I want to live a life free of disruptions”. Once Manectric could also be bumped to Lv.15, I (and many others) felt that the discussion and also Ampharos' potential usefulness were both dead. I highly recommend newer players or casual players to get on board with this challenge because only 45 hearts to get a really powerful tool can go a long way to helping them progressing through the main stages and help out with some of the events.

Aggron is still pretty clearly the best 3-tapper on paper. Sucks for them but it's still worth doing at the very least. icons raw, 115 max AP). Welcome to the newest GS Challenge - an attempt at a more satisfying game. Water types are annoying to deal with due to their lack of weaknesses, so it often spawns the question “What is the best Anti-water mega?”. Beedrill, Rayquaza, Shiny Diancie, Block Shot users, Strongest SE, (Groudon optional), Short stage, beedrill will get up fast. So it's a guide on megas, not a mega guide on Shuffle, that clears some things up! With these maxed megas, you're prepared for basically anything the game can throw at you disruption-wise; so that’s the end of my specific recommendations, but I have a couple of places you can go from here if you’ve maxed everything we’ve discussed so far. This gives him some niche usage in things like the Incineroar EB. RIP to those who trained an SL5 Ray prior to this event.

These are bad and have no use. for here, either beedrill or shiny diancie will help deal with bad board + rocks. (2) Mega Diancie (swapped to Mega Boost+) (Fairy type, 9 icon raw evo, 3(!!!) I wanted to address a question I see asked a lot by new players, namely: “If I’m new, and I have no megas candied, in what order should I candy them?”. Each one makes the Mega Pokemon evolve in one icon less than usual. Triple eaters are so called because they eat three things! Blocks are here, Drampa is shot out bait.

So try to remember to never use them in coin safaris. As it stands, this is not a guide I would link a friend trying to understand this game, especially when your recommendation is both similar to AND narrower than the existing MSU Recs guide. For Pokemon Shuffle on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Mega Rayquaza". I use Ray whenever a low-disruption stage pops up since, simply, its mega effect is the best at combo generation unless you're a really skilled tapper.

Eater megas are so called because they “eat” disruptions. Commonly referred to as “Skyfall”. It’s even the easiest mega to find!

Of all these fully candied megas, which one should I use? Shiny Mewtwo X - Mega Boost (Psychic/Fighting type, 9 icon raw evo, 6 icons boosted 115 AP, 3 msu to max). Now they are, definitionally “useless”. Neither of us will use tappers (unless we have to), but just because we like something, doesn't make it good. I like the mega effect from Gallade, Manectric, SMCY, Scizor and Latios. Even if tapping is the top, a big part of the game is chosing the starting move and of course this applies to all megas.

I use Ray whenever a low-disruption stage pops >up since, simply, its mega effect is the best at combo generation unless you're a really skilled tapper. While it can be argued that Steel is a worse offensive type than the other Block Eater (the Ice-type Winking Glalie); Steelix is much more readily available and cheaper to max. Opportunity to be a pioneer with DRAGON TALON :). What’s a tapper? As stated with Aggron, Steel is the only type who is often seen with a common support sidekick in the form of Mega Boost+ Jirachi. I don't see the consistency or logic with this, since you have a lot of 9 icons you either do or don't Mega start for no stated reason. They’re kind of unusual in the sense that they don’t have good abilities as support pokemon (Gallade has Block Smash+, and Manectric has Hitting Streak), but their quick evo speed makes this kind of irrelevant when you can easily evolve them as secondary matches, while primarily matching other high burst damage icons. I think the 1 MSU is worth it for a lot of earlier stages, and it's still useful later, though outclassed if you're willing to put in much heavier investment). She is weirdly the best Pokemon to farm the cloud spamming Luxray Special Stage with. Firstly because of the way their damage is calculated their AP doesn’t matter, and also the Attack Power Up item (APU) does not boost the damage of their mega effect.

They basically come in two flavours “Rayquaza” and “Everyone else”. ** It can also be maxed in 15 MSU, which is 5 less than Pinsir. I thought back then hey, a mega that allows you to tap 3 times. Pokémon Safari 14.1: Pikachu (Shiny Rayquaza Costume) Stage.

Spend time setting up your shot damage or TC mon and match him secondarily, or just trust he'll match in the background while you combo (6 icons is pretty fast). Yeah, I thought it was a neat video 2 years ago, but I was dumb and didn't realise it would become the preview image of the whole article, so I've removed that image now (I think). Diancie (Fairy type, 9 icon raw evo, 3(!!!) I also don't think it's worth an early investment, just like you've said. Both of these pokemon are fixed vertical lightning megas, who evolve in 6 icons.

Credits: Thanks to Shon160 who gave so much feedback he's nearly my co-writer, Dante and Ytreza from the Discord for their extensive proof-reading of this article and feedback. Of these, the top three are ironically the top three alphabetically, as Fire and Poison are powerful types, and Mewtwo has that insane 145 max AP. I can add something tomorrow, but Lucario ends up in "Meh tier" with so many others. Just to clarify, Manectric isn’t great, but all the other anti-water megas are bad, so he gets to be the best by default.

Rayquaza (once king of shuffle, now fallen from grace), is now in a weird place where he’s not as good Mewtwo Y or Shiny Metagross at weekend Meowth, but some people report some surprisingly positive results with a team of Mega Rayquaza, Mega Boost+ Zygarde 10%, Any Eject++ Pokemon and a … If not, it can generate free combos. “What the hell” you might ask “Is a MINUS two icon evo?”. The evaluation should be correct most of the time, even if in some rare scenario we could get very small divergencies. Because of the way their damage is calculated, they are arguably the most damaging megas in the game.

And again, the usefulness of support Jirachi is difficult to ignore. Latias is the worst. The game unfolds in a much more progressive way to veterans like you than to someone actually needing this guide. You are correct that I forgot to mention the other vertical deleters. This is because you can either do it in one turn with a +, L or T match; or in two turns with a mo3 on each turn, which is easily achieved. I think I was resigned to multiple hours of converting this article to Reddit markup language, and when I saw the new posting form that resembled a word doc, I hit "Submit" in a fit of euphoria. Only get one. Since these types are crippled by disruptions, they’re most commonly used to auto-pilot on easy stages with mono-type teams.

Being there only with fixed megas would require some lucky runs, because tappers have a big edge over other megas if you reach super high levels with them and is proven by simulations, not only by leaderboard reversing.

Feel free to discuss anything related to Pokémon Shuffle. The eater megas are very well balanced against each other, since most eater megas evolve in 8/9/10 icons, so that fact that Mega Diancie can evolve in 3 is insane!!! Basically a block eater (W-Glalie) or shiny Diancie makes this stage chopped liver. Eater megas are unique in a number of ways. boosted by Megaboost+), Shiny Tyranitar (Dark type, 8 icon raw evo), Winking Glalie (Ice type, 9 icon raw evo), Aerodactyl (Rock type, 9 icon raw evo, 4(!!!)

------------------------------------------------------------, Lets discuss the other categories of Mega Types. Instead of the standard cross shapes found in other tappers, Mega Beedrill deletes a 3x3 square. I disagree strongly with people who rank ampharos so much lower than manectric.

By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. If you’re willing to wait 11 icons for your mega to evolve, you might as well wait 2 more, and have the incredible benefit of 3 taps with Mega Aggron instead. Nobody should care.
So banish thoughts of “But it’s not super effective!” from your mind.

Gengar can't handle disruption heavy boards, where as mega Ray does a better job there. On top of that, he’s responsible for no less than THREE different glitches in gameplay.

I started on week 15 after losing my progress and leaving 2 years ago.

This Wikia is best viewed in Desktop mode! When you match them, they turn 3 icons of one other support that share their type into Mega icons. Scizor WOULD also be here, since he has the same mega effect, but he has 140 AP and Swap++. i s-ranked it with m latios, dragonite, latias and xerneas with all items (+ shuffle move) And when you combine what others have said about Rayquaza being much better with barriers with the fact that half the new stages have tons of barriers in them ... Komedy explained it well in detail. This is just my personal opinion.I have played this game since it became available first on 3DS and later on Mobile when it was available for Europe. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. “Surely” you would think “They have the worst damage in the game then?”.

Therefore these were among the first where I invested MSUs. That’s my slowbro video! M-Ray handles Rocks a little better, handles Barriers and 5th Pokemon. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V355wqqdzmw.

So it’s up to you what you value more: Shiny Diancie, a cheaper investment of a better support pokemon who evolves slower with high burst damage potential, or Aerodactyl the more expensive investment of a worse support pokemon who evolves faster on clogged boards with a niche typing. These have a real “Your milage can vary” level of usefulness, and sometimes stages will be designed with one of these megas in mind so that the disruptions can be 100% destroyed with the correct mega, but these kinds of stages are few or far between and not worth investing MSU into countering. At a brief point in the shuffle meta, when matching a mega tapper delayed the disruption counter for a turn, Mega Beedrill was the best mega in the game. This can either result in an amazing combo, or absolutely nothing. Match the icons, and they disappear and destroy some icons near the original matched icons. Just like Mega Mewtwo Y and Mega Banette. The two rocks also become Mega Beedrill icons and hang around for the next turn. This new event totally helps to soothe the extreme butthurt I was feeling after the RNG-fest of the Manectric competition.

Yes. If you want, bring some block smash users to clear the board. Rayquaza, S-Diancie, Beedrill, Strongest SE, Snorunt (Rock shot) (Groudon optional). Special Stages: Pokémon Safari: Hit Points. 12 SBM gone to fucking waste.