Because the story took place in Mississippi, a southern state racism is especially bad, but no matter what the author throws at them, they always make it through. T.J told Stacey he would hold on to the coat until Stacey fit into it. For example Stacey knew that if Cassie talked back to the white man she would have gotten herself in tons of trouble. At first the rain had merely splotched the dust, which seemed to be rejoicing in its own resiliency…but eventually the dust was forced to surrender to the mastery of the rain and it churned into a fine red mud that oozed between our toes and slopped against our ankles as we marched miserably to and from school.

For example, Stacy's friendship with T.J, would be strong in connection especially in Chapter 7, and sometimes T.J. even being a little controlling to wear Stacey believes T.J. and does the things he does on Chapter 7. Stacey had to be a very good friend to take a whipping for T.J. T.J and a few other kids were making fun of Stacey’s coat and calling him a preacher because it was too long. 25 quotes from Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Logans, #4): ‘There are things you can't back down on, things you gotta take a stand on. But T.J explains his perspective that... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes, Othello Is a Play About the Desperate Need for Certainty. Out of love for TJ Papa set the cotton field on fire to set up a distraction. Cassie’s grandfather was so keen on having his family have their own land because he wanted them to be free of slavery. “In this family, we don’t shop at the Wallace store.”. He could of suffered the consequence of failing the test and only getting into a little trouble with his parents but he got caught cheating, since he was a colored child he was thrown out of school. Discussion of themes and motifs in Mildred D. Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Even though they were treated unfairly by whites, in the book whenever they are in trouble one of their family or friend would help them out. He wants to fight racism and he’s lost a lot in the time of the war.

It was an embarrassing moment because Stacy was getting whipped in front of everyone, and it was his mother. That’s important.
Throughout this, whole novel TJ has made dozens of enemies, a lot of people wouldn’t mind to see him dead. Stacey Logan 21 of the best book quotes from Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, “What had happened to T.J. in the night I did not understand, but I knew that it would not pass. Cassie Logan

This book is so dynamic that it has undertones that you may not pick up on without further dissecting what the characters are saying. However she soon learns that even though he is bad person, Stacy still considered him a friend. It is amazing what he goes through and still keeps calm and happy. From what I hear, folks like them Wallaces got no respect at all for colored folks and they just think it’s funny when we fight each other. If Uncle Hammer doesn’t get what he thinks is right, he just lets whatever’s supposed to happen, happen. But that fig’s got roots that run deep, and it belongs in that yard as much as that oak and walnut…It don’t give up. 3.

Stacey Logan is the oldest sibling in the Logan family.

I asked him once why he had to go away, why the land was so important. She is mature in regard to her sense of morality but she is naïve. Even though Cassie is younger than Stacy, she is constantly making sure he is safe and okay.

Then youll see. Now I hear tells that some of them men that done it been ‘round braggin’ ‘bout it. Your support helps us continue to discover and share incredible kids books!

White is something just like black is something. That was the only thing on her mind.”, “No matter how low the pantry supplies, each family always managed to contribute something, and as the churchgoers made the rounds from table to table, hard times were forgotten at least for the day.”, “Mama had to buy our clothes in shifts, which meant that we each had to wait our turn for new clothes.”, “And in the fireplace itself, in a black pan set on a high wire rack, peanuts roasted over the hickory fire as the waning light of day swiftly deepened into a fine velvet night speckled with white forerunners of a coming snow, and the warm sound of husky voices and rising laughter mingled in tales of sorrow and happiness and days past but not forgotten.”, “The boys and I would wear threadbare clothing washed to dishwater color; but always, the taxes and the mortgage would be paid up.”, “By the end of October the rain had come, falling heavily upon the six-inch layer of dust which had had its own way for more than two months. He knew how bad slavery was and he never wanted his family to experience it. He would give you the shirt of his back, literally. Also, it explains that when the Logans are walking to school and they hop up on the bank because of Stacy's knowledge of when the bus rolls around.

When Henrietta went to the sheriff and told him what she’d seed, he called her a liar and sent her on home. TJ didn’t study for a test so he wondered his eyes about until he saw some answers on a nearby classmates answer sheet.

Cassie and her brothers go to school in the Great Faith Elementary and Secondary... ...Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Chapter 7 Questions We learn more about “injustice” as we read through Mildred D. Taylor’s novel: Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry.

African American communities funded their own schools through churches or storefronts to help pay for supplies when needed. There’s a lesson to be learned from that little tree, Cassie girl, ‘cause we’re like it. In the novel papa took a risk not because he thought he had to but he did it out of love.

You ain’t never had to live on nobody’s place but your own and long as I live and the family survives, you’ll never have to.

By Mildred D. Taylor. The writer’s intention to use the word “nigger” was to show that it was an alternative word to call a black person and how it was used frequently during the Great Depression and the slavery times towards black people. Previous Next . In this amazing book titled Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry written by Mildred Taylor is a story is about an African American family living in the south during the 1930s. A reasoning is,It is explains, when stacy got punished because of TJ and how he cheated but blamed it on Stacy. . When Jeremy was leaving the Logan’s house he turned around and said “merry Christmas yall. He’s willing to put up with the types of injustices that his Logan relatives have come to grudgingly accept. It give up, it’ll die. This can be an extremely difficult balancing act, even when the slights are smaller ones, like being ignored in the grocery store—which causes Cassie to yell at the store manager and get her family kicked out—or larger injustices, like being tossed around and forced to apologize for accidentally bumping into someone. Cassie, Christopher-John, and Little Man also flinch upon hearing this. We keep doing what we gotta, and we don’t give up. Uncle Hammer has a principle that he shows in the book.