Issues being studied include the use of genetic testing, privacy and confidentiality, fair use of genetic information in, for example, employment and insurance (see BIOETHICS).

Google Scholar. Libraries for RNA-seq were prepared with SENSE mRNA-seq Library Prep Kit v2, purified and amplified (18 PCR cycles). We used β-values recorded at the 65 450 k SNP control probes to distinguish between heterozygous and homozygous alleles in the 450 k dataset. On average, corresponding WGS and RNA-seq data are in agreement for 76.17% of genotype calls (range 69.68–83.23%), see Fig. The output was QC-verified and quantified using Qubit fluorometer.

QC reports were generated using MultiQC v. 1.5 software17. The datasets are available from the above-mentioned repositories and from the Seven Bridges Cancer Genomics cloud (, which offers various tools and workflows for genomic and epigenomic data analysis.

This resulted in perfect 100% match for corresponding samples, i.e. A global reference for human genetic variation. Genomic DNA (500 ng) extracted from whole blood and saliva was bisulfite converted using the EZ DNA Methylation Kit (Zymo Research) following the recommended incubation conditions for 450 k. Methylation profiling was subsequently performed on 450 k arrays using Illumina iScan Microarray Scanner at UCL Genomics, in accordance with standard operating procedures. Whole genome sequencing and whole genome bisulfite sequencing data are freely available from the ENA under the project ID PRJEB1752911.

Li, H. & Durbin, R. Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows–Wheeler transform. O.C. The Personal Genome Project-UK, an open access resource of human multi-omics data. STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. United States • Canada • United Kingdom • Austria • China

CAS  Article  Genome Project, PGP-10, (last visited May 3, 2010); Daniel MacArthur, Look into the Eyes of the PGP-10, http://scienceblogs .com/geneticfuture/2008/12/look into the eyes_of_the_pgpl.php (last visited May 3, 2010) (discussing the online identification of the, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, PGTandMe: social networking-based genetic testing and the evolving research model, Personalized genomics: a need for a fiduciary duty remains, persistent posterior hyperplastic primary vitreous body, Personal Flotation Device Manufacturers Association, Personal Growth Cohabitating Sex Acqaintance, Personal Handyphone Internet Access Forum Standard, Personal Handyphone System Memorandum of Understanding, Personal Handyphone System Memorandum of Understanding Group, Personal Health Care Expenditure Fixed-Weight Price Index, Personal Health Information Privacy Act of 2000, Personal Health Information Protection Act of 2004. 3(b)), WGS vs. WGBS (Fig. DNA was extracted from blood samples followed by bisulfite conversion and library preparation using the TruMethyl Whole Genome Kit v2.1. All the PGP-UK data pre-processing, QC and analyses were performed with publicly available software packages, using versions and parameters described in the paper. ArrayExpress, (2016).

The details are given in the Data Records section and direct data download links are provided on the PGP-UK data web page 3(c) and Table 6. To match RNA-seq with WGS samples, we used a set of common loci in highly expressed genes as described above. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Article  These pre-processed data files are very popular with users for downstream analyses. In addition, PGP-UK is spearheading efforts to add Phenopackets to our reference panel. In 2004 the estimate was reduced to between 20,000 and 25,000 genes. Potentially beneficial or harmful traits for each participant were identified using public data from SNPedia22, gnomAD v2.0.223, GetEvidence24 and ClinVar25. wrote the manuscript with input from all authors. Blood samples were collected using EDTA Vacutainers (Becton Dickinson). Ball, M. P. et al.

You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. The exact number of genes in the human genome remains unknown. Consent forms (cancer) Participant consent form – for patients with cancer (or suspected cancer) (C1) Personal consultee declaration form – for personal consultees of patients with cancer (or suspected cancer) (C2) Consent forms (rare disease)

First, we matched the 450 k against WGS data for each participant using 65 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) control probes from Illumina 450 k array. The resulting projection reflects the 3 billion DNA letters of the human genome with 99.99% accuracy.
Nature 526(7571), 68 (2015). 3 and Table 6. Results of matching 450 k, RNA-seq and WGBS data with WGS are presented in Table 6.

Thank you for visiting The Personal Genome Project was established in 2005 to provide ethical alternatives for problematic human subject consent and to test novel technologies to collect data on genomes, environments and traits. As part of this resource, we describe the PGP-UK multi-omics reference panel consisting of ten genomic, methylomic and transcriptomic data. While agreed standards and procedures are in place for generating and depositing VCFs into public databases, PGP-UK is at the forefront of helping to establish these for MCFs in collaboration with EBI ( and ELIXIR (

In a first instance, we describe the QC framework and discuss outputs for each types of data collected. This contributes to personalised medicine by advancing our understanding of how phenotypes and the development of diseases are influenced by genetic, epigenetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. At present, 1100 subjects have successfully enrolled in the project, and over a hundred of them have had their genomes sequenced. This comparison was performed by matching WGS- and WGBS-derived genotypes for 65 Illumina 450 k array SNP control probes. Terms of Service • Privacy Policy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(30), 11920–11927 (2012). Basic phenotype data, which includes self-reported age, sex, smoking status, etc., alongside with genome and methylome reports, generated by the PGP-UK, can be found on the project’s data web page A public resource facilitating clinical use of genomes.

The PGP network aims to provide multi-omics and trait data under open access to the community.

ClinVar: public archive of interpretations of clinically relevant variants. Bioinformatics 35(5), 737–742 (2018). It should be noted that these drafts were missing about 10% of the euchromatic part (see EUCHROMATIN of the genome and about 30% of the whole genome, including the HETEROCHROMATIC parts. Because of its open access status, the PGP-UK multi-omics reference panel described here has the potential to become the reference panel of choice for the implementation of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles33 for data sharing and the integration of new data standards and formats. The correlation plots presented on Fig. RNA-seq was performed using 20 ng of RNA isolated from whole blood.

Ambiguously mapped reads (MAPQ <10) and duplicated reads were removed using SAMtools v. 1.29 and Picard v. 1.130 respectively.

We performed quality checks based on 17 metrics assessed at control probes as described in the Illumina’s BeadArray Controls Reporter.

Merkel, A. et al. European Journal of Human Genetics 23(10), 1271–1278 (2015). 65 loci were used in matching WGS with methylation and WGBS data, 279 loci were used in matching WGS with RNA-seq data. The entire PGP-UK dataset is freely available for download from public repositories with no access restrictions. (c) RNA-seq reads distribution over the different genome features. In order to ensure data integrity and exclude the possibility of sample mix-up between study participants, we validated our sample assignments, by matching the available 450 k, WGBS and RNA-seq data against WGS. A pilot cohort of ten members of the public make up the PGP-UK multi-omics reference panel. Bioinformatics 25, 1754–1760 (2009).

ADS  & Just, A. C. Identifying mislabeled and contaminated DNA methylation microarray data: an extended quality control toolset with examples from GEO.


While controlled access multi-omics data can be submitted into a single public repository (e.g. In addition, recent studies have shown that algorithms used to call copy number variation (CNV) from PCR-based library such as EnsembleCNV6 can be adapted to identify CNV regions from WGS data7. The estimated 30,000-40,000 human genes, considerably fewer than had been predicted, encode more than 10 times that number of proteins. We would like to thank UCL Genomics for array preparation and processing. These SNPs are by design highly variable and can therefore provide a unique genetic signature that can be used to differentiate between each study participant.

Human Genome Project [hu´man je´nōm] an international effort, begun in the late 1980s, for mapping the sequence and analyzing the structure of all the DNA in the human genome.

METHODS: Volunteers were screened for eligibility and provided informed consent for open data sharing. Dove, E. S. et al.

PGP-UK gratefully acknowledges support from the Frances and Augustus Newman Foundation, Dangoor Education and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) UCLH Biomedical Research Centre (BRC369/CN/SB/101310). Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

(c) Correlation plot displaying matching results for WGS vs. WGBS datasets. Nucleic Acids Research 44(D1), D862–D868 (2015).

Bioinformatics 29(1), 15–21 (2013). Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox.