That's why Universal Laws exist. YOUR choice. In many cases, I can assure you that it's not based on a "higher truth" at all. Perhaps you see the sheer power and the profound direction that has been conveyed to us and recorded for our use, should we choose to take some more profoundly empowering advice and "seek" to find it. It depends on ourselves, on the way we present our feelings. Some use it consciously yet sadly the vast majority use it unconsciously. This means that if I, while imprisoned, suggest to myself that I am free and succeed in believing that I am free, it is true that I believe in my freedom; but it does not follow that I am free for I may be the victim of illusion. Even in scientific terms it is the source from where all things are derived. To quit listening to, establishing and further solidifying beliefs that were instilled in me by others and chose to explore and discover outside of the self limiting and fear based "man made religions", that I was an active part of for a number of years. The mind’s ability to turn imagination into reality is truly very powerful. Here there is no need to wait fourmonths till harvest. Many young people stop using their imagination almost entirely during this stage of their lives, and others make use of it in a constructive manner. We have a very…, Sometimes we do it, we adapt to something that does not make us happy, like someone who wedges on a…, Depression and anxiety are not synonymous with weakness. Our judgments regarding something "bad" sets our imagination in motion and the Power of Imagination goes to work to bring it to you. Sport and Women: A Glass Ceiling More Evident than Ever ; A fertile imagination is the source of all creative thinking, which is even more important than knowledge. Simply look at the events, conditions and circumstances being consistently experienced in the various areas of your life...once you determine and become "conscious" of that, choose to become "consciously aware" of the thoughts that you predominantly think...what you "know" to be true which also determines what you are "imagining most often" and you'll clearly see the correlation.

It's simply a matter of how we ourselves choose to exercise the inalienable right of free will provided to us and how we choose to utilize the Power of Imagination. I awaken in another sphere holding the object of my dream, to find that I am no longer the servant of my vision but its master, for I am fully conscious and in control of the movements of my attention. International: Português | Türkçe | Deutsch | 日本語 | Italiano | Español | Suomi | Français | Polski | Dansk | Norsk bokmål | Svenska | Nederlands | 한국어. Where we might disagree is with regard to what God is. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” To know the truth of our neighbor we must assume that he is already that which he desires to be. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he” [Proverbs 23:7]. He understood the power of the mind as well as the Power of Imagination.

They attempt to "do themselves" into producing desired results rather than choosing to look at the power behind "being" a certain way, projecting a certain persona and allowing the Power of Imagination to "do" the job it was intended to do. How I came to "know it" was through choosing to look beyond everything that I was told and taught was to "true" and dig more deeply. I personally choose to believe that the Ultimate Cause put the plan in place that determined all future causes and that an inalienable right of free will was provided to each of us to determine whatever "effects" we might experience based on this "second level" of cause meaning our individual choices to "think and imagine" as we choose. Let's look at the correlation between modern day science and the ancient spiritual religions of the world. Should you ever decide to discover WHY this is true...and HOW it works the way it really tap into the simplicity and perfection behind this "higher truth" you'd also discover how much of an impact it does and will continue to have on your life... ...EVERY aspect of your life I might add.

Put another way...what you see and your individually held perceptions regarding what you see creates "judgments" of this thing being "good" and this thing being "bad.". I could give you many examples to prove my arguments, to prove that these imagined states do become physical realities; but I know that my examples will awaken in all who have not met the like or who are not inclined towards my arguments, a most natural incredulity. There have been situations that completely overcame you, times that your emotions have been a…. It can't and never will happen any other's the Law. I have discovered that, if I surprise myself dreaming, I can lay hold of any inanimate or stationary form of the dream  –  a chair –  a table – a stairway – a tree – and command to awake, while firmly holding on the object of the dream, I am pulled through myself with the distinct feeling of awakening from dream.
In dream we are usually the servant of our vision rather than its master, but the internal fantasy of dream can be turned into an externalreality. What we imagine often, and expect to happen can come into being.

“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” – John 8:32. Looked at in the way that quantum physicists describe it through the study quantum physics, it is energy...the essence of what makes everything what it is. One of the greatest and most noted masters of the past tells us "Judge not by appearances." Taking the time to meditate opens up doors of awareness and understanding that FAR exceed any form of searching, studying and researching could ever hope to provide. As children, we live in a fantasy world for a few years. I do not wish to write a book of wonders, but rather to turn man’s mind back to the one and only reality that the ancient teachers worshiped asGod. There isno power, outside of the consciousness of man, to resurrect and make alive that which man desires to experience. There are NO SECRETS to creating a life by design and EXPERIENCING the Kind and Quality of Life That You Love... 'The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation', "Discover the overlooked but NOT So Secret Keys to Consciously Activate the Laws of Nature...every time", Click Here To Learn How and Why You Can...REGARDLESS, Awakening Dimensional Consciousness Guided Meditation System, Complimentary copy of The Miracle of You and Your Cells, a specialized and powerful form of meditation, I'm Finished With The Power Of Imagination. We are all born with a very active imagination.

Most have very limited imaginations and expectations when it comes to experiencing wholesome, fulfilling and extraordinary lives which is why those who DO experience this quality of life are a only a small minority. It was created that way.

But I preach and practice the fixing in consciousness of that which man desires to realize. “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberingsupon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction.” [Job 33:15,16]. My mystical experiences have convinced me that there is no way tobring about the outer perfection we seek other than by thetransformation of ourselves. What I personally choose to refer to as Abundance and Happiness. What is it? A quality of life that you may have previously found inconceivable which is the first essential step in creating and experiencing it for yourself.

Yet it's an assumption made...a very limiting assumption...without giving any "conscious thought" as to what precipitates and creates this "physical way of doing things.".