Entei | She has a deep-seated hatred for Pit and Palutena as she believes that she has been wronged by them both. Pretty sure the style of weapon doesn't make a huge difference. When Pit is unconscious at the end of Chapter 21, Palutena holds him and is very distraught, which highlights just how much she cares for him. Dark Pit | Yaldabaoth | Heihachi Mishima | Her first action is to warn Pit of Thanatos' imminent attack on a nearby city. Ashnard | Enderman | Lady Palutena was surprised more when she heard the "KEYHOLE", that she demanded the team to leave. Boos | Palutena realizes their relative fragility and prefers not to send them into battle unless absolutely necessary. She appears as one of the main protagonists in "Thanatos Rising," where she assists Pit in trying to defeat Thanatos. Palutena: Oh, right. Wood Man | 2y. This conversation is used for Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy, Ryu, Cloud, Corrin, and Bayonetta in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, and for Joker, Hero, Banjo & Kazooie, Terry, Byleth, and Min Min in Super Smash Bros.

Together, they're known as "Duck Hunt.". Palutena appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl in The Subspace Emissary, the game's extensive Adventure Mode, where she gives Pit a new Bow in order to fight the Subspace Army, having the honor of being the only non-playable ally character in the story. Elec Man |

Napalm Man | Chaos | Hades' attitude, beyond flirting, isn't known, and he generally seems indifferent so long as the Goddess of Light doesn't meddle in his affairs. Moblins | While she often takes on the false appearance of an attractive woman, her true form … Mugly | Medusa |

Guts Man | E-123 Omega | Shine and Mr. DJ Octavio | Galacta Knight | Palutena is able to summon Centurions and Centurion Knights, and Viridi is surprised at Palutena's generally lax attitude to the Centurions who risk their lives for her. Shadow Beasts | Skull Kid | Leon Powalski | Peckish Aristocrabs | More The United Organization Toons Heroes Wiki. She is also shown to have no respect for humanity, by committing actions such as drying their crops, plaguing them with monsters, and turning the people into stone. Kamek | However, during Chapter 22, Palutena clearly states and acknowledges that Pit has made countless sacrifices, both for her and everyone else, revealing that she shares a much deeper bond with him then what anyone knows. Chaos Kin | Offline. Galeem | Medusa's trophy description mentions she has a "bad hair day" due to having snake hair. Palutena also known as "Lady Palutena," is the Goddess of Light, rightful ruler of Angel Land and patron deity of Pit. Dracula | Palutena additionally gave Pit a Sacred Bow with her last amount of energy for Pit to break out of his prison in the Underworld and which to defeat his enemies. Lyon | When Pandora becomes Amazon Pandora, Palutena is understandably surprised. Hades | Hawke | Therion | Plague Knight | Good luck!

Rhea | What she lacks in military might, she makes up for in her brave champion, Pit. After finding the treasures, he is victorious in defeating Medusa. Turret Tusk | Galactic Fiend Kraken | Viridi has a grudging respect for Palutena—revealed mostly during Chapters 20 and 21—whereas Palutena seems to respect Viridi as a goddess but is equally against her actions.

The conversation for the DLC characters in, Sakurai Explains Why Chrom Didn't Make It Into Super Smash Bros. For Wii U And 3DS, https://www.mariowiki.com/index.php?title=List_of_Palutena%27s_Guidance_conversations&oldid=3040223, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, Pit's usage of the Lightning Chariot as his, Viridi saying that a motion control idea would be "revolutionary" is referencing the, Despite the default Mii Gunner no longer wearing its backpack in, What conversation plays for Pokémon Trainer depends on when the taunt is activated: if the taunt is done before Pokémon Trainer activates. Smoky Prog | Mecha Ridley | SecretlyNice. Jade Face | Ridley | Clubberskulls | Master Hand | Unown | Blippers | Cragalanche |

Rathalos | Black Knight | Wheelies | When not at odds over humanity, Palutena and Viridi appear to be on civil terms. Sidesteppers | Prior to the start of the game, Palutena banished the cruel Medusa and turned her into a horrible monster. Ing | Scurvy Crew | When Pit loses track of him, Palutena suggests a shortcut through a nearby valley. The goddess of light and ruler of Skyworld. Pit swears to defeat him. Shadow Bugs | As punishment, Palutena changed Medusa's form to a hideous cyclopic, snake-haired monster and banished her to the Underworld. After she is beaten once more, Hades finally reveals himself as the true antagonist. Fondly referring to Dark Pit as "Pittoo" and "quite the little scrapper," Palutena mentions that his existence is unnatural and he needs to be eliminated. Rodin, the Infinite One | Ganondorf | Iori Yagami | Don Bongo | Kraid | Ice Man | Bowser | Gold Bone | She gets along swimmingly with Pit and banters with him multiple times throughout the adventure. Geese Howard | Medusa made an appearance in the Captain N cartoon series. Primids |

Monoeyes | Pit audibly winces and mutters "Uh-oh" during the exchange, suggesting that Palutena is rather sensitive about her age. She may also send a snake from her hair to attack Pit if she so wishes. Darknuts | Porky Minch | Twilight Princess Midna (True Form) Submitter. Chargin' Chucks | Plasm Wraith | Andross | Dr. Wily | Despite being a divine goddess, Palutena also seems to be somewhat of a damsel-in-distress, as she was kidnapped and held captive by Medusa and needed Pit to rescue her. Loptr | Air Man |

Koopa Troopas | Death | Zoda | Rayquaza | Despite here reputation for wisdom and mercy, little is known about the history and motivations behind the goddess Palutena. 1-10 of 14 1 Pages. twili_midna_ccae1.rar 2y. It is in Brawl that Palutena's design gets updated to the modern look she has now. She's even featured as an unlockable trophy, only given once the player has completed "Cleaning house in Skyworld". Helmaroc King | They later save Pit from Hades, and Palutena is likely the one who granted Dark Pit the Power of Flight in the game's ending, as Viridi had granted hers to Pit. Galaxy Man | Fire Man | Zingers | Plasma Wisps |

Dark Pit | 2y 2 3.5k 2. Hooktail | Noxus | Lurchthorns | Majora |

In her first appearance, she was green with a single eye and snakes for hair. Captain Syrup | Soon when Pit asked to join the team, Lady Pautena wouldn't let him join without her.

Deathborn | The Devil | Rathalos, Playable Characters Kass | Pandora | This page was last edited on September 30, 2020, at 22:07.

Fiery Blowhog |

Forces of Nature | After Pit returned to the palace, she was surprised to see the strange creatures: "Stitch, Sora, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Allen Walker, Frankie Stein, Lock, Shock, and Barrel". Lethiniums | Ultimate as two attack-type primary spirits, her first based on her appearance from the original NES Kid Icarus, and her second based on her Uprising appearance. Hammer Bros. | She retains her snake-hair. She appears to enjoy teasing Pit, who seems to take it in good humor. Dark Pit seems to respect Palutena and, after the events of Chapter 21, realizes she's important to his survival, too. Bomb Man | Great Reaper |

Zurees, Others

Mimikyu | Burrowing Snagret | Duon | Juri Han | Julius | Marx | Byrne | Princess Shroob | Ninja Kong | Thanatos |

The United Organization Toons Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Agahnim | Ultimate Chimera | Whispy Woods | Palutena bestowed the human people with light to make them happy, but Medusa hated the humans, dried up their crops, and turned them to stone. Revolver Ocelot | Diggernaut | by, HVC-012, is actually the real R.O.B. Here is the complete List of Palutena's Guidance conversations by alphabetical order. The Skull | Medusa eventually gained the allegiance of the Underworld monsters and led an attack against Palutena's Army. Skull Man | Later, when giving chase to Thanatos, Palutena gives Pit "her Power of Flight" to catch up. I mean, Wario launches people with farts. Joined 4y ago. Her Spirit Battle is a Stamina Battle against a giant Palutena with super armor, plus gravity is heavier. Thanatos and Palutena don't have much screen-time together, and as such, they don't really talk much. Tharja | Midna's true form over Palutena. When Pit saw the flashing ripples in the sky, she sent Pit to see what was happening. King Olly | Ultimate that gives each fighter different augments to help get through the World of Light adventure mode.. She has long green hair and is equipped with a staff and shield. Flages | Kracko | Crash Man | Zangief | She shows no respect for the angel and wants to kill him after what he did to her all those years ago, as well as Palutena, who she also wants to destroy for cursing her to appear the way she appears because of her extremely evil and wicked nature towards humanity, such as plaguing monsters upon them, turning them into stone, and drying all their crops.

In the Captain N comics, Medusa plays a similar role to the games but her appearance is altered. Chandelure | This look was drastically altered for Kid Icarus: Uprising. Shadow Man | Starman | Daphnes | Donkey Kong | Boom Boom | Phantom Ganon | O'Chunks | Solon | They quickly go on a rampage, forcing her to summon rain to eventually defeat their combined, giant form. Paper Bowser | Necrozma | Spark Man | King Hippo |

Great Reaper | Giratina | Crazy Hand | Palutena trusts Pit, who is thoroughly loyal and dependable in return. Pit: Uh, excuse me! Balrog | Bonkers | Underworld Army | She also appears in Pit's Final Smash, Palutena's Army, where she summons Centurions to attack Pit's enemies.