Icke has finally been removed from Facebook today.

[15] The interview propelled Icke from a minor celebrity to a household name and laughing stock of the UK. Partially ripping off Zecharia Sitchin, he claims these aliens are the Anunnaki and that they have interbred with humans throughout history.

Two brunette males, one with long hair, pass by me during one of Icke’s very necessary breaks in speaking. Ronson, who authored a Kindle single on Jones, Trump, and the alt-right called The Elephant in the Room, says it’s clear that while Jones’ popularity fluctuates, and is now increasing because he’s hopped on the Trump train, Icke has kept a more constant, solid level of support since he first suggested that he might be Jesus, and really kicked it into high gear when he “learned” about the Reptilian space aliens. The man has Jupiter-scale crank magnetism, okay? Icke certainly wasn't an anti-Semite when he published a book in 2019, called The Trigger: The Lie That Changed the World — Who Really Did It and Why, that essentially blamed 9/11 on the Jews. DARPA, Google, and robots are wicked. Zwar glaube niemand, was Icke behaupte, doch bestehe die Gefahr, dass er durch das Internet rechtsextreme Ideologeme popularisiere.[28]. September 2001 erklärte Icke als Versuch der Illuminaten, die „neue Weltordnung“ zu erzwingen: Ein interdimensionales Wesen habe ihm gechannelt, dass Präsident George W. Bush und Premierminister Tony Blair schon vor den Anschlägen Bescheid gewusst hätten; er sagte voraus, dass sich in nächster Zeit zahlreiche Prominente Schönheitsoperationen unterziehen würden, die in Wirklichkeit der Gedankenkontrolle dienen würden; Ziel sei es, diese „genetisch manipulierten […] Zombies“ zu benutzen, um die Akzeptanz der neuen Herrschaft bei den Massen zu erhöhen. Dieser „utopische Impuls“ müsse allerdings erst ausgegraben werden unter all dem reaktionären Bodensatz seiner Phantasien über formwandelnde Reptiloide, denn tatsächlich müsse George W. Bush etwa für seinen Militarismus kritisiert werden, nicht dafür, dass er angeblich gar kein Mensch wäre. I didn’t. The result is less-than-flattering towards them. We are not the largest website around, but we believe we play an important role in defending truth and objectivity.

[17], Im April 2020 verbreitete er im Zuge der COVID-19-Pandemie in einem Interview mit dem Fernsehsender London Live die Behauptung, dass die Pandemie nur ein Vorwand sei, mit dem eine „globale Weltordnung“ errichtet werden solle. [14] Die Terroranschläge am 11. Icke looks different now than he did in Ronson’s documentary. Don't trust anything you hear, unless I say it! He’s been accused of doubting the Holocaust (though, to be fair, he doubts everything else, including the moon and reality itself). “Bad elements” and “New People”—intellectuals, government officials, Buddhists, shopkeepers, disfavored ethnicities—were either worked to death in rural collectives or executed outright. Icke’s promotion of antisemitic conspiracy theories has been well-documented over the years. Can Linda tell him how it ends? Icke spielte in seiner Jugend zunächst als Torwart für Coventry City und bis 1973 für den viertklassigen Profiverein Hereford United. Icke considers himself the most controversial writer in the world. The song also references British writer William Blake's figure "Urizen", Blake's parody and criticism of the God of the Old Testament, which Blake viewed as simultaneously extremely tyrannical and misguidedly benevolent. Follow her on Twitter: @lucystag, Throbbing Gristle - "Persuasion" + "Discipline" (1981), The Decline of Western Culinary Civilization, People Still Don't Understand Bisexuality, Russia Investigations Will Never Get People Marching.

The London Evening Standard wrote in 1995 that there were "uncanny parallels between Icke's thoughts" and other mad ramblings "and the writings of senior figures in the armed militia movement in America". [33] This was in addition to an out of court settlement of $120,000CAN Warman had already received from three Canadian book stores who continued to sell the book after being named as co-respondants in the case.

And they think Icke is terrific. David takes a moment to hug a few people, and express his appreciation for their appreciation. "[17], If all of the above wasn't crazy enough, Icke seems to have taken The Matrix literally (well, minus the parts with Keanu Reeves and robot overlords).