This page is considered complete and balanced. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. As such, the page has been locked so that only administrators can edit it. There was only one recorded thorsamsonn: Bandaerl Dumatheir.[4]. Jump to: navigation, search. A thorsamsonn's skin became gray rock, and its beard transformed into stalactites while their irises shone like emeralds. Helvenblade House was a sleepy place, and it had never been overrun by bandits or the like. [citation needed], Thorsamsonns[note 1] were dwarven archliches. Avariel (5e Race) From D&D Wiki.

Plus, you get a 15-day free trial, so there's nothing to lose. Avariel were more delicate than their earth-bound cousins, with hollow bones to aid their flight. Otherwise it put the drinker into a deathlike slumber for four to sixteen minutes. Like other powerful forms of undead (such as a vampire or mummy), an archlich had unnatural powers owing to its state. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. The primary contributor has requested no further edits to this page; The user above has requested no further edits to this page. [1], Umsheryoth was virtually unknown, even within the valley. Thorsamsonns were dwarven archliches. [1], By 1491 DR, Umsheryoth had long established himself as the secretive protector of the Silmerhelve noble family's summer residence, Helvenblade House, which was located at the northwestern periphery of Kryptgarden Forest, west of the Long Road as it ran north of Westbridge. you will have instant access to your previous versions. Research interests in our lab focus on the structure, function and inhibition of key enzymes involved in infection and disease. The Netherese people lived in a strict hierarchy for hundreds of years, split into the nobles of High Netheril, living in flying enclaves miles above Toril, and the commoners of Low Netheril settled in demesnes on the coast of the Narrow Sea. [3], Unlike most other forms of undead creatures, the archlich retained all of the memories, personality, and abilities that it possessed in life—but it had a virtual eternity to hone its skills and inevitably became very powerful. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. Archliches were a type of lich that were good beings during their life. Netheril was an ancient, magocratic human empire of Faerûn, whose influence was felt across the Realms for thousands of years. However, despite all these undead "gifts", an archlich (like a lich) counted its vast intellect, its supreme mastery of wizardry and limitless time to research and plan, as its greatest resources. Also, like many liches, a magical potion was brewed that the prospective archlich must drink, while holding the created item, at least partially covered in the spellcaster's blood. Umsheryoth was an adult male bronze dragon residing in the Dessarin Valley. An archlich was capable of sustaining tremendous physical damage, and was immune to disease, poison, fatigue and other things that affected only the living. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Some of the oldest of archliches seemed little more than the hint of body, hair, and skin around their skeletons. This transformation did not affect their mobility. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

[2] They created a practical magical item, unlike a lich's phylactery, as it would be more than just a repository for their souls, typically, and by tradition, it took the form of a small spellbook. For example, they could put mortals in a paralyzed state of hibernation with a touch, making them seem dead to others. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A thorsamsonn's skin became gray rock, and its beard transformed into stalactites while their irises shone like emeralds. Unlike common liches, whose flesh and organs eventually rotted to the point that they were completely gone, this was the extent of their degeneration. [2], An archlich could be of any non-evil alignment, retaining whatever alignment it had in life.

However, conflict with dragons almost wiped them out before the First Flowering and while they survived since that time, they were considered by most to be myths or legends. JavaScript is currently disabled. There was only one recorded thorsamsonn: Bandaerl Dumatheir. The avariel (aril-tel-quessir, or "winged folk", in Elven) were among the first of the elf races to migrate to Faerûn.

[2] What Umsheryoth's role in this was, if any, as well as his relationship with Nymmurh, is unknown.[speculation]. This transformation did not affect their mobility. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The servants there ascribed this to protection provided by the "family ghost", but the truth is that Umsheryoth had resided there as a friend of the Silmerhelves for generations, warding off any potential interlopers. We've already been saving your edits, so if you [citation needed], The choice to embrace undeath was allowed and considered only on rare occasions, when a clan or settlement had need of lorekeepers or defenders beyond the norm. [2], The method of becoming an archlich was nearly identical to becoming a lich. [citation needed], While the demilich type existed among liches, there was no equivalent type among archliches. Renwick Caradoon; Thorsamsonn Edit. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. By 1491 DR, Umsheryoth had long established himself as the secretive protector of the Silmerhelve noble family's summer residence, Helvenblade House, which was located at the northwestern periphery of Kryptgarden Forest, west of the Long Road as it ran north of Westbridge. Sustained indefinitely by magic, archliches appeared largely as they did in life, though an immediate clue as to its undead nature was the appearance of shrivelled and wrinkled skin turning slightly translucent over time. If the sleeper survived, they would wake up an archlich. Umsheryoth was an adult male bronze dragon residing in the Dessarin Valley. A secret spell, known only to a few, would then have to be cast. Appendix Edit Notes Edit You should check them out. upgrade now It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. This rite carried a small chance (less than one in ten) of possibly killing them and ruining the process.

The prospective archlich had to have a direct hand in the creation of their magic item, but work on the item, the brewing of the potion, and the casting of the spell, could all be performed by another - though the process would always result in death if the subject was unwilling.

[1], Mysteriously, Nymmurh, an ancient bronze dragon, had also been overseeing and influencing the Silmerhelves for nearly five centuries. [2] They could be of any type of spellcaster and devoted their existence to whatever noble purpose motivated their transformation into lichdom.