Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. Get in touch on our. I can see now how strongly you believe. Sadly, we can’t be surprised that PETA isn’t acting like a role model for kids. But you’re a Pokemon.

In just seven days, The Guardian reported, the game had surpassed Twitter in daily US users I didn’t think Pokemon had strong desires. When we heard this game existed, we knew we had to investigate. Trying to piggyback Pokémon Go’s social media momentum, PETA plugged for its less-popular and more disturbing Pokémon game, tweeting, “Playing the new #PokemonGo app? The aim of this awful game is simple: beat all the trainers you come across and free their Pokemon. Case in point: Pokémon Go was released last week, and (literally) the entire world went wild. PETA is intent on spreading its lies through whatever means necessary. For instance, the PETA Pikachu has four attacks: the violent Quick Attack and ThunderShock, paired with the cute Group Hug, and Protest. I could do anything! Nintendo’s stock has doubled. But then PETA appeared, uninvited, with an unsolicited announcement: Stop having fun. Yeah, I didn’t do that.

Pokemon Black and White 2 was released in July in Japan and is slated to hit North America, Europe, and Australia this month. Naturally, they turn your childhood hero into an evil circus ringleader. We believe that this is the message that should be sent to children.". PETA has a habit of taking jabs at video games. Do yourself a favor: if you like Pokemon, go outside and play Pokemon GO and stay far away from this full frontal assault on your childhood. The only thing that matters to me is that I make a lot of money in the Pokemon entertainment industry. Here’s a sneak peek in-game: PETA’s version isn’t for fun—it’s a platform for preaching their radical ideology.

PETA has killed tens of thousands of animals since 1998 and we're making sure the whole world knows. Seriously? There you have it, folks. She loves to fight and remain caged up in her Pokeball all the time. Add Pokemon to the card is very easy! You can also search a single Pokemon in selecting the list near the button \\ "GO ". Naturally, she has a sudden change of heart after she looses, too: Maybe you are right. I never asked you if you wanted to battle other Pokemon or wanted to leave your Pokeball to stretch your legs. "But the difference between real life and this fictional world full of organized animal fighting is that Pokémon games paint rosy pictures of things that are actually horrible.". As an added bonus, I was given a chest with an extra prize. So they made their own Pokemon game. Next, PETA drags in Ghetsis, an antagonist from past Pokemon games. “Pokémon Liberation!” as the game’s home screen says). At the start of the game, you are subjected to a niece piece of propaganda about what PETA would do if it existed in Unova: “While Pokemon faced the worst abuses, children started bullying each other”.

© CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Because catching Pokémon really isn’t much different from taking animals out of the wild and putting them in zoos, circuses, and other places that exploit and abuse them. The nonprofit also launched a parody video game of its own, wherein freeing pokémon is the main objective. This game took 30 minutes of my life I will never get back again. In what started out as simple adventures with Pokemon and Pikachu has now morphed into several video games, TV shows, toys, trading cards, and books that feature more than 600 fictional species. Do yourself a favor: if you like Pokemon, go outside and play Pokemon GO and stay far away from this full frontal assault on your childhood. In addition to speaking out against the game's makers, PETA has also created a spoof video game called Pokemon Black & Blue: Gotta Free 'Em All on its Web site.

You’ll never guess what happens next. We wouldn’t recommend it. You want people to wear and eat Pokemon?! And let’s not forget PETA’s worst from over the years—like comparing farms to concentration camps, or kidnapping and killing somebody’s Chihuahua. What kind of person thinks this is a prize? Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion. PETA's spoof video game that gets Pokemon to fight against his Trainers. "The amount of time that Pokemon spend stuffed in pokeballs is akin to how elephants are chained up in train carts, waiting to be let out to 'perform' in circuses," PETA wrote on its Web site. That same year, in response to an Android app that lets users train dogs to fight each other, it launched an iPhone app that highlighted stories about animal cruelty.

The radicals over at PETA have never been good at letting others having fun. Assuming you enjoy fun, there are three types of joy-spoilers you should never invite to a party: conspiracy theorists, nihilists, and people from PETA. Have a tip or something else we should know?

Have I ever shown an inkling of concern about you one way or the other? And last year, in what seems like a spoof itself -- PETA went after Nintendo's Super Mario 3D Land for dressing Mario in a fur suit. When Ash is defeated, he too, begins to question his ways. Really? Pokemon has begun his struggle for freeman and liberation, fighting his trainers, doling out group hugs and going to protests... in PETA's alternate universe, that is. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. I could… try to free ’em all! I guess you’re right that there are lots of other alternatives. There you have it, folks. Honestly, this was too funny to be upset about. The following is my interaction with “Cheren” after winning the battle decisively: Pokemon are not yours to abuse. If you believe that, give her the choice.

Next, you have to fight the evil scientist Professor Juniper.

Here’s the logo: Enticed yet? I don’t want you messing with the minds of children. I just don’t care. Case in point: Pokémon Go was released last week, and (literally) the entire world went wild. This is what you’re bred to do! Discuss: PETA wages war on Pokemon for virtual animal cruelty, Super Smash Bros. Assuming you enjoy fun, there are three types of joy-spoilers you should never invite to a party: conspiracy theorists, nihilists, and people from PETA. For example in the past few weeks, President of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk has: Compared women to chickens, and refused to take it back: Attacked Disney for putting down alligators while searching for the body of a toddler who had been killed by one. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read.

Obviously, once you beat him, you get a good old fashioned “no eating animals” lecture. In just seven days, The Guardian reported, the game had surpassed Twitter in daily US users. Last of all, you are encouraged to share the game and its message. So naturally when Pokemon GO took over the internet, they had to try to ruin it for everyone. The premise of the game is that the characters battle their trainers in their crusade for freedom. The animal rights group has launched a campaign against Pokemon Black and White 2, saying that the game condones animal cruelty and that its creatures are treated like abused animals. We exist for our own purposes. Peta has this to say: "Our parody game is a fun way to tackle a serious issue - that it's wrong for Nintendo to allow McDonald's to lure kids in using its beloved, cute icons, when the reality is that Pokemon have been used to mask would horrify them." The dismantling of my childhood didn’t stop there, though. This game is just the latest in a long line of things PETA has appropriated for its own, radical purposes. So we made one of our team members sit down and try to “free ’em all” (we’re not making that up, that’s their actual slogan). Do not forget to watch our Pokédex & Statistics for a list of all their stats with Pokemon and their moves. PETA is intent on spreading its lies through whatever means necessary. The game has stormed the app charts.