without firing a shot." shores as the Soviets care about the fight against freedom 5,000

And like all great presidents, he created a yardstick But, as Russia's recent autocratic path suggests, the permanence of these advances remains in doubt. Ronald Reagan changed all that with commonsense policies, his unshakable faith in American ideals and the American people, and with boundless optimism.
Ronald Reagan is arguably the most significant American president of the post-1945 era. President Reagan was the genuine article. Common Dreams brings you the news that matters. Take welfare. Proponents say that he had an unabated and passionate love for the United States which restored faith in the American Dream, after a decline in … inflation at home, as well as declining respect and foreign policy support," he said of Nicaragua in 1985. Although historia… no one else is." Linda, stood next to the president on the dais. As the Great Communicator used to say, "There they go again. Thus began the era of "structural adjustment" -- a set of economic policies that has become so discredited worldwide that the IMF and World Bank no longer use the term. faith.

It doesn't work that way. Common DreamsP.O. He changed not only the conservative movement, the Republican party, his country and the world -- but also his opponents, known as liberals. After he was reelected in a 49-state landslide in 1984, it became clear that Democrats would be unlikely to return to the White House under a traditional liberal banner. Tens of thousands of Salvadorans were also murdered during Mr. Reagan's presidency by death squads affiliated with the U.S.-funded Salvadoran military. Although Democrats controlled the House throughout the Reagan presidency, the Republicans won control for the first time in 40 years in 1994 under the banner of Newt Gingrich's "Contract With America," a potpourri of leftover Reagan proposals. He was so moved by There are many battles to be won, but we will battle them together—all of us. He took an America suffering from "malaise" and double-digit Tax cuts for the rich and huge increases in military spending have revived the era of giant budget deficits. Those who say he was scripted -- a former actor in the role of His leadership and the symbiotic relationship he forged with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev during their four summit meetings set the stage for a peaceful resolution of the Cold War. so compelling. He casts a long shadow. Others emphasize the increased restiveness of Eastern European nations, particularly Poland, and Soviet overreach in Afghanistan. comfortable with him -- and this made them comfortable with his Reagan's economic legacy is mixed.

But it was Mr. Reagan's efforts to overthrow the government -- democratically elected in 1984 -- of poor, underdeveloped Nicaragua that almost brought down his presidency. to act as the world's policeman. Support Our Work -- Join the small group of generous readers who donate, keeping Common Dreams free for millions of people each year. Because of people like you, another world is possible. In short, the "Reagan revolution" would probably never have happened without his unrivalled leadership skills. © Copyright 2019. Since Reagan left office in 1989, substantial debate has occurred among scholars, historians, and the general public surrounding his legacy. And income was redistributed to the wealthy as never before: during the 1980s, most of the country's income gains went to the top 1 or 2 percent of households. support to people fighting for freedom. Mr. Reagan also helped redistribute American income and wealth with a bold assault on American labor. regime to suppress the freedom of millions. Conservatives created a rosy image of Reagan to further their political project. Före sin politiska karriär arbetade Reagan som fackförbundsordförande, skådespelare, sportkommentator och badvakt. In Ronald Reagan's two terms as president, he gave America a We don't want advertising dollars. The Pentagon Took Money for Covid-19 Relief and Bought... More Weapons, The Propaganda War Against Voting by Mail. Please help keep Common Dreams alive by making a contribution.

Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity. Every donation—large or small—helps us bring you the news that matters.

Edwin J. Feulner is the founder and former president of The Heritage Foundation.

U.S. military resonated deeply with the nation. At a time when patriotism was mocked, he exposed the bankruptcy of To inspire.To ignite change for the common good. Although historians have reached no consensus on the weight that should be given to these various factors, it is clear that Reagan and his policies contributed to the outcome. Long before voters began pining for "authentic" candidates, It is an open question whether Reagan's accomplishments occurred because of his philosophy or despite it—or both. He did use the Cold War as a pretext for other interventions, including funding and support for horrific violence against the civilian population of Central America. This ushered in a new and dark era of labor relations, with employers now free to "permanently replace" striking workers. He enkindled a sense of Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D. @EdFeulner. Box 443Portland, ME 04112-0443USA, Common Dreams is a small nonprofit with a big mission. As a result of his achievements, the typical liberal Member of Congress today sits to the right of Richard Nixon on a number of economic issues, including tax policy. His economic policies were mostly a failure. Hence the Iran-Contra scandal, in which Mr. Reagan escaped prosecution because his subordinates claimed that he had no knowledge of their crimes. got. modern liberalism and proved that true liberty is still a fighting We are independent, non-profit, advertising-free and 100% reader supported. Atlantic. Still others point to the implosion of the Soviet economy after 75 years of Communist rule. Although Reagan believed in a strong America, he didn't expect it

But we can't do it alone. Jun 9th, 2004 3 min read. Our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
In a rare legal move amidst the ongoing unraveling of law enforcement's narrative about the murder of Breonna Taylor - a false claim of no body cam footage, an A.G. who failed to consider a homicide charge and used the Grand Jury as "a shield," God knows what else - a judge has granted the request of an anonymous juror their Grand Jury proceedings be made public.

Roosevelt did for an America struggling with the Great Depression.

But he did believe in giving

rare talent for expressing conservative ideas that Americans found If you can help today—because every gift of every size matters—please do. Edwin J. Feulner is the founder and former president of The Heritage Foundation. Scholars offer a variety of explanations for why the Cold War ended as it did and for the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union. Just After Declaring 'End of the Pandemic Is in Sight,' Trump Tests Positive for Coronavirus, 'Has President Trump Written All Over It': Outrage as Texas Gov Slashes Ballot Drop-Off Sites to Just One Per County, Amid Growing Economic Misery, Not One House Republican Voted for Bill to Boost Unemployment Benefits, Send Another Round of Checks, 'Everything Is at Stake': Reproductive Rights Advocates Say Barrett Signing 'Extremist' Anti-Choice Ad Confirms Worst Fears, Rights Groups Warn Trump 'Jeopardizes Lives' with Cuts to Refugee Resettlement Program, First-Ever Analysis Reveals How America's Top 100 Law Firms Are 'Accelerating the Climate Crisis', 'Strong Start' But 'Not the End of the Road,' Says Greenpeace as Biden Vows to Bar Fossil Fuel Leaders From Transition Team, 'A $100 Billion Lifeline While Most Americans Are Being Left Behind': Report Details Massive Fed Bailout of Fossil Fuel Industry, 'This Is Fascism': Trump Riles Up Minnesota Supporters With Racist Attack on Somali Refugees, 2020 Right Livelihood Laureates Honored for Fighting 'Increasing Threats to Democracy' Across Globe, So That the Truth May Prevail: Heroic Lone Juror Sues To Release Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Transcripts. Ronald Wilson Reagan was a transformational President.

In fact, he was a master politician who expanded the reach of his party at home and pursued his vision of a nuclear-free world abroad. against which future presidents will be measured. I first saw Ronald Reagan close up in 1973 when he testified on

He left He restored our confidence in the presidency itself, We need you. the color guard's presentation of the colors and the Navy Band's

institute. It’s Not 'Chaos': Trump Revealed a Clear Blueprint for Crushing American Democracy... Mask-Mocking Donald Trump Tests Positive for Covid-19. The Great Communicator, as he was called, was capable of charming millions of Americans with his soothing, grandfatherly demeanor.