~ We keep our fingers crossed when we hope something good to happen, or even to nullify a promise.~ In Christianity, crossing fingers signifies a plea to God for protection against evil. Men in close contact shook their right hands to prove that they did not have weapons on them. Is there a drill, or a practice method to get more comfortable with using these naturally?

At that time, it took on its modern meaning. This led to the US replacing the Bellamy salute with the right-hand-over-the-heart gesture.[5]. It still looks a little rough when I use some of the new ones. This hand gesture also has other connotations like ‘stay away’ or ‘talk to the hand’. Like other frequent hand gestures, its origin is somewhat disputed.

It is seen as a wise gesture, but don’t overuse it.

They are then parted while the other fingers of your hand are clenched into your fist. This is a really easy one and can be used to literally show someone what level something is. Special Note: Be sure to do this purposefully. In Germany, it was usually accompanied by screams of “Heil Hitler!” The fascists claimed that the gesture originated in ancient Rome. I hope that you got some great ideas for hand gestures in this post. A thumbs down (indicating “swords down”) meant the loser should be spared.[7]. The smoother the better.

You can do this while anyone is speaking and they will almost instantly be quiet (use in emergencies only!). However, in some ancient folkloric traditions, such symbols represented ‘lies’. Hand gestures are expressive actions, which we display to communicate our messages. A common superstition was that good spirits lived at the intersections of crosses.

When you call someone or try to seek attention, you usually use this gesture.~ In the US, it is generally used to summon waiters. You can do the “you” gesture to make someone feel included or to highlight that something you are talking about applies to the person you are speaking with.

When we cross the middle finger of either of our hands over the index finger of the same hand, this sign is formed.~ Crossing fingers signifies anticipation and good luck. Most likely derived from Ancient Greece, the finger is one of the most widespread obscene gestures throughout the Western world. The palm-facing-inward method common in Britain is considered an alternate version of the middle finger. Hands in Pockets. Some popular and commonly-used hand gestures include the sign of victory, stop, and okay. The fingers were the most important for using a bow. Film yourself chatting with someone on the phone. Hand gestures are great up to a certain point. It also symbolizes fortune, hope, and expectation of something. With all fingers on that hand initially together, the middle and ring fingers move away from each other to create the letter V. The Vulcan salute is considered a greeting by fans of the Star Trek series and people who just love sci-fi. (Part 1). Remember, think about your verbal content and match your hand gestures to what you are saying: The easiest and most basic hand gesture is numerical. Just like you bullet point out a pitch or presentation, do the same with gestures. This gesture was used widely at the time of WWII, in order to symbolize “V for Victory”.~ Then, in the 1960s, when the hippie movement gained impetus in the US, the same sign was used to indicate peace. An artifact from ninth century BC even depicts King Shalmaneser III of Assyria shaking hands with the king of Babylon to seal their alliance. This gesture can be used whenever you are speaking in a group or to an audience. This became an issue in the 1700s when British soldiers started wearing elaborate hats. Knowing these, and understanding which ones to use in certain settings, will definitely give me a sense of confidence when presenting in the future – whether it’s for class, and interview, or even around friends!

The list made it easier for me to pick some and train them. Check out our list of the 20 hand gestures you should be using in your next speech and find their meaning. ~ The thumb raised upwards, with the other fingers curled inwards is universally acknowledged as a gesture indicating “well done” or “things are great”.~ In Western cultures, it is a symbol of optimism.~ However, in the Middle East, Latin America, Greece, Russia, and West Africa, the “thumbs up” gesture signifies an insult. For example, this gesture goes along well with: This gesture can be used to demonstrate a very specific part of an idea. Be careful when using this gesture with an irritated voice, because it can come off as anger! Know what you want to say.

If two people made wishes while creating a single cross with their index fingers together, they believed that the good spirits would be inclined to grant their wishes. • A-ok or Okay, made by connecting the thumb and forefinger in a circle and holding the other fingers straight, usually signal the word okay. For example, if I was talking about Democrats and Republicans I could use and raise my left hand when talking about Democratic ideas and actions, and elevate and emphasize with my right hand when talking about Republican ideology and actions. However, you can point to get someone’s attention or to literally make a point. You might be surprised what kinds of gestures you use and how many you use during the conversation. Back then, two people created the cross symbol in a different way. ~ Hold your hand upright, with the back of your palm facing inwards.

Use it alongside a VERY important point. The infamous middle finger is one of the most offensive hand gestures out there. Any time you have a solid fist–shaking it at someone or punching it in the air you are showing intensity. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603.

~ Extending the index finger and curling its tip means beckoning someone. I never want you to think in the box, but I do want you to gesture within the box. Unlike the open palm that depicts a palm, four weak fingers, and a thumb, the clenched fist depicts four weak fingers and a thumb made into a powerful fist. A third undisputed theory claims that British soldiers created the salute. Some popular and commonly-used hand gestures include the sign of victory, stop, and okay. Gestures are not universal across cultures. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there!

Use the list below to guide you.

It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Hand gestures come to us naturally. They even moved their hands up and down—just as we do today—to make weapons hidden in their sleeves fall out. The meaning and significance of hand gestures can differ from one culture to another. If you go outside this box, it’s seen as distracting and out of control.

The term spilled over into ancient Latin where it was called digitus impudicus (“shameless, indecent, or offensive finger”).

The clenched fist is the ultimate symbol of solidarity.

Safe gesturing only please! It was used to ridicule a man penetrated during gay sex. Could one go the other way and infer meaning from the gestures in any precise way, and might the deaf community know more about such a possibility? This is both captivating and easier for the audience. This gesture signals the word okay, which means that everything is fine. A large gesture will appear small.