Most have been further modified by the Alliance, as they often were by their previous owners. General Airen Cracken and his infamous Cracken's Crew excel at adapting equipment for sabotage or other disruptive purposes. Not until the Battle of Endor would the whole force of the Rebellion be once again united in a single place. They were blamed for the destruction of the planet Alderaan, though they lacked the resources to build something as large as the Death Star.
In keeping with the loose organization encouraged throughout the Alliance, subdivisions of the fleet are made on an interim and ad hoc basis. You can search for Special Operations groups are made up of individuals who have shown great personal initiative, wide-ranging skills, and spectacular success at achieving Alliance goals in the most dire situations. Not too soon after, the Death Star would enter the system as the Empire had put a tracking device on the Falcon. Fixed emplacements take time to install, and only permanent bases or those most in need of defense are granted this scarce resource. The Rebels have also become experts at refitting old Imperial Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruisers into Rebel Assault Frigates Mk I and Rebel Assault Frigates Mk II, but they, too, are slow to become available in large numbers. Unfortunately for the Fleet, the Death Star is actually functional and starts blasting some of the Alliance's ships out of the sky.

The Civil Government provides basic leadership and common government functions such as protection, taxation, and diplomatic relations. It is explained that the Delegation of 2000 is a group of Senators who are disgruntled about the already unjustified extraordinary powers of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, as the Clone Wars were waning. A well-known Rebel hero, famous for his resistance group in the Sullust System. Fleet Command represents the most important Alliance asset, the main Rebel Fleet.

The Rebels would then meet up and perform random hyperspace jumps to not allow the Imperials to follow them.

The origins of the Rebel Alliance dated back to the Clone Wars, when the Jedi helped create resistance units on Separatist-held worlds. Once a wing is assigned to a fleet or sector, Starfighter Command relinquishes operational control until the unit is needed elsewhere. Outmanned and outgunned, the fighters of the Alliance risk their lives in the effort to free the galaxy from Emperor Palpatine's iron grip. We believe that the Galactic Empire has willfully and malignantly usurped the rights of the free beings of the Galaxy and therefore, it is our unalienable right to abolish it from the Galaxy. Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan and former Jedi Ahsoka Tano both play a pivotal role in coordinating these splinter cells into a legitimate threat capable of challenging Imperial rule. A month later, Mon Mothma creates the New Republic Provisional Council and publicly announces a "Declaration of a New Republic" signed by top Alliance leaders and officials from the most powerful breakaway systems. These personalities can be used as commanding officers or as support for the heroes. As a direct reaction to the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance warred throughout the Star Wars galaxy for restoring the ideals and format of the Old Republic.

They also control standard Alliance army troops, which represent the greatest part of the Alliance's ground strength. This combat type is usually, but not always, associated with a specific combat environment. During the events of Rogue One and A New Hope, the Alliance learns of the construction of the Death Star, an enormous battle station intended to secure the Empire's power. Years passed and the Galaxy rapidly fell to the power of Palpatine's Empire, many races were enslaved, including the Mon Calamari and Wookiee people, the Galaxy needed a symbol a man who could give them hope, and they found one in the unlikely place of an aspiring Sith, the secret apprentice of Darth Vader, Galen Marek. Six years later, Coruscant is captured from the remnants of the Empire, by Rogue Squadron. All this changes with the arrival of The Millennium Falcon at the main Rebel base on Yavin 4. The Alliance fleet is geared towards fabian strategy, space superiority, wolfpack operations, hit-and-run tactics, secret missions, subterfuge, and general elements of a stateless military grand strategy. Although the Empire starts working to crush such insurrection, various allies secretly contribute to the Alliance, slowly making the united Rebel Force even more powerful. Mere days after the Battle of Endor, The Rebel Alliance becomes the Alliance of Free Planets and negotiates the creation of a new government as influential systems and sectors openly defect from the Empire. A few large bases house small-scale manufacturing facilities for Alliance Starfighters. After a narrow escape, Organa, Mothma, and Bel Iblis go to Kashyyyk to confirm what they have learned of Starkiller's origins. Special Forces Command oversees the approximately ten divisions of Alliance Special Forces units. The symbol of the Alliance is the "Starbird", the symbol of the Marek Family chosen by Leia Organa in dedication of Galen Marek and also because it appeared as a "symbol of hope". Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, A few additional Alliance ships are included here. The New Republic found itself with no shortage of recruits and resources: the declining popularity of the Empire pushed many long time Imperial loyalists to the Rebel cause, including those of Inferno Squadron, who after Operation Cinder, which saw the destruction of countless Imperial worlds, opened the eyes of many to the atrocities of the Empire. Leia and her squadron soon learn that Bircher is actually Mon Mothma's nephew and agent that was inserted into the Empire prior to the Battle of Yavin and that he has been a reliable source of information for the Alliance. Fortunately, the system of integrating multiple types of SpecForce soldiers into a single combat unit allows for a great diversity in character types at the gaming table. The talks focused on how to send a strong message of reconciliation to all the people of Sudan, especially in the war-torn regions of Darfur, South Kordofan, Blue Nile state, and eastern Sudan. To minimize losses, the Alliance military leadership heavily favored carrier battle groups supporting starfighter strike crafts for fast-attack style of warfare, thereby leveraging a decisive advantage over the Galactic Empire's "big powerful ships" doctrine.

During the beginning years of the Empire and subsequently the Rebellion and Rebel Alliance, many freedom fighters would form strike teams that would participate in guerrilla hit-and-run tactics against Imperial targets and stations, unsettling trade routes, destroying weapon shipments, and constantly being a thorn in the Empire's side, among other things.

Royals Who Actually Do Something : He refuses to just lie back and let Palpatine dominate the galaxy, jumping into action immediately to save Yoda and Obi-Wan from Order 66 and then setting up a galaxy-wide resistance movement.
The introduction of the A-wing, B-wing and X-wing, along with the former Imperial officers who piloted them, only improved upon that advantage. Their cannons and weapons are useless against the walkers, though, and Rebel pilots then take their Snowspeeders to slow them down and buy time for Rebel leaders, members, and crew to evacuate the base on their transports and escape with the protection of the base's ion cannon. The Alliance Starfleet almost never placed their ships at risk; they avoided pitched battles, frontal assaults, war of attrition and conventional engagements with the Imperials at all costs'. Main Article: Cracken's Rebel Field Guide. The Alliance finds its strength almost entirely in the starfighter arena, offering some of the most effective and versatile small strike craft within Star Wars canon. By now, Mothma is on the run from Imperial authorities, after the Emperor's arrest order forces her to flee Coruscant. Both are led by the Chief of State, a position held by Mon Mothma throughout the history of The Rebel Alliance. The fleet relies on close-support corvettes, frigates, gunships, and similarly sized vessels to provide antistarfighter screens for the big cruisers. Mon Mothma instructed all Rebel cells to regroup in time while striking out at the Empire when and how they could.