Nature's Wrath.

It’s a shame you get Ensnaring Strike and this, since this tends to be just worse.

And now your enemies have 2 chances to fail your Turn effect. You can use your Channel Divinity to invoke primeval forces to ensnare a foe.

But, you don’t do them very well with this ability. Later on, this can prevent deaths from spells like Disintegrate and Finger of Death against anyone nearby. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds. Plant Growth might come up in some random situations, but most classes get slightly better defensive options with Wall spells. […], The Way of the Open Hand is the standard monk class on steroids.

They seek growth above all else… So how well are you equipped to dedicate yourself to beauty? The traveler spoke, lowering the hood of her cloak as she did so. Darkvision is also pretty important, since holding a torch can make stealth strategies next to useless. Feline Agility is very important for getting you into range of your enemies, and is a great addition to Misty Step. But realistically, you don’t really get much benefit out of this.

You can find him wasting time on Twitter at @jamesjhaeck. If you want to be a tanky defender, place your highest ability score in Constitution. You can use your Channel Divinity to invoke primeval forces to ensnare a foe. In most cases, you’d prefer to use Ensnaring Strike. “I have foreseen death spilling forth from the heart of your forest, knight.” Her lips tapered into a quizzical frown. Append content without editing the whole page source. But realistically, you don’t really get much benefit out of this. General documentation and help section. You can read all of the Oath of the Ancients features in the Player’s Handbook. Your action economy becomes so much better, so you’ll be a huge threat to your opponents. Moonbeam requires a bit of planning (or an Ensnaring Strike) to make it extremely useful. Really wish that spear could be a finesse weapon, so you could make a polearm master dexadin. The creature must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (its choice) or be restrained. May I present… Something like that. Tritons are also from Volo’s Guide, but they take a slightly different approach to being Paladins. Shield Master. One of my favorite characters was a halfling dex based paladin. The Paladin’s level 20 capstone is actually pretty fun, flavorwise and mechanically. We can help! Instead, you give it to all friendly allies… And then they take half damage from, To explain why, I want to compare this to, The other effect, the anti-aging effects, are… Fine. This oath emphasizes the principles of good above any concerns … It’s a shame this only lasts 1 minute. Your Paladin will likely be using their Charisma on Performance, and uses their time to flourish life-giving things. Though the subclass grants Domain Spells that can make your life easier while exploring the wilderness, you don’t have any unique options to use in social situations—other than your Charisma score, which is useful to keep as your second- or third-highest ability score. Against most fey, this will be a great counter ability. Class is back in session.

Dexterity-focused paladins are fairly uncommon, especially compared to Dexterity-based fighters and rangers, since their powerful Divine Smite ability can't be activated with ranged attacks—only melee weapon attacks. Two very great, very important things! Nature’s Wrath. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. When creating your character, you should choose a race that gives you a bonus to Strength, Constitution, or Charisma—ideally at least two of the three. Even something as simple as Ensnaring Strike (which you probably shouldn’t use now that all of your spells are bonus actions) get much better when your target has 2 chances to whiff. You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
They adorn their armor and clothing with images of growing things-leaves, antlers, or flowers-to reflect their commitment to preserving life and light in the world.

A green cloak with a faded pattern of oak leaves sat heavily upon the knight’s shoulders as they gazed down. This ability is (thankfully) resourceless; you just have the once per day restriction, which will keep you from your dying saves perfectly well. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits: • At the start of each of your turns, you regain 10 hit points. “Come with me.

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The Ancient Oath Paladin has a lot of good things, but they tend to be restricted to once per day or to only some enemies. The paladin also gains access to spells at 2nd level, drawing from their own unique spell list. Additionally, you no longer suffer the effects of old age. See pages that link to and include this page. You can use your Channel Divinity to invoke primeval forces to ensnare a foe. From a thematic perspective, elves, half-elves, humans, and half-orcs all have strong ties to the natural world, and are an obvious choice for an Oath of the Ancients paladin. “I am a warrior and a protector, not a seer.”, “Then I would not pass into the forest’s heart alone,” said the traveler. You can choose any feat you want to support your character concept, but there are some feats that may be more useful to your character than others. That way, when you do gain your subclass (as well as the host of permanently prepared Oath Spells that come with it), you’ll know what spells your party needs you to have access to on a regular basis. The reason being that paladins may add their Cha mod to all saving throws. You can use your Channel Divinity to utter ancient words that are painful for fey and fiends to hear. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Great introduction to it for players new and seasoned! This gives you an incredibly powerful method for using them, as your spells only taking a Bonus action gives you more chances to use Extra Attack.

What this is a tiny bit more useful for is larger creatures. Nevertheless, it’s still a good option. Paladins love fighting with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, so amping up your shield-using skills makes sense.

An early commitment to your deity, or to your chosen ideals, is to defend and serve, cradle, represent. Your Oath Spells feature grants you access to a number of spells from the druid spell list, many of which are focused on the Exploration and Interaction pillars of the game. For certain parties, becoming the King of the Jungle might be a valid option. As an action, you can cause spectral vines to spring up and reach for a creature within 10 feet of you that you can see. This is a massive pile of random spells, that do a wide range of effects.

The Oath of the Ancients is a powerful subclass, but it’s not without its drawbacks. Check out how this page has evolved in the past.

To give yourself a well-balanced loudout, choose one spell labeled OFFENSE, one labeled DEFENSE, and one labeled SUPPORT. Anyone else think paladin's are OP, reply if you have a story like this. Either way, choosing a “standard loadout” of spells that you can rely upon on an average adventuring day is useful. In those cases… Yeah, this might be better. This is a very cool Oath! And in social events, your Paladin can channel to find any fiends or fey disguised as a human. In addition to your already-potent offensive abilities, the Oath of the Ancients grants you a number of incredibly powerful defensive features, too. I'd say that given how limited a resource Feats/ASI can be, I'd suggest forgoing Resilient (Con) and maaaybe War Caster in favor of ASI (Cha).
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients The Oath of the Ancients is as old as the race of elves and the rituals of the druids. Great Weapon Fighting is useful if you like to fight with two-handed weapons, and can improve your damage even if you’re wielding a one-handed versatile weapon —like a longsword—in both hands. And, of course, you’ll be a beacon of hope – That might as well be standard for any Oath, besides Oathbreaker. The tenets of the Oath o f the Ancients have been preserved for uncounted centuries. In those environments, the spell becomes a very viable teleport… But otherwise, you won’t be too happy that this is permanently prepared for you. You need not fear while I am at your side.”. Link. The Oath of the Ancients is the druidic flavor of the paladin.