[30] In her third body, Raven acquired the ability to fly. Raven also participated in World War III. De Wildebeest wilde de Titans gebruiken om Tigron te bevrijden. If you find an issue this organization appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Raven Society (Pennyworth TV Series)" in the cast variable field. In the Superman/Batman Mash-Up universe, Doctor Destiny trapped Superman and Batman in a universe where there are amalgamations of a number of DC characters. Raven verkreeg na haar reïncarnatie de gave om te vliegen. After this battle, Raven rose from the ashes, cleansed of Trigon's evil, and vanished. [28], Trigon reveals more of Raven's origins. Raven plays a crucial role by finding out Harvest's scheme to extract all the metagenes to create a massive DNA strand for his usage. Raven is shown to be able to fly unaided in space. During a massive battle, Raven was possessed by the evil souls and once again became the evil doppelgänger of her father. If you find an issue this organization appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Raven Society (Pennyworth TV Series)" in the cast variable field. It can act as a shield as it can absorb a limited amount of energy and solid matter, regurgitating them before reintegrating with Raven. Raven beschikt over de kracht van empathie. Empathie. Raven succeeds in anchoring the Titans with her soul-self, teleporting them through time.

We shall lurk in the shadows no longer." The team consisted of Robin, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy (then known as Changeling). Raven's three half-brothers use her and Beast Boy as keys to open a portal to Trigon's realm. In sommige verhalen kan Raven ook magie gebruiken. [2][3] In desperation, she reformed the Teen Titans as the New Teen Titans to fight her father. Her soul-self can mentally subdue at least one person by enveloping them inside of itself. Followed by an attack by the villain Grimm, the Titans plan a final attack on Harvest's new colony. It is strongly suggested that Raven has been controlling Robin's emotions. Raven makes her first Teen Titans appearance in Teen Titans #16. [23] Battered and dazed, Raven arrived at Titans Tower, where she was rescued by the newest roster of Teen Titans. It is also unique to the University, taking its name in honor of the most famous poem of the University’s most famous poet, Edgar Allan Poe. [12], Raven later returned, still evil, in order to destroy the good version of herself implanted in Starfire. Rachel Roth makes her live adaptation debut in the DC Universe and HBO Max series Titans, played by Teagan Croft. Deze ziel neemt meestal de vorm aan van een mens of enorme raaf. Raven werd gered door de Titans. Raven and her new friends later came to think of one another as family. Raven slaagde er nog net in haar bewustzijn over te brengen op Starfire. Thursday, October 17, 2019 - 10:00. In desperation, she reformed the Teen Titans as the New Teen Titans to fight her father. In her bodiless spirit form, Raven returned to Earth to help extract Cyborg's soul and consciousness from the Technis planet's computer mind. Raven decides to pursue her chance at attending high school, having never had the opportunity before. Raven turns out to be the target of the assassin by the name of Plague, whose hands can rot, decay and take the life out of anything she touches. Raven is een van de hoofdpersonages uit de live-actionserie. Being told by a "higher power" what must be done, the reluctant Stranger unwillingly hands her over to Trigon. This caused Starfire to leave Earth in order to escape from the evil Raven. I’m not sure what any of you expected to see in an Alfred Pennyworth prequel series, but I’m pretty sure none of us expected that. In the Wizard #177 magazine, Wolfman briefly described the series, saying, "She needs to be on her own and in charge of herself for the first time in her life. Raven, sporting a new costume, is introduced by Trigon as his "Black Bird of Terror" to his minions. Raven takes advantage of this power with a book of unclear significance. Haar vader, Trigon, is demon en wil de wereld veroveren. Via haar zielvorm kan Raven haar bewustzijn overbrengen op anderen met verschillende resultaten, waaronder offensieve aanvallen en het uitschakelen van een tegenstander. Kan vliegen. When Beast Boy decided to help Steel on a mission, most of the members left, leaving only Raven and Zatara. Haar team bestond uit Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Starfire, Cyborg, en Beast Boy. Raven is reluctant to join because of her past actions, but Bunker tells her that everybody deserves a second chance, and Raven changes her mind.

Tevens kan ze iemands lijden verminderen door de pijn van die persoon te absorberen. Using her soul-self, she can convert her physical body into her soul-self and carry or teleport herself and others over a limited distance. The team consisted of Robin, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy (then known as Changeling). By absorbing the pain of the wounded into herself, she can induce rapid healing for the affected person. In a number of instances, Raven has deep knowledge of magic and has also displayed sorcerous abilities, such as inducing unconsciousness on Tim Drake with a touch, releasing balls of fire "within the folds of her cloak" (as in The New Teen Titans Annual #4 (1988), or hurling electric blasts strong enough to take down all her brothers and all of the adult Titans. Arella, along with Danny Chase, used the power of Azar's soul to cleanse Raven. There, she summons her father, saying, "Father, I am one of them. As the half-demon daughter of the inter-dimensional demon Trigon, Raven is very powerful and displayed a vast amount of abilities. Wyld is eventually destroyed by Static. Years later, she escaped from Azarath in order to protect her mentors and planet from Trigon and fled to the Earth where Phantom Stranger captured her for Trigon.

As a Cambion, Raven has an array of abilities; she is firstly an empath, able to sense and alter the emotions of others. After beating the Titans East, she gives hints that she still loves Garfield, but he refuses to dwell on the matter, leaving their relationship uncertain.[21]. [7], As a result of the defeat of Trigon, Raven was free to experience emotions for the first time in her life. Ze maakte haar debuut in DC Comics Presents #26 (oktober 1980), bedacht door schrijver Marv Wolfman en tekenaar George Pérez. This is more than just a 'tale of Raven'; it sets up her new life". [25] Wyld reveals that Raven was the one who created him. [17] Letting the others think she is leaving because of Garfield, Raven actually leaves because she has uncovered a secret of one of the other Titans. [27] After being touched by Raven, Beast Boy awakens and when he asks if Harvest has sent her, she apologizes stating that she brought him into the fray much sooner than she expected, and says, "Hush. Like her brothers, Raven can induce and amplify one of the seven deadly sins (in her case, pride) or all of them, in any living being, however doing so will cause her to suffer spells of nausea and vomiting for several days afterward as side effects. Raven kan haar “ziel” zichtbaar maken via astrale projectie.

Ze is vooral bekend van haar rol bij de Teen Titans . Instead of corrupting her, she actually implanted the soul of the good Raven. She is affected along with many of the other Titans by these three beings.

Manipulatie van schaduwen of duisternis.

The Titans were able to defeat Raven only because of the help they received from Phantasm. Raven had ooit de gave om haar eigen emoties over te brengen op anderen, maar die gave ging verloren na haar “dood”. In the aftermath, Raven's body was destroyed, and Arella and Danny sacrificed themselves and joined the cleansed souls of Azarath to become Phantasm. Your plan worked perfectly", leaving questions on what side she is really playing for. Eventually, Trigon escaped his prison and destroyed Azarath, came to Earth, and took control of Raven. Raven's soul-self could initially stay outside her body for exactly five minutes; failure to reintegrate in time would cause mental torment for her, though she eventually overcame this limitation.

While the Titans are constantly flung through time, Raven is sent a few thousand years back in time. Raven uses her own power to influence greed in others to make her half-brothers steal what little power Trigon had left. Raven is een superheldin uit de strips van DC Comics. She has displayed the ability to control, manipulate and or generate pure shadows and darkness.