Given that a) Luna’s female, b) the prince was a dude, c) Luna’s a goddess, and d) the whole thing seems to be ok with Jupiter, I *think* Luna’s in the clear as far as Roman law is concerned. no better than his father which led I don’t think he cared what god she worshipped, just that she didn’t have any kids who might challenge him for the throne. mortals but were of gigantic In some tellings Janus has no parents, in some they’re primodial deities, and in some it’s Caelus and Trivia, a goddess who, despite her name, has nothing to do with weird facts and everything to do with spooky things like crossroads and witchcraft. The Titans were members of a [1] She was the grandmother of Apollo, the god of the Sun, and Artemis, goddess of the moon, and was, like her granddaughter Artemis, identified by the Romans poets with the Roman moon-goddess Diana. Turned out the orbit was right and the math was wrong – Vulcan didn’t exist, and Mercury’s orbit made total sense once Einstein came up with general relativity. Vulcan did, and out burst Minerva, fully armed and armored.

powerful, giant gods from the union In Greek mythology "golden-wreathed" Phoebe (Greek: Φοίβη Phoibe; pronounced /ˈfiːbiː/ in English), the feminine counterpart of the name Phoebus, was one of the original Titans, who were one set of sons and daughters of Uranus and Gaia. Vesta was the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family, and she was depicted as a fire more often than as a human. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of John Phebee, which was dated September 25th 1619, married at St Giles Cripplegate, London, during the reign of King James 1st of England and V1 of Scotland, 1603 - 1625. "[5] In Zeus' turn to make the gift, Robertson speculates, Aeschylus could not report that the oracle was given directly to Apollo, who had not yet been born, and thus Phoebe was interposed. So while there are some important differences between, say, Athena (Greek) and Minerva (Roman), most websites and books will just refer to them as the same goddess. By the Titan Coeus she was the mother of Leto and grandmother of Apollo and Artemis. One time he loaned the cup to Hercules. Iapetus is also a really cool looking half-black, half-white moon of Saturn. She’s also an ancestor of Romulus and Remus, the mythical founders of Rome, but there are enough generations between her and them that I didn’t bother connecting them in the chart. – These weird foreign gods aren’t Roman gods, but they probably slept with some (see Jupiter/Zeus’s countless “affairs”) Saturn, the 6th planet from the sun Creation myth Uranus, the father of

Titan God of Intellect Romulus’s city, Rome, was officially founded the same day, April 21st 753 BCE. Now she roams the forests with a retinue of nymphs who are also required to be virgins. Well, immortality with a catch – other people had to willingly give him their lifespans, and it ended up being his wife who died to save him. Think about how out of touch your grandparents can be — they’re two generations removed from you. (Greek: Uranus or Ouranos).

Oh, and as usual, Diana is an asteroid. I know I already mentioned that in the write-up for the Greek God Family Tree, but isn’t she great? Saturn ate the rock, Jupiter was raised in secret, and once he was grown, he cut Saturn open, retrieved his undigested siblings, and fought a war to overthrow the Titans. The legend and myth about Phoebe, Maia, daughter of Atlas, hung out in a cave and did her best to avoid the gods, but Jupiter snuck in and wouldn’t you know it, she had a baby: Mercury. Phoebe and the other Titans, was [6] These supposed male delegations of the powers at Delphi as expressed by Aeschylus are not borne out by the usual modern reconstruction of the sacred site's pre-Olympian history. It seems like most Roman gods are more warlike than their Greek counterparts, but not Minerva. See, when Greeks and Romans met folks with other gods, they’d usually assume one of two things: the Titans The Family of Phoebe - The Titans Family Tree and Genealogy Phoebe - The Titan Gods Family Tree The family members and genealogy of Phoebe can be established via the Titan gods family tree, providing an instant overview of the relationships between the major Titan gods and goddesses and their children. When he finally landed on the other side of the world, he’d sail back home over the water in a golden cup. Also, a whole lot of Roman gods gave their names to planets and spaceships, so I’ll mention them as I go. Caelus hated them, so he buried them in the Earth, but since Terra was the earth, they were actually buried in her, which hurt, so she conspired with their next kids, the Titans, to kill Caelus by chopping off his penis. The names Atlanteia and Phoibe might suggest they were star-nymph daughters of the Titan Atlas rather than simple tree-nymphs. goddess of the Moon. While he shares myths with his Greek counterpart, Hades, Pluto is usually depicted as less sinister. Thanks, Epimetheus. But when she goes back down each winter, they all wither. instant overview of the

of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven) Tethys and Oceanus are the parents of tons and tons of water-related gods and beings, only one of whom is listed here, but neither has much in the way of stories. Fact 6: The female Titans were In any case, Semele died, but Jupiter saved baby Bacchus by sewing him into his thigh until he was ready to be born. magic, witchcraft, spectres. Neptune just attacked them. Jupiter swore an oath to give her anything she asked for, so when Semele asked to see Jupiter in all his glory Jupiter had no choice but to comply.

He made her a chair that was rigged to trap her when she sat in it, and then refused to unstick her until Bacchus got him so drunk that he’d have said yes to anything. Sylvia is also the name of an asteroid which has two littler asteroids orbiting it named Romulus and Remus. modesty. primeval gods, who were born out of His yearly festival, the Saturnalia, was one of the raunchier parties on the Roman calendar. I couldn’t find any space-rocks named after him, but there is apparently a crater on Eros named Himeros. called Titanides. Jupiter was the top god in Rome, from its earliest days as a small kingdom, through its centuries as a republic and most of its time as an empire, until traditional Roman religion itself was replaced by Christianity. Queen of the Gods Juno is also an asteroid. ; Erichthonius of Athens; Daphne (becomes a laurel after Apollo pursues her); Pontus -; Ourea - - - Mäed - Hills Mountains; Argos Panoptes Myth; Olimpo; Oreo; Citerón Sileno Hecatero; Helicón; Athos; Etna; Nisa; Parnes; Tmolo; Python - Earth-Dragon; Ourea . was the goddess of motherhood and Ceres is also, apparently, the only asteroid that is also a dwarf planet. Additional facts "[The fifty daughters of Danaus married the fifty sons of Aigyptos (Aegyptus) :] Hippodameia went to Istros, Rhodia to Khalkodon (Chalcodon), Kleopatra (Cleopatra) to Agenor, Asteria to Khaetos (Chaetus), Phylodameia to Diokorystos (Diocorystus), Glauke (Glauce) to Alkes (Alces), Hippomedousa to Alkmenor (Alcmenor), Gorge to Hippothous, Iphimedousa to Eukhenor (Euchenor), and Rhode to Hippolytos. In Greek mythology Atlanteia and Phoebe were Hamadryad-nymphs of Libya in north Africa. You can find it in most American bookstores, but here are some links: Latinized form of the Greek name Φοίβη (Phoibe), which meant "bright, pure" from Greek φοῖβος (phoibos).In Greek mythology Phoibe was a Titan associated with the moon. They also shut them when Rome was at peace, although that didn’t happen very often. They even got a sort of heaven, the Elysian Fields, although that was reserved for the most heroic heroes.

the Olympians. Juno is patron goddess of Rome, standing with her husband, Jupiter, and his daughter, Minerva, in the Capitoline Triad. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 2. (Greek: Phobos and Deimos). In fact, the statues are wrong – he held up the sky, not the world. According to the website, she has a drippy nose, bloody… and to prevent them rebelling But Moneta was also a title given to Juno, another Roman goddess. were Leto and Asteria. And if you’re in the market for bigger pictures and even more detailed entries on mythological figures, check out my book, Gods and Heroes! The Greek Ares is kind of a dumb lug, big and beefy and good at fighting but not much between the ears. Titanomachy, was a 10 year war Terra is the Latin name for the Earth, as well as at least one satellite that looks at the Earth. Their children Fact 4: She possessed the gift of strength of his gigantic children The “sea foam” bit comes from my favorite one of Venus’s birth stories. The names Phoebe and Phoebus (masculine) came to be applied as synonyms for Artemis and Apollo respectively (as well as for Selene and Helios). Mythology Greek, Ancient: Φοίβη, Daphne (becomes a laurel after Apollo pursues her), This got me curious, so I did a little reading, and the Romans seem to have had a different idea of legal consent than we do.

See, Jupiter told Pluto he could marry Proserpina, but instead of asking her, Pluto burst from the ground, grabbed her, and dragged her back down to the underworld with him. After the whole wolf-suckling thing, Romulus and Remus grew up and led uneventful lives as shepherds until one day, while herding sheep, they got into a fight with some shepherds who worked for King Amulius. history of the Ancient World of Vulcan is also the name of a planet that people thought might exist between Mercury and the Sun, because Mercury wasn’t orbiting the way they thought it should. Primeval Goddess of the Earth Gaia was mother of more or less everyone and everything, which is only one of the reasons her descendants’ family tree is so screwed up. In later mythology she was identified with the moon, as were Artemis and her Roman counterpart Diana. So, he ate Metis. Juno Moneta was a goddess of money, which is why money was minted in her temples, and how “moneta” became the root of so many modern words for “money” or “coin”, including Italian “moneta,” Spanish “moneda,” and Russian “монета,” and English “money.”.

Titan children in chains. These attributes usually came through their connections to an older generation of deities, known as the Titans. Battle of the Titans, called the Titan gods and goddesses and their Given all that, it’s sort of surprising that there are so few myths about him – most of what we do have seems to have been imported from Ares. the Titans and Mount Olympus was the Luna’s usually depicted as a pretty woman with a moon on her head, riding a chariot across the sky. But Proserpina was so moved by the sacrifice that she brought her back to life, so it was all ok in the end. As far as I can tell, the first thing she did after having a kid was marry him, and then made more kids so they could fight. This was also an epithet of her granddaughter, the moon goddess Artemis.The name appears in Paul's epistle to the Romans in the New Testament, where it belongs to a female minister in the church at Cenchreae. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.

Amulius threw Rhea Silvia in prison and told a servant to kill the twins, but instead the servant floated them off down the Tiber river, where they were rescued nursed by a she-wolf (wolves were sacred to Mars), and raised by a shepherd family.

He lives in a golden palace at the end of the earth, and each day he puts on a blowing crown and rides a chariot across the sky. Tree

They were the He tried to ignore it at first, but eventaully got so bad that he ordered the smith-god Vulcan to smash his head open, just to stop the pain.