• I’d like to keep this blog mostly happy. • He’s difficult to get through, but with a bit of patience, he’s a good boy once you know the proper approach to his odd personality. • When you told Bede, he froze. • It’s not because they don’t like the others! “Really now? • When she was an Axew, she had the habit of hiding behind Britt whenever strangers approached. • He’s much more mature and wiser than a good portion of Britt’s pokémon. My rules are posted here, so read up and send in some requests! • What starts as modelling, usually turns into a complete striptease, until you are fully unclothed and straddling his lap, interlocking your lips with his in a needy kiss while grinding on his erection.

• Spends more time camping with her pokémon than actually battling.

I’m not done with all of my current requests, but I felt like I should at least open my box. Raihan soon pulled away, taking a few moments to admire his work. He couldn’t help but smirk slightly as he wondered what kind of pokémon batted by your side for you to be so at ease in the presence of a powerful gym leader. Gotta keep that wool nice and shiny! She had to figure out a group of pokémon where Lucian tolerated at least 50% of them, all the while making sure that the selected group could handle him and his marvellous attitude. Instead, she runs a sanctuary for rescued/abandoned/abused/injured pokémon. He couldn’t bring himself to fire a snarky comment. • He needs to be brushed at least twice a day. It didn’t take you very long to have an earth-shattering orgasm from everything. They were the ones who fought their hardest for you to achieve your dream of someday becoming a gym leader specializing in Flying-type pokémon. I was bad,” you corrected yourself, hoping that your apology would earn you some form of contact.

• You are one of the first and only woman to love him for him, and Bede would be absolutely damned to lose you to another person. He was an absolute dork when it came to dragons, and it showed quite a bit. • When you announced that you were going to one of your friend’s house for dinner, Raihan immediately volunteered to babysit your pokémon for the day.

You’re soaking, babe.”. He didn’t exactly want anyone to know that he bought such things. • “Your turn, big guy! • It’s all in good fun though.

I’m completely new to Tumblr and decided to dedicate a blog to you, dear female readers, for pokémon sword and shield! This is not a pokémon x human!reader blog. • When the day had ended and you swung by Raihan’s home to pick up your pokémon, you were happy to see that everybody was in one piece.

, I really liked writing this, it was a really fun idea to work with, thank you for the request!

• To Bede, you are so much more than just a pretty face and a hot body. Britt will fistfight anyone who insults her baby. I didn’t notice you there.”, Raihan shook his head, waving you off. With you being the champion, and Bede being a gym leader, would you be able to take care of the child? • He was so giddy while doing so and of course, Raihan couldn’t help but ask his Rotom phone to snap a photo of the moment. • He 100% loves having his chin and belly scratched. • Unless another pokémon of the team comes up to them, they don’t really talk to other pokémon. You really don’t, but…” he trailed his thumbs along your outer labia, slightly parting your lips to expose your excitement. . You both look so cute!! You were being relentlessly railed. If you don’t like that, feel free to block me, I won’t take it personally. • This behavior of yours gives Bede mini heart attacks everytime you stand on the pitch, which gets worse and worse as you get further into your pregnancy. • She looks permanently tired and has dark bags under her eyes. Raihan has a flair for taking selfies of himself with his Rotom Phone. You nodded, bracing yourself as you felt Raihan’s hand move from your face to the back of your head, lightly gripping your hair. For once in his life, he was at a loss for words. She’s a big softie.

• Of course, he took one last picture of the adorable sleeping dragon. Dratini and Houndoom seemed happy to see him. His compliments are so much more genuine and important to you. • There are pictures of you in so many different positions; standing up, lying on your back or on your side. It's where your interests connect you with your people. • And so, when your eyes sparkled with joy at Raihan’s offer, showering him with heartfelt compliments, he couldn’t help but feel his chest swell with pride and happiness. If you are uncomfortable with NSFW, they are tagged as ‘lemon’.

• As mentioned, you haven’t stopped battling. “Raihan? The black hair suits her so well that people don’t believe that it’s not her natural hair colour.

In the games. Deal with it. pokemon raihan | Tumblr. • Lucian has attitude, and he’s not afraid to use it. Is that why you came to Galar?” He asked. You had practically asked for it with the way you had been teasing him all day. Just don’t bother her when she’s napping, you’ll get a flamethrower to the face. • Feraligatr, who was still keeping a watchful eye on Raihan, uncrossed his arms at the sight of Raihan’s interaction with Houndoom, seemingly becoming less tense. • Of course, your pokémon all ran to your side when you arrived, attacking you with hugs and kisses. So… nobody asked for this, but I wanted to do it anyway since I’m happy to have completed my first shiny team for Sword and Shield.

His leg usually starts to bounce as his arousal grows, which he will usually try to hide by crossing his legs or pulling his shirt down. You had immediately spread your legs for him, eliciting a chuckle from him. I’m good with pretty much any other 'dere’ trope, but I can’t stand yanderes. • At times, Raihan will get jealous of his Pokémon for getting a lot of attention from S/O. Raihan is a young man with a tall and slim build. Your Gliscor could deal with rock and electric pokémon, and your Talonflame and Aerodactyl could deal with ice pokémon. Bedroom eyes, lip biting, ‘innocent smiles’, smirks, etc. Is there anything I can do for you?”. “Damn, look at you… you’re soaked. “Oh, really? She’s one of the few pokémon that Nully will voluntarily speak to. Lastly, feel free to send in some questions for me as well if you’d like to get to know me a bit better. If you’re innocent or easily embarrassed, you will not last five minutes in her presence. • Her patience levels are bellow zero. His Goodra rested her head in your lap, seeming to have taken a liking to the head pats you had to offer. • But Raihan also knew that you were uncomfortable with the idea of leaving your precious babies alone with no care or surveillance. (from pokemon) thank you! The sleeves end as his elbows with orange cuffs stopping at his forearms. And so, she opted to be called by her nickname instead.

He couldn’t help the cocky smirk on his features as he felt your legs shake. • Len is a cocky boy and is pretty smug. Your time in the Wild Area had quickly turned into a playdate between your pokémon and Raihan’s. It was then that the pokémon realized that Raihan was a good man, worthy of you. Bede already feels like the luckiest man in the world to be blessed with the best woman by his side, and now, he is going to father your child?

• On one hand, he can be extremely loyal to those he loves and will fight with all of his pretty boy might. He loves your taste. It may take some getting used to, but you trust that he will adapt.

With extra Mago berries?”, • “I hope it’ll be to your liking. • If she was human, she’d most likely sing like an angel. He will then use his thumb to rub slow circles around your clit and he will ignore any request for him to go faster. His large hand will gently knead your breasts while he uses his tongue to circle your nipples. • She has a scar going across her left eye due to her idiotic and clumsy ass falling off a computer chair as a child. • He’s the kind of pokémon who enjoys the company of a very small elite group of individuals, and the rest of the world is absolute garbage to him. Although, Raihan couldn’t help but bite his lip as he admired your body; how your chest was heaving and how wet and eager you were for him. • Outside of battle, she’s actually rather timid and quite the mother figure to all of the other pokémon. You did exactly as you were told, sinking to your knees, licking your lips in anticipation as Raihan’s slipped his shorts off, allowing his cock to spring free. Your heart was racing and you couldn’t stop fidgeting. You knew that you were in trouble the moment Raihan slammed you into the wall. • Meanwhile, Feraligatr couldn’t help the soft smile on his features.

As soon as he pulled out of you, you collapsed. The black isn’t natural, her natural hair colour is actually a very pale brown with red and blonde highlights. It really takes a lot to phase him. He will kiss the area near your ear as well, making sure that you can feel and hear his breath to send shivers down your spine. • Raihan had prepared some Spicy Bone Curry for your Houndoom as he knew that it was her favourite. Every so often, he pulled his cock away from your mouth, allowing you to breathe for a few seconds before ramming himself inside again.

588. He’s always a blushing mess, biting his lip while scratching the back of his head as he tries his best to glare at a wall before his eyes are glued to you, unable to pry them away. • Of course, he was absolutely mortified when you had accidentally found his collection. Thanks for listening! • Dumpling has good taste in fashion and has a very strong opinion on Britt’s fashion choices. It was beyond him at that point, Bede couldn’t even attempt to mask his emotions. • Him? He has black hair in a Mohawk, light brown skin, and cyan-colored eyes. Do you feel that? Can you give us headcanons about your trainer and your team?

“You’re cute if you think that I’m actually going to let you get any kind of release after what you’ve done. Maybe I’m just not feeling inspired by them, they make me uncomfortable or I just don’t have the required experiences and knowledge to write them. You wouldn’t want to fluster your poor tsundere too much… yet.

Your neck and upper body were littered with bite marks and filled with glistening trails of his saliva. Raihan glanced at all of the pokémon that surrounded both of you. You want me that badly, huh? • The way he looks at you during those moments is absolutely provoking and never fails to arouse you. Raihan is the eighth and final Gym Leader of the Galar League, and he is recognized as the strongest Gym Leader in Galar.He is also the self-proclaimed rival of Champion Leon, and despite a losing streak of 0 to 10 against him, he is the only person who has come close to beating him, having managed to knock out more of Leon's Pokémon than anyone else. After all, he was completely infatuated with you. • Will usually be civil at first, but if it persists even more, look out this dragon has fire and he’s barbecuing you next. His cock plunged deep inside of you, continuously hitting that sweet spot. I’d be more than happy to give you a private show, love.”. Had your screams not been muffled by the sheets, you were sure that Hammerlocke in its entirety could have heard you. She thinks that they are underrated. I still need to kick your butt in battle,” you said with a brow raised.