You won’t find the answers in this book. His latest book is Clear Bright Future: A radical defence of the human being. Mason notes the cyclical crises in capitalist economies, epitomised by the 2008 financial crisis, and seeks to understand them in terms of Kondratiev's 'wave theory': industrial economies tend to experience wave-like cycles of roughly 25 years' growth followed by 25 years' decline ending in crises that foreshadow the next period of growth (c. 1780-1848, 1848-90s, 1890s-1945, late 1940s-2008). Postcapitalism by Paul Mason (Allen Lane, £16.99). If we are going to need employment-creation schemes, with the theatres, hotels and restaurants in trouble, let it be in rewilding a forest, building wind farms or retrofitting heat exchangers into millions of homes. Something has got to give. As the information economy grows and human labour is replaced, the need for work should diminish. We aren't backed by a large publishing house, big advertising partners or a multi-million euro enterprise. As Marx speculated, many commodities, such as software, music, and designs for objects to be reproduced by machines, can now be reproduced at virtually no cost (i.e. These inequalities have been aggravated by a globalised finance system that misallocates risk and removes huge amounts of wealth from the tax systems of nation states, creating barriers to social justice. Marginalist economics is a theory of society that is “bigger than accountancy but smaller than history”. This report presents the findings of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, carried out by Eurofound to capture the far-reaching implications of the pandemic for the way people live and work across Europe. His is an eclectic take on the history of socialist thought. In the UK, the average annual number of hours worked per worker has fallen from 2,200 to 1,700 since 1950. Introducing a universal basic income and services provides a one-time subsidy for rapid automation. gründlichen Studium von Theorien. The emerging character of the digital age can’t be made to fit any previous socialist blueprint, but it does have uncanny echoes of earlier glimpses of an alternative future. The Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure should also be reformed. Section 1 draws particularly on the ideas of Nikolai Kondratiev, alongside Karl Marx, Rudolf Hilferding, Rosa Luxemburg, and Joseph Schumpeter. Photograph: Emma Lynch, he digital revolution has made many things real that once seemed to belong to realms of science fiction. But suppose, on the same timescale, we wanted to begin a transition beyond capitalism. Model policies thoroughly using abundant data before implementing them. In the run-up to the dot-com crash in 2000, the misallocation was based on the delusion that information technology was creating “hidden value”. This tension between knowledge (which is limitless) and ownership (which is limited) represents the basic contradiction of capitalism. Even the eurozone, blocked by EU rules from enacting serious fiscal stimulus, has injected €1.5trn into its pandemic rescue fund, with an extra half-trillion pledged by Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel. To address problems with diverse approaches, rather than attempting monolithic solutions. Prioritise information-rich technologies to deliver material prosperity and solve social challenges such as ill health and welfare dependency. As I argued in Postcapitalism, the role of the state is not to plan precise outcomes but to create a space for new institutions, property forms, sources of capital and producer behaviours. Im Zeitalter des Stahls und der Schrauben, der Hierarchien und der Knappheit war diese Vision so radikal, dass Marx sie schnell in der Schublade verschwinden ließ. The first lesson must be: no return to austerity. Was wir nicht wissen: Erleben wir eine der üblichen Krisen oder den Anbruch einer postkapitalistischen Ordnung? The information capitalists and the rent-seekers need, above all, a workforce which is employed securely enough to gain access to the two most important devices: a smartphone and a bank account (which are being merged into a single technology via the Apple Wallet, Paypal and Facebook’s new digital currency). Debt-to-GDP ratios are set to rise significantly all over the world as a result of the coronavirus crisis. A key reference point is Alexander Bogdanov's 1908 novel Red Star. These developments render economic theories predicated on scarcity increasingly irrelevant. In that sense, Mason is a worthy successor to Marx". The fourth lesson is that, in a rapidly deglobalising world, those of us who have fought to reform the multilateral order may have to recognise a point where it has become broken beyond repair. As economics editor at Newsnight, then Channel 4 News, he covered the global financial crisis, the Arab Spring, the Occupy movement and the Gaza war. We do not know if we will eradicate it, or have to live with it for decades. Erschienen: 11.04.2016 Therefore, the ‘thermometer’ cannot be ‘stuff produced outside the market’. As a slice of futurology this book is no better than its many, equally speculative rivals. Mason argues that in earlier cycles, capitalists were prevented from adapting to crises by reducing workers' wages because of organised labour. When coronavirus struck in 2019, the world economy was riddled with co- morbidities. But as a spark to the imagination, with frequent x-ray flashes of insight into the way we live now, it is hard to beat. Somebody will also have to pay for this largesse. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. The economic consequences of Covid-19 will be devastating. Now it must operate in a world that the pandemic has made even more dangerous and unstable. There was an error submitting your subscription. It doesn’t do that, since Mason is as clueless about what might be coming next as everyone else. There are only four channels through which it can be done: higher taxes, public spending cuts, inflation or a grand restructuring of the debts. But they won’t. New technology generates as many fresh illusions as it punctures old ones. würdiger Nachfolger von Marx.«, Rudi Schmiede, ethikundgesellschaft 2/2016, »... er besticht nicht nur mit einer horrenden Belesenheit, sondern auch mit einem sehr Stabilise and socialise the global finance system. With the Conservative government’s easing of the lockdown since 1 June, the hope is that the economic, social and mental pressures that people have endured since March will ease as we emerge from the first wave of the pandemic. The whole economic arrangement since the 1980s has also been based on the suppression of organised labour, and growing inequalities of wealth, power and knowledge. He means the real deal, going right back to the utopians of the early 19th century and their eventual successors, Marx, Luxemburg and Lenin. Mason traces how neoliberal policies have successfully undermined working-class solidarity by, for example, promoting labour mobility and constraining unions. To order a copy for £12.99, go to or call 0330 333 6846. We propose an expenditure rule for non-cyclical, non-investment expenditure coupled with a Golden Rule for public investment. This page was last edited on 27 September 2020, at 08:21. Moreover, significant commodities in the digital economy are free and open-source (FOSS) and non-capitalist, such as Linux, Firefox, and Wikipedia. Capitalism has “reached its limits” and is now “being replaced with something better”. The rise of the “Polo mint” economy: Has Covid-19 revived Britain’s local high streets? Paul Mason continues his sketch of a postcapitalist world by drawing out its implications for something in increasingly short supply—time. The postcapitalism thesis suggests a different route beyond the market, premised on the decisive automation of productive activity, the delinking of work from wages, the leveraging of the network effect and the democratisation of data. But a Republican administration would also undermine any progress on climate change, without which, Mason insists, none of us has a long-term future.